1911_0101 ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [i] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • • • • • flontague McHugh Oldest Dry Goods House in the Northwest i Headquarters for Ladie's, Misses' and Childrens' Ready - to - Wear Apparel. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back MONTAGUE McHUGH n$S£'sSfest gt; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lt; Suggestions for Men Neckwear Handkerchiefs Hosiery Bradley Mufflers Sweaters Sweater Coats Gloves Hats Shirts Suit Cases and Bags Gage-Dodson Co. Home of f i a r t , £r)affr;er S f/Larv, Glofyes Clover Block ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [ii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS GEO. E. WKSTON M. C. IVKVINSON I^Cilst)ar) Pl)or)ograp}) ©orrjparjy t Gorrje to odr Free Gorjeerf G\)ery G\ gt;er)ir)g Welcome to all J We Wish Yoa a Happy and Prosperous New Year 1300 Commercial Street :: Bellingham, Washington gt; lt;%**^/»*«/%'%'»**%%*%%%%*%*'»%«*l/»%%%' ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [iii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ~ CArtllfOi/'c CofaiaPil ServesaBreakfast, Luncheon CUll Waj 3 V/dl C ICl Id and Dinner that can't be beat Al\v gt;ays good tt)ir)CJs to egf at o o N m A Y • © Tbe Plaee that Satisfies 1238 Elk Street, near Holly - - - Bellingham Phones Main 64—A 664 1313 Elk treet Washington Market Dealer in The Weil-Known Frye-Bruhn U. S. Inspected Meats Game and Poultry in Season Special Attention Paid to Phone Orders Prompt Delivery to all Parts of the City O. M. Johnson Bellingham, Wash Wanted==Yoti* Grocery Account We solicit a trial order and guarantee good quality and right prices : : : Byron Bros/ Cash Grocery i 1311 Elk Street .' Phones Main 82 A 682 gaMfflWfflEnHSMawaBiiajaHJiiE ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [iv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Office Hours: 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Office Phones: Main 103—A 171 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Res. Phones: Main 100—A 10* Evenings by Appointment DR. GOODHBART PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: 300-201-223 Alaska Bldg. Bellingham, Washington DRS. SMITH KIRKPATRICK SURGEONS Sunset Building . . . . Bellingham Office Phone, Main 985 Res. 3222 U Street Home A 471 B 0 M CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 316 and 317 Exchange Bldg. SUSSES ACCURATELY FITTEI Main 1634 Automatic : A 94 204-5 Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk and Holly DR. CARL M. ERB Specialist Eye, Mar, Nose and Throat. Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9:00 to 12 m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Evening and Sundays by Appointments. BBLLINGHAM, WASHINGTON DR. WILLIAM RADFORD CRAY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Exchange Building . . . . Bellingham DR. SOLON RICHARD BOYNTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Residence M 258 A 735 Office M 1260 A 734 Office: Rooms 305, 306, 307 Exchange Block .- - Bellingham, Washington T H E REXAI_L_ S T O RE THE ONLY RESOLVE to begin the New Year with is—TRADE AT THE OWL. Everybody knows why it is best I THE OWL PHARMACY mHM*mw\ C U T P R I C E D R U G S I PHONES {Jain 5 5 6 F R E E DELIVERY Cor. Dock and Holly ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [v] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS, Inc. DR. O. O. QILBERT AND SPECIALISTS Special Rates to Students Lady Attendants Sunset Blk.f Cor. Elk a n d Holly, Bellingham, Wash. MA A iN 268 Seattle Office, 614 F i r s t Ave. Everett Office, 1803 Hewitt Ave. Phone Main 400 Office Hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 6 A 400 DRS. ROSS SPRATLEY Dentists Third Floor, Exchange Block . . . Bellingham, Wash DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST Rooms 334-35-36-37 Phone Main 075 First National Bank Block Home A 862 r5GI^3eY FLORAL ©O. Wholesale and Retail Growers 1305 ELK ST., • - BELLINGHAM, WASH. THT A 1ST 1ST PHOTOGRAPHER Suuset Block, corner Elk and Holly - Phone Main 3325 New Studio and Equipment. Modern Methods in Photography Elevator at Holly Street Entrance . . . Bellingham, Washington Office Phones: Residence Phones: Main 131—A 131 Main 2406—A 150 HARRY O. BINGHAM Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer 1319 Dock Street - Bellingham, Washington*7 ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS *• HALL'S STUDIO Daylight Building FOR FIRE LIGHTS SPECIAL RATES TO ALL NORMAL CLASSES Main 367 A 592 W. D. MCKENNEY CO. Women's High Grade Tailored Garments AA/OIVIEIM'S F U R N I S H I N GS 211 Bast Holly : : Hannah Block DOANE'S GROCERY Dealer in Good Goods at Lowest Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed . * Give us a Trial Students' Trade Solicited WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Phons: Main 272—B 272 . ' Corner Jersey and Ellis Sts ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [vii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS LUDWIG lt; COLONS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING CORRECT FITTING GLASSES JEWELRY MFG., ENGRAVING Designs Furnished and Class Pins Made to Order Phones: M 379—A 965 . . . . Bellingham, Wash THE STAR CREAMERY For Ice Cream for Class Parties, Birthday Parties, or a " Feed." They have all Creamery Supplies Normal Grocery We keep in stock a fine line of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Notions Normal School Students' Trade Solicited . Fresh Bread and Pastry Each Day . . BATTERSBY BROS, —ALWAYS RELIABLE— Lovely Fabrics iot Patty Gowns Pumps and Dancing Slippers Serges for "Gym" Suits, "Gym" Shoes 1313-1315 Commercial Street, - • Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [viii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Kindly Remember that THE MORSE HARDWARE CO. On Elk Street Is the Home of the GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE Don't forget to tell your friends about it Why does a tree grow round instead of Square? GEO. W. MOCK ROBT. F. HIM. MOCK HILL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Both Phones 186 Maple Block 1055 Elk Street We like to clean your Linen. If we don't we want your good will PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY Established 1889 CHARLES ERHOLM, Proprietor Phones: J* }?5 1728-1738 Ellis Street B 126 e Phones, Main 180 B180 FINE CONFECTIONERY H C COR. rASWNGjOH WASHINGTON'S FINEST DRUG STORK The Best Stock in the City CHAS. W. PEASLEE ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [ix] ---------- ADVEMTISEMENTS THE IDEAL CLOTHING HOUSE I,. VBRSTANDIG, Prop. Clothier and Gent's Furnisher THE BUSY STORE 105 E Holly St. : : Bellingham WIL.BER GIBBS Jeweler and Optician Largest line of Silverware found in any store in the Northwest 313 West Holly Street, - - - Bellingham, Wash. Drink Lanum's Chaffless Coffee You get the real coffee flavor when the chaff is removed .. H. E. LANUM High grade Coffees and Teas Phone-Main 324. .• 1307 Elk St. fiOT WATSI^ IfNf A JIFFY! See one of those ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS at our salesroom. They are made in 1 pint and 1 quart sizes, handsomely nickle-plated. CLEAN - QUICK - CONVENIENT Whatcom County Ry. Lt. Co. Elk and Holly - Exchange 1; Automatic B-lll ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [x] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE CAVE 1240 Elk Street Pare Candies, Ice Cream and all kinds of Hot and Cold Fountain Drinks. Remember we make 'em 12*6 Elk Street Phone Main 689 John E. Strandberg M E R C H A N T T A I L OR Residence 2230 Iron Street ::: Bellingham, Washington Toe Bellingham Sheet Metal Works Remember us when in need of Cornices, Skylights, Roofing, Steel Ceiling, Furnace Work, Blow Piping, Tanks, Hotel and Restaurant Work, Boat Work, Garb­age Cans, Camp Stoves, Air Tight Stoves, Chimney Tops, Guttering, Spouting If it is made of sheet metal, we can make it. No job too large and none too small. Bring in your Repair Work Phone Main 488 1208 Commercial Street Bellingham, Wash SHOE DEPENDIBILITY You can depend on the shoes we sell you, for style, fit and longevity. Our years of experience have enabled us to give you the cream of re­liable brands and at prices you pay for unknown goods. We guarantee you entire satisfaction in every particular G E O . F". R A Y M O ND RELIABLE FOOTWEAR 110 East Holly Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Ladies! Save itom $ I to $ 2 On your next pair of Shoes by walking up 18 steps ALL SIZES ALL LEATHERS Ladies Sample Shoe Parlors RoomD - - - Red Front Bldg Reduce Yout Cost of Living THE PURE FOOD STORE Wilson-Nobles-Barr Company CQHY B B . A Y O E M E N ? Brotherhood of American Yoemen DES lo*3'A NBS THE YOUNG FRATERNAL GIANT Issues Certificates Paying L,ess Expectancy Deduction Cash at Death $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 Cash for Loss of Hand 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Foot 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Eye 250 500 750 Cash for Broken Arm 100 200 300 Cash for Broken Leg 100 200 300 Cash for Total Disability 500 1,000 1,500 Old Age Disability Yearly after 70, for 10 years 100 200 300 You dont' have to die to secure benefits. Insures men and women from 18 to 50 years old. The Yoemen Reserve guarantees permanency and future low cost. Have it explained now. M r s . O l l a W i l l i a m s , M 2313. 23i-2ist St. Home Phone A 092 1000-1002-1003 Elk St. NORTHWEST GRANITE SL MARBLE WORKS All Kinds of Cemetery Work W. P. BERGIN, Prop. Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS It is a Good Time to Get New Clothes This Month A Sale at Wahl's Special to Students Every student who will bring with her a copy of this month's Mes­senger, or who mentions this ad­vertisement, will be given any Coat, Suit, Silk Shirtwaist, or Leather Bag or Purse or one Fur at any time during the month of January. There is no restriction, no condition to this. The regular marked prices of the goods in the store are to be cut exactly in half for YOU if you read and mention this advertise­ment, good during January only. near Elk B. WAHL Alaska Bldg. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [1] ---------- THE MESSENGER SCHOOL PAPER OF THE BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B. Irish Co., P r i n t i n g a ^ § | | l ^ j 1311 Railroad Avenue Literary Class E d i t o r s - Senior Junior - Sophomore Freshman Exchange Athletics J Art Editor THE EDITOR -IN-CH I B F— ASSISTANT EDITOR LORAINE SHERWOOD ESTHER NYLAND - FLORENCE ORNE GERTRUDE GABBERT HATTIE NELSON - MOSIE ODLE FRANCIS STEWART ADELAIDE ABERCROMBIE HARRY HEATH FLORENCE PLUMB STAFF FLORENCE D. BRAS —MABEL FRENCH Organizations— Alkisiah Philomathean Students' Ass'n Y. W. C. A. - Choral Club Calendar Alumni - Jokes J Business Managers | - JESSIE JEANS ANNA CONMEY - HENRY ROGERS - HELEN FINCH CHARLOTTE BUZBY MARGARET STARK VIOLET JOHNSON MARIE RYAN NORINE COSTELLO VICTORIA THIBERT - MARY RIORDAN TERMS—SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR Entered December ai, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. X. January, 1911 No. 4 The new department established this year under the care of Miss Ruth A. Gottlieb, the school nurse, we are pleased to note, has proved successful beyond our most sanguine hopes. We are proud to be the only Normal School west of the Rockies with such a department. Miss Gottlieb gives two hours daily to special work in the Training School. She also has office hours in the afternoon for general consultation with Normal students. The records to date show that six hundred and fifty consultations have been had with students in need of advice. This includes one hundred and fifty-four visits paid to students in their homes. Formerly students often remained in their rooms for a day or so at a time, too sick to attend classes and not ill enough to require the care of a physician. Others, perhaps, were never too ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 2 ---------- 2 THE MESSENGER ill to attend classes, but needed advice concerning their physical state, not realizing their condition. The strain of our regular routine proved too much for some. They became discouraged, homesick and returned to their homes. Now all this is changed. Miss Gottlieb, in her talks with our students can encourage them, quiet their fears and advise them how to improve themselves phy­sically. Miss Gottlieb has certainly endeared herself to the hearts of the students. From the very first, she has made her interest in us felt, not only concerning our health, but our frolics and good times as well. We extend thanks to Miss Gottlieb for her good, helpful work in our behalf. • Judging from the first number, our lecture course surely is a success. And, there's four more entertainments coming, equally good in their way. But we can't continue to enjoy such splendid artists on the Course without the support of the students. It's late, but not too late, to join the crowd of enthusiastic holders of Lecture Course tickets. So, get busy, secure your ticket, and be one of us. • Get interested in the affairs of other Schools. We have on our exchange list, papers from the High Schools, Normals and Col­leges of our own State and other states. Read them and find out what the other schools are doing. • • • Normalites, listen! The Staff cannot do all the work! It isn't desirable that it should because The Messenger is the paper of the whole School. It can't put out each month an issue of which to be proud without your co-operation. We are always thankful for suggestions but this time we want your help in a more material way. Our Messenger should be enlivened with poems and good jokes; out Literary Department needs stories; the Class Editors want Class news; The Messenger is crying out for help,—won't you heed its call? • • gt; • gt; RING OUT, WILD BELLS! Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind,— For those that here we see no more; ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 3 Ring out the fued of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out the want, the care, the sin, The faithless coldness of the time; Ring out, ring out, my mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride, in place and blood The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease; Ring out the narrowing of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand, Ring out the darkness of the land; Ring in the Christ that is to be. —Tennyson. THE STUDENT'S DREAM. 1 was sitting in my room one rainy, gloomy afternoon, with a volume of Browning's Poems. I was tired and lonely, but had to study for the tomorrow was before me, with its endless tasks, the first of which was English IX. "Now," said I, grumblingly, "I must get out of this just what I think she will ask us with as little effort on my part as possible." Hardly had I spoken when I became conscious of a presence in the room and raised my eyes to see a woman standing beside ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER me. She was veiled, and I did not know her; but I could make out that she was comely, and from her robes that she was graceful. She was, however, an uninvited guest, and I was out of humor (which, in common phrase, means cross), so I had determined to turn away that she might know that I wished to be left alone, when a strangely familiar voice said in a tone I dared not diso­bey : ''Come with me!" Mechanically I arose from my chair, but scarcely had I moved when I found myself in a large, spacious, high-ceilinged room and, from the beautiful pictures which covered all four walls, guessed that I was in a picture gallery. "Look," said my guide, pointing to a picture, "think you that is not beautiful?" And it was beautiful. A picture of the So­man Campagna at sunset, with a beautiful, eager-eyed, golden-haired girl in the foreground. She seemed to be waiting for some­one. Underneath the picture I read these words: "Love Is Best." The next picture was of a different type. A policeman was grasping a monk by the throat, and holding up a torch close to his fate. There were four or five of his colleagues standing near, so it was not one, but many torches, that this poor monk had to face. It seemed to be very late at night,—past midnight, I should say, for the narrow alley was dark and deserted. One felt no pity, that is, to any great extent, for the monk, however, because of a certain twinkle in the eye, the sly droop to the mouth, and I could imagine his singing: "Flower o' the rose, If I've been merry what matter, who knows?"; or "Flower o' the broom, Take away love and our earth is a tomb." I would have lingered at this picture, but my determined guide said: "Pass on." I passed on to a sickening scene. A bare, gray plain stretched on and on, even to where the sky and plain seemed to meet. There was grass upon it, but such grass! "Thin, dry blades pricked the mud, which underneath looked kneaded up with blood." A stiff and bony horse stood near, his bones seeming ready to gap through his skin. I never saw so horrible a picture of a beast. One could not be sure whether he was alive or dead, but one could be sure that he came there straight from Hades, be­ing no longer wanted in that land. A river flowed across this plain. We did not know its name,—perhaps it had none; but had I been allowed to christen it, it should have been called "The Spitfire." In strange contrast was the noble and valiant knight in the foreground, who looked as ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 5 ---------- THE MESSENGER h though he would dare anything and suffer everything rather than forsake an ideal. I now began to enjoy myself thoroughly. I thought these pictures handsomer than any I had ever seen, and wished my guide to know what I thought of them; but since I had been so uncivil when we first started out, I felt too embarrased to speak of it. I did say, though: "How many, many different pictures there are here!" "Yes," she answered, "on this side wall alone there are fifty men and women; fifty wonderful pictures. Look! this one is a favorite of mine." The one she referred to was somewhat larger than the others, a wonderful work of art. It was an Oriental scene. A tent, very dark except for one stray sunbeam, bursting through the roof, held two occupants. One was a fair, noble-looking boy, with gold­en, curling hair. He might have been compared to the lilies that were twined round the strings of his harp, so lovely he looked, and so hopeful. You know him, of course. David, it was, young­est son of Jesse, and keeper of sheep. You have guessed the v.her already? The mighty Saul! There he stood, in the center t the tent, leaning against the tent prop with drooping head anc rms outstretched, the picture of despair and misery. That I mig ; the better understand this picture my guide repeated in a low \ )ice: "And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp and played with his hand; so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." This picture was not appreciated by me as it should have been, for I could not refrain from associating it somehow with a certain argument (familiar to all students of English IX), that had to be written on two different occasions; viz., once as a Class exercise and again in an examination. My guide now lead me to the other side of the gallery. I had not yet seen all of the fifty pictures on the one side, but she would not let me remain there any longer. We stopped beneath a bal­cony scene. It represented two lovers embracing each other, while at the door, as though she had just entered, stood a woman in the robes of a queen. '' That girl met her doom,'' said my guide, "because she was too young. She was just at that age when she thought she knew more than anyone else. That is, that she knew it all." "Look over there!" I cried with enthusiasm, as I recognized the picture I had known from my childhood of "The Pied Piper of Hamelin." She, however, just nodded and pointed to a funeral scene; so, not wishing to offend her, I looked just where she would ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 6 ---------- 6 THE MESSENGER have me look. A number of mourners were carrying a coffin lo the top of a high mountain. It seemed to me they were burying a great man, and had chosen a mountain top as the most appropri­ate place. "Now, what did he do in life," wondered I, and my conscientious and pleasing companion seemed to read my thoughts, for she said: "He settled Hoti's business Properly based Ours and Gave us the doctrine of the enclitic De. AVhile Calculus racked him: and Tussis attacked him." When I wished to pause and gaze upon the fair Evelyn Hope lying on her bier, my guide again said: "We have no time for that; look here! I want you to see the beautiful colors in this picture." It showed a dying bishop, upon his luxurious bed. He was talking earnestly to those around his couch, and seemed to be much worried about something. I thought him worrying about his eternal salvation, but the wonderful guide beside me said: "No; he is ordering his tomb and fears that it may not be more handsome than that of his old-time enemy and rival. She then showed me the picture of a philosopher, reading a letter and underneath was the word, "Cleon." Then she went on to show me another, of a discontented and weary woman, upon the deck of a ship. "James Lee's wife," she said; but I was not much interested for I did not know James Lee, and what did I. care about his wife. She would tell me the story, however, so I listened patiently to the sad, sad story of their unhappy married life. Then she showed me the picture of the young and lovely duchess, which told another tale of an unhappy marriage. At this moment a bell sounded, very far off, and my guide said, hurriedly: " I must go." I begged her not to leave me, for this guide who had been leading me to see and appreciate such art, was very pleasing, and she seemed like an old friend of mine. She said not a word more, but slipping a book into my hands she vanished. Again the bell sounded, this time loud and clear, and I awoke to find myself lying upon my couch, clasping the red and gold book she had given me. SELIA. • • • SECOND IMPRESSIONS. Yes, I found, before I had been here a month, that my first impressions were as far astray as—as—my plan for Observation ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 7 ---------- THE MESSENGER 7 Class was this morning, if such a thing is possible. It makes me smile, even now, to think of some of the fool notions I got into my head during the first few days of school. For instance, I remember having thought Professor Bply cranky, just because he didn't care to waste his time, explaining to me some simple matter that any idiot should have known better than to ask about. And that reminds me of another impression I had of Mr. Eply. In some unaccountable way I got an idea that he was taller than the average human being; but when I saw him, the other day, look smilingly up into Miss Haddeen's face, when they met on the campus, he suddenly fell in my estimation;—that is, he— oh, you know what I mean! He look "squatty," like that short fellow that wears peg-top trousers and a broad-brimmed hat. Who? 0, no! Miss Drake's always the same. She seems just as pleasant as when I saw her first. Of course, I would have been thankful for a better grade in my Practice Teaching; but since she never led me to expect it, I can't say that my last impres­sion of her is much different from the first. 0, yes it is, too! How could I forget those plans so soon ? You know, when I came here, I was just fresh from my little first school in the woods and, of course, thought the way I did things was just about the only way worth considering; so, when she started me to work develop­ing lessons into pupils who knew nothing whatever of the subject, I thought it could not be done, and I told her so. Well, she smiled and gave me a little advice, and a few good books on Method to read at my leisure, and invited me to come in and visit a Class, to see how it was done. Second impressions? Well, I should say I did. You've heard of the development of our mineral resources at Irondale, haven't you ? Why, that, or even the development of thievery among the Juniors, doesn't compare with the way I've developed G-eeography into those little dears, ever since. And, by the way, I had a second impression of them, to' At first I thought they were naughty. I was mistaken—they 'r ot! 0, no! Those aren't the only ones. All my first impre ons were as crooked as a Junior when he smells ice cream. A /, I used to think that Browning was obscure,—and that pigs /ere dirty,—and that Psychology was uninteresting. I can eveu re­member of having thought that the congestion in the halls was disorderly; but, of course, it didn't take me long to find my mistake. Arithmetic? No, I can't say that I did. The first time I en­tered Mr. Bond's Class, if you please, I decided that Arithmetic was not such a stupid subject as I had been led to believe; and ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 8 ---------- 8 THE MESSENGER the longer I stay in his class, if you please, the better I like it. Yes; here we are,—gossiping again!—and it was only yes­terday that we decided to stop! "What! An hour? I should say not,—but I'll keep still for ten minutes if you will. All right! It's a bargain! '11. • • • WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. It was on an East-bound train that he first saw her. 'Twas a mild afternoon, on the day before New Year's, and they were passing through one of the most beautiful part of the Cascades. He had been gazing on the sparkling, snow-covered scenery, but now he could look out of the car window no longer, for opposite she sat. She was a slender little creature, clad in a very simple gown. Her hair was almost black, and was drawn loosely back from her brow, and as she glanced at him across the aisle, he saw that her eyes were of a deep, dark blue. His eyes persisted in wandering toward her, as he studied the quiet figure he gave rein to his imagination and thus his reverie ran: No doubt she lives in a little mountain village and teaches school. I can almost see her standing dignified and se­rene before a group of children. Perhaps she is an only child; her mother a widow, and she her chief support. His mind then wandered down a shady village street, and paused before a small, white cottage; partly hidden by clinging ivy, and he imagined himself Mr. Prince Charming, come to woo and win this quaint little lassie. Meanwhile, she had carelessly studied his pale, grave face, with his stern mouth, and almost pathetic eyes, and was likewise having a reverie: A country preacher without doubt. Perhaps going somewhere to preach a New Year's sermon. My, isn't his coat shiny. I imagine it is all he can do to keep his wife and children supplied with bread and butter. Of course he has a house full of children,—poor, country ministers always do. How hungry he looks. Perhaps he hasn't had a good square meal for a long time. How I'd hate to be his wife! Well, see him stare! If I were his wife, I shouldn't like him staring at every pretty girl he saw; and she dropped her eyes, with a well-feigned shyness, and resumed her book, while he felt she was abashed at having such a fine-looking young man staring at her, and dropped his eyes, also. If she had only known he was a progressive lawyer, who ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER D was noted for his eccentricity in dress; not the poor, timid, coun­t ry preacher she had thought him! If he had only known, she was not the quaint, retiring, little miss, and loving, womanly woman of his reverie, but a noted fig­ure in the world of vaudeville. And thus ended their reverie. Poor he! Poor she! • • gt; • gt; A LETTER FROM HOME. (With Apologies to L. S., Who Reluctantly Submitted It.—Ed.) Your Messengers, my dearest lad, Are just received by me and dad, (I should have said, "by dad and me," But 'twould have spoiled the poetree And poetree or even rhyme 'S ahead of grammar every time), And, though I would not make you vain, I'm free to say, my dear Loraine, We think they're fine, we do, indeed, And with admiring interest read: In truth, your ma, though you may not credit her, Is proud of her literary editor. (Scan not, I pray, these lines with frowning; I learned that trick o' trade from Browning). Now twenty years have passed, and better, Since I have penned a rhyming letter: What long gone days it calls to mind! When—fun and frolic unconfined— With girlish jokes, with secrets jolly, With gossip rhymed of Dick or Molly — I could go on ad infinitum; As fast as one could read I'd write 'em. Well, I must stop my effervescing, Must give you my maternal blessing, Must thank you for your magazines, Send greetings to my other weans, Then—light the fire and bake the beans. MA. • • • A maiden who unfrequently VIII, Would murmur, "Just pass me a pi—VIII, I'm much too celestial For viands terrestial, I'll have but a kiss and a d—VIII." —Exchange. • "O wad some power the giftie gie us, To see ourselves as ithers see us." Methinks 'twould so reduce our chests That most of us could wear our vests Thrice wrapped around, and then so slack That they would button in the back.—Ex. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 10 ---------- 10 THE MESSENGER BASKET BALL. On the evening of December eighth, the first practice game of the season was played. The Seniors met defeat at the hands of the Juniors. Owing to the disablement of several of the Senior players the game was very one-sided. The Junior forwards;, Miss Franklin and Miss Nickol, showed some excellent team­work and ability at making baskets. The Seniors were working under great difficulties; but held their ground in the first half, the score being 9-8 in favor of the Seniors. In the second half the Seniors were unfortunate in having to change players, therefore the ball was kept in the Juniors' territory and they piled up the score, the result being 40—13 in favor of the Juniors. The line-up: Seniors— Juniors— Center A. Abercrombie; M. Ryan Anna Hadeen Right Forward G. Johnson, H. Freeborn Era Franklin, Lucile Nickol Right Guard R. Burke, M. Melish M. Thompson, I. Clausen Left Guard C. Busby, F. Remley Ruth Colton, Miss Crossman Again on the evening of December twelfth, the Seniors met the Second Years and again they were defeated. The Second ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 11 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 11 Years have a very strong team. Their center, Miss Philip, is an especially good player. In the first half the score stood 18—3 in favor of the Second Years. The three baskets made by the Seniors were from the foul line. In the second half the players were changed and the Second Years only made two field baskets and one from the foul line, while the Seniors made five field baskets. Although the Seniors have met defeat at the hands of both of these teams they still entertain the greatest hopes of being one of the try-out teams. As soon as the teams have been better organized, the games will be opened to lhe students. The lineup: Seniors— Second Years— Center M. Ryan, A. Abercrombie B. Philips Eight Forward G-. Johnson, Elizabeth Arnold, Aida Uddenberg. Left Forward F. Remley, E. Buchanan Miss O'Keef, C. Roe Right Guard R. Benke J. Nieol Left Guard L. Mellish, F. Remley I. Riley, G. Allien U. P. S., 11; NORMAL, 6. The last football game of the season for the Normal team was played in Tacoma on Thanksgiving Day, against the University of Puget Sound. The game was hard fought through­out, and the Normal had them beaten 6 to 5 for the greater part of the contest; but during the last few minutes' play the U. P. S. boys rallied and made another touchdown. • But football is all over and almost entirely forgotten now, ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER and basketball is the center of attraction along athletic lines, the gym being in use every evening in the week and nearly ev­ery afternoon. The boys are putting out two good teams and have plenty of material to pick from for still another. Indeed, there is a ru­mor that the boys of the Second Year Class have organized a whirlwind team and are hot upon the trail of the Normal High School team, fully expecting to beat the Ninth and Tenth grades. Mr. Bond is athletic manager and coach and is doing all that he can to put out a winning team. He has arranged a schedule of games with the Y. M. C. A. and the High School for city championship and has a number of out-of-town games ahead for both Normal teams. New suits have been purchased for the first team and the boys look pretty nobby in them. • BELLINGHAM HIGH, 34; NORMAL, 29. The first basketball game of the season was played in the Normal gymnasium on Saturday evening, December 17, between the High School and the Normal. The game was a hard-fought battle, and the score was close throughout most of the game. There was quite a little rough playing done on both sides and one or two cases of inexcuseable roughness. There were a good many fouls called and here is where the High made several of their scores, for Davenport did some excellent throwing from the foul linee. Odle for the Nor­mal made several points in the same way. "Big Zeke" Burpee played a star game for the High School, making about two-thirds of their score. He was by far the best player on the High School team, but this doesn't mean that he had everything his own way at center, for Odle certainly gave him a good run for his money. Foster Carver played good fast ball for the High, and his big brother did some excellent work for the Normal. The final score stood 34 to 29 in favor of the High School. The line-up: High— Position —Normal S. E. Carver, Capt... Forward Foster Carver Lord Forward Phillips Odle Center Burpee, Capt. Morgan Guard Fritz Davenport Guard Tucker ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 This coming back makes me wish I hadn't gone at all. Ask Alta how she likes Room 4. Nov. 29.—"We begin to dig again. Dec. 2.—Our friend, Mr. Rogers, has a pleasant surprise upon his birthday anniversary. Did you count the candles ? How many? The Y. W. C. A. Cabinet entertains the Committee mem­bers. Dec. 3.—Two more birthdays at the Dorm. They certainly are the fashion. Dec. 4.—Mr. Johnson has for some unknown reason changed his seat at dinner table. I wonder why? How much did it cost him? Dec. 5.—We certainly "get ours" at Assembly. Past and future sins gone over at length. "We '11 promise to be good. Dec. 6.—The chimney begins to get fixed. Mrs. Mathes entertains at dinner in Domestic Science De­partment. A couple of our prospective housekeepers serve. Dec. 7.—Once more again the running brook is clear in Senior Observation. Junior-Senior basketball practice. The Seniors sure can't get along without Addie. Dee. 9.—More Faculty speeches at Assembly. Serenade to our prospective bridegroom. Mr. Hanks appoints himself critic in History Methods. Dec. 10.—Y. W. C. A. Northwest Cabinet Council is held. The Delegates arrive at 9 a. m. and then the good times begin. Dec. 12.—Students' Association Christmas party announced. I wonder who'll get my name—Sit still, my beating heart; sit still! Dec. 13.—It's the time of year when times are hard, The Sophomores know this well. So they gave a party befitting the times,— Folks say that the costumes were swell. Dec. 14.—Absolutely nothing doing. Dec. 15.—High School letters to Santa Claus posted. Nothing doing from now on except nightly inspection of chimneys and hosiery. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 14 ---------- 14 THE MESSENGER Dec. 16.—The Students' Association Christmas party: Sixteen little girls and boys Gave us a dandy treat; They are the cutest little dears From their heads clear to their feet! Poor Mr. Whipple gets more than his share. Dec. 17.—Boys' basketball game, Normal vs. High. Dec. 19.—Alkasiah Club entertains Young Men's Debating Club. Isn't the Ruggles' Baby a little dear? Mr. "Whipple thanks Association for good time Friday night. He said he enjoyed it, too. Dec. 20.—Domestic Science exhibit. Dec. 21.—Affecting leave taking between Professors and Classes. Refrain of "How can I leave thee," after each recitation with tear-drop obligate Our much respected President, Mr. Whipple, becomes a benedict. • • • uircraNiz' ti'o YOUNG MEN'S DEBATING CLUB. On Thursday evening, December 8th, the Young Men's De­bating Club held its regular meeting. After the parliamentary drill, the following question was de­bated : Resolved, That the trades schools offer more opportunities for success than a professional course in a University, Affirma­tive, Mr. Heath, Mr. Knaack and Mr. Green. Negative, Mr. Sher­wood and Mr. Davis. The question was well handled by both sides but the negative won the laurels. After the debate Prof. Bond gave a short speech on trades and classical schools. A large number of visitors were present at the meeting. yisitors are always welcome to hear the debates. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 Y. W. C. A. "In that day, saith the Lord of Host, will I take thee and make thee as a signet; for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of Hosts." Haggai 2:23. • Start the New Year right by becoming a member of the Y. "W. C. A. "We are nearing the two hundred mark. Help us to reach it. Last month's report shows 122 girls actively engaged in Bible Study. A Cabinet Council of Student Associations under the auspices of the Northwestern Territorial Committee of the National Board of Young "Women's Christian Associations was held at the B. S. N. S., December tenth and eleventh. Delegates were in atten­dance from University of Puget Sound, Tacoma; University of Washington, Seattle; Whitworth College, Tacoma; State Normal School, Bellingham. The following addresses were only a part of the helpful and enjoyable program: Welcome to Delegates Miss Nellie Gray, Dean of Women, B. S. N. S. Bible Study—A Series of Talks on the Message of the Gospel of Luke Miss Lucy Jane Hopkins, N. W. Student Secretary. "The Field of Service of the Y. W. C. A." Miss Ada B. Hillman, Gen. Sec, Tacoma Y. W. C. A. "The World's Y. W. C. A. Conference at Berlin, Germany, Last Summer" Miss Sarah E. Springer, Eelig. Work Direc, Seattle *•* ••• *•* Y. W. C. A. "The World's Missionary Conference at Edinburgh, Scot­land, last Summer" Miss Springer. Miss Springer was in attendance at both of these world con­ferences. The Y. W. C. A. Bible Study Committee are planning a Bible Institute for the second week in January. Speakers from Seattle are expected and some very interesting addresses are promised along the lines of Bible Study Work. Friday evening, December 2nd, the members of the Y. W. C. A. committees were entertained by the Cabinet in their room at the Normal School. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 16 ---------- 16 THE MESSENGER At the regular monthly business meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet the members were delightfully entertained by Miss Hillis, General Secretary of the Association. A dainty dinner was served in the dining-room of the Domestic Science department and the delicious viands were prepared and served by one of Miss Law­rence's Cooking Classes. • • gt; • ALKASIAHS. The Alkasiah Club gave an interesting program in the Nor­mal Auditorium, December 19th. Christmas stories and a bur­lesque, taken from "Bird's Christmas Carol," were prominent features of the entertainment. After the program a social hour was enjoyed in Miss Baker's room, after which refreshments were served in the cafeteria. • • gt; • gt; PHILOMATHEANS. On Thursday evening, December 1st, the Philomatheans held their regular meeting. The following miscellaneous program was presented: Music Miss Gertrude Scott Parliamentary Drill Mr. Gibson Talk—Ella Flag Young Miss Birney Talk Miss Bachman Recitation Miss Ingeborg Johnson Instrumental Solo Miss Meeks Critics Report Miss Laura Mellish After the program the business meeting was held and the following officers were elected for the quarter: President—Miss Geneva Johnson. Vice-President—Miss Hattie Mellish. Secretary-Treasurer—Miss Gertrude Scott. Sergeant-at-Arms—Mr. Sherwood. Attorney—Mr. Gibson. Thursday afternoon, December 15th, a special meeting was called and the following new members were voted into our So­ciety: Violet Johnson, Florence Bras, Minnie Burroughs, Mr. Hanks, Mr. Peterson. Instead of the next regular meeting the Philomatheans gave a program in the Auditorium, during the long Assembly Period, on Friday, December 16th. The following program was given: Duet Miss Ruby Flowers, Miss Grace Devereaux Debate—Resolved, That the Pacific Coast defenses should be strengthened so as to insure it against foreign attack. Af­firmative, Mr. F. H. Whipple; Miss Geneva Johnson; Nega- ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 17 ---------- THE MESSENGER 17 tive, Mr. C. E. Gibson, Miss Gertrude Scott, Miss Emma Rexroth. Solo Miss Emma Rexroth The program was well given and showed excellent prepara­tion. The debate was one of the best ever given in the Audito­rium. The debate was won by the negative. THE CRY OF THE STUDENTS. (With Apologies to W. H. Smith.) Drawing and History, Observation—a mystery, Algebra, Zoology, Methods and Psychology, Botany, Geometry, Ram it in and cram it in,— Students' heads are hollow. Scold it in, mold it in, All that we can swallow. Ram it in, jam it in,— Still there's more to follow! Worried faces, gaunt and pale, Tell the oft repeated tale; Tell the hours robbed from sleep,— Robbed from meals for studies deep, All who to the Normal go Tell the self-same tale of woe; How the Normal faculty Rammed it in, jammed it in, Crunched it in, punched it in, Rubbed it in, clubbed it in, Pumped it in, stumped it in, Rapped it in, slapped it in,— When our heads were hollow! —'11. • • gt; • A GENTLE COLLEGE YELL. George Ade's latest play deals with life at a fabled coeduca­tional institution in the West—Bingham College. Prizes were offered in a competition for the best college yell to be used in the play. The winner is now being used. This received second price: "Buffalo! calico! corduroy! gingham! Plurubus, make a fuss, rah, rah, Bingham. Rarebit, tearabit! scare a bit! sting 'em! Who rah!! we rah! all rah! Bingham!" —The Monitor. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 18 ---------- THE MESSENGER SENIOR NOTES. Oh, ye wise ones of 1910%, who are about to leave us, fare­well! A sweet and fond farewell! No more shall your gentle footsteps echo down the halls and on the stairs! No more shall your smiling faces greet us on our way! We shall miss you, yes; but we are glad to have you go and win laurels in our interesting and noble profession! Then speed ye, now, upon your way, con­scious of a work well done and happy in your new work that is to be undertaken. So now, again, farewell, and don't forget that you have loving friends in this, your Alma Mater. 0. S., 11. • We regret that Miss Beatrice Clark was called to her home in Salem, Oregon, on account of the illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mellish, of Great Falls, Mont., spent the Christ­mas Holidays with their daughters, Hattie and Laura. The Seniors have returned from a strenuous thirteen days' vacation, which was certainly unlucky as far as rest is concerned. But, nevertheless, they feel capable of meeting the strenuous days leading up to the grand march in June. Rah! Rah! Rah! June 1, 1911. Seniors, get busy! Make your last strokes of the First Se­mester count. Be ready for the last lap and let all be winners. • • • THE CLEAR, RUNNING BROOK. When the last Observation Class is over And the running brook is no longer clear, ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 19 ---------- THE MESSENGER I hope to be able to teach the participle Without pencil, book or paper near. Now I've seen those sentences on the board so often And I've said them o'er and o'er Until I'm sure I know them As well as ten times four. "She, dying, gave it to me," Brings to us all a familiar sound, And to illustrate clearly the appositive No better example can be found. I can repeat them all As I've said before, And I know it is useless and needless For me to say any more. But if these have proved a bore And some more you would like to know I would refer you to Frances Stewart Who certainly can write them just so. JUNIOR NOTES. CLAUDIE'S DREAM! Claudie Cfillord had an inspiration That he had some information; So, as a carrier pigeon of old, He hastened his story to unfold. To Miss Hogle's room he rushed For his glee'could not be hushed, To think the Seniors were so clever As to pull it down in foggy weather. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 20 ---------- 20 THE MESSENGER But Claudie had not seen aright, As the pennant had waved by day and by night For thirty-six hours upon the staff Which graces the mound beside the path. —A BRIGHT JUNIOR. • • • Eva Pendleton spent the two weeks preceding Christmas va­cation at her home in Everett, on account of illness. Miss Winnie Bradley, of Everett, spent the week end with her sister, Hattie Bradley. A Junior girl needs a Beck-er to guide her. Can you blame the Juniors for thinking they are IT since Miss George says they handle the Training School Classes the best of any Junior Class since she's been in B. S. N S. Hoop lal, hoop lal, Juniors all; We are there In basket ball. •j» »»« »i* SOPHOMORE NOTES. Tuesday, December 11, the Sophomore Class held a "Hard Times" party in Society Hall, the "unique costumes" of several students being the feature of the evening. The prize was given to the one having the best costume, the honors being closely con­tested between Mr. Knaaek and Miss Braman, but finally being awarded to the latter. Games were the means of enjoyment of the evening. An appropriate luncheon was afterwards served in the Cafeteria, the head waitress being our Class teacher, Miss Sperry. • • • HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The longer we attend the Normal High School, the more we are convinced that it is a good place to be. We are certainly a jolly bunch. Each of us is willing to do our part to uphold the in­terests of the High School as well as join in all the fun and make a good time for himself and all those aroundl We are all doing fine work and expect to make this a very successful year. The Ninth Graders are certainly anxious to make this the best year in the history of the Normal. We want our High School to grow. We extend an invitation to all students who want to have a good time and do hard work to join us. You will find us very conge­nial and helpful. If you are looking for trouble or come with the expectation of interfering with our privileges you will have your hands full to defend yourself. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 21 ---------- THE MESSENGER 21 Faculty, Alumni, Students! Come to the aid of the Alumni editor. In the past months she has asked so many questions in order to obtain some items that she felt like the editor of a live country newspaper. This month no amount of questioning seem­ed to bring forth any news. Don't be a tight-wad, and then won­der why the Alumni column is not well filled. Put your items in The Messenger box, or hand them to the Alumni editor. Thus you will help The Messenger, and clear your own conscience. Some time ago. Miss Florence Currier sent a "newsy" letter, that was much appreciated. "Go thou and do likewise.'' A large number of former students have subscribed for The Messenger. We wish to thank them for their subscriptions, and to assure them that we are trying to make each month's issue more readable than the previous one. Begin the New Year with a resolve to help the Alumni edi­tor by telling her any interesting item of news you may know. Miss Betty Stenberg, '10, entertained Thanksgiving vaca­tion at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Emil Stenberg, So. L Street, Tacoma. The house was beautifully decorated throughout, chrysanthemums being used in great profusion. The occasion was a re-union of ex-Normal girls, and was one of great pleasure. Those present were: the Misses Elizabeth Hemphill and Hed-ii'g Utzinger, both of Auburn; Nora Haffley, Martha Martin Phoebe Buell, Donna Griffith, all of Tacoma, and E. Leona Laube of Eoslyn. Miss Lillian Blanchard, a secondary student of Class '09, who has been principal of the Des Moines school, resigned her position Dec. 1 to accept the appointment as poultry instructor at Pullman Agricultural College. • • • REPRESENTATIVE LIST OF NEW LIBRARY BOOKS. Addams, Jane—Spirit of Youth. Addams, Jane^-Tweiity Years at Hull House. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 22 ---------- 22 THE MESSENGER Ayers, L. P.—Laggards in Our School. Brown, J. F.—American High School. Bjomson, Bjorntjerne—Happy Boy. Coffin, C. H.—Child's Guide to Pictures. Chancellor, W. E.—Our City Schools. Corbin, John—Which College for the Boy. Crawford, F. M.—Saracuresco. Davis, W. S.—Friend of Caesar. Draper, A. S.—American Education. Elson, L. C.—History of American Music. Grenfell, W. T.—Labrador. Hall, P. E.—Emmigration. Harrison, Birge—Landscape Painting. Janvier, T. A.—Embassy to Provence. Lindsey, B. B. and Higgins, D.—The Beast. Lodge, Sir Oliver—Science and Immortality. Loti, Pierre—Icelandic Fisherman. Martin, M. E.—Friendly Stars. Mason, G. D.—Child's Guide to Music. Mathews, J. B.—Study of the Drama. Palmer, G. IT.—Ethical and Moral Instruction in School. Perry, Bliss—"Walt Whitman. Reeder, R. R.—How Two Hundred Children Live. Sabatier, Paul—St. Francis of Assisi. Siel, R. R.—Prose. Slocum, Capt. Josua—Sailing Alone Around the World. Snedden, D. S.—American Juvenile Reform School. Tappan, E. M., comp.—Children's Hour, 100. Thurston, I. T.—Bishop's Shadow. Thaving, C. F.—Education in the Far East. Wiggin, K. D.—Arabian Nights. Wilbur, M. A.—Everyday Business for Women. • • • THE REFORM HE NEEDED. Earnest but Prosy Street Corner Orator—"I want land re­form; I want housing reform; I want educational reform; I want " Bored Voice—'' Chloroform!''—Manchester Guardian. • My son, I've traveled round the world And many maids I've met: There are two kinds you should avoid— The blonde and the brunette. —Life. • Extra! Special! Piano solo in Assembly, by Miss George . ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 23 ---------- THE MESSENGER 23 We now receive many good exchanges every month. We are always glad to have the students send in requests for other ex­changes. If you could see the students make a grand rush when the new papers come in you would realize how welcome yours are. Those received are: The School Mirror, Wilbur, Wash.; The Cynosure, Fargo, N. Dak.; The Aromar, Spokane College, Spo­kane; The Kodak, of Everett; the Maroon, U. P. S., Tacoma; The Comus, Zanesville, Ohio; The El Kali Nam, Walla Walla High School; The Review, Lowell, Mass.; The North Star Signal, War­ren, Minn.; The Arrow, Stillwater, Minn.; The Tahoma, Tacoma High School; Temps Normal Student, Temps, Arizona; The Iris, Farmington, N. H.; Whims, Seattle ; Review, McMinnville College, Oregon; Oahuan, Oahu College, Honolulu; Mankatonian, Mankato, Minn.; The Booster, Chadron High School, Neb.; College Breezes, St. Peter, Minn. One of the students has asked for an exchange from Hastings College, Hastings, Neb., so we hope to have it next month. Whims: The story, "Bob's Success," is certainly good. Your cuts are the best we have seen this month. The Cynosure: Your "Local and Personal" Department is good. A few good cuts and a better arrangement of material would greatly improve your appearance. The Tahoma: Your "Musical" Cut is especially good. You are a paper that is enjoyed by us all. When we once get hold of you we just can't study until we have read your clear through. The Aromaz: Your Literary Department is excellent. "The Night After Thanksgiving" is especially good. The Arrow: Your cover is fine. We hope you'll grow and then grow some more. The Review: You need some good cuts. • • • »•• ••. "Stick to me close," said the envelope to the stamp. "By gum, I will," was the reply. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 24 ---------- 24 THE MESSENGER IN AUDITORIUM. "Wednesday morning, December 21, occurred the annual en­tertainment in Assembly, given by the Training School, which was very pleasingly rendered. Games and Carols Primary Department Merry Christmas Bells Fifth Grade The Blessed Birth Sixth Grade The Message of Christmas Fifth and Sixth Grades Shine Out, Oh Blessed Star Third and Fourth Grades Down In a Manger Group of Girls The Birthday of a King Third and Fourth Grades Christmas, Merry Christmas Seventh and Eighth Grades Chime and Carol Eighth Grade Girls Oh! I Hear the Glad Song Seventh Grade Holy Night School For God So Loved the World Mixed Quartet Hail to Our Savior Ladies' Quartet The Lord Is Great Normal Chorus "God Bless Us Every One."—Dickens. • • • gt; MME. LANGENDORFF OPENS LECTURE COURSE. The first number of the Lecture Course was given on the evening of November 28th, before a large audience consisting of townpeople, faculty and students. Mme. Freda Langendorff, con­tralto, assisted by Mr. Guy Callow, violinist, and Mr. Kurt Wanieck, pianist, delightfully rendered the following program: 1 (a) Intermezzo Op. 116, No. 4 Brahms (b) Finale from Op. 72 Saint-Saens Mr. Wanieck 2 (a) Aufenthaft Schubert (b) Der Tod und das Maedschen Schubert (c) Lotosblume Schumann (d) Du Meine Seele Schumann Mme. Langendorff 3 Concerto Mendelssohn Andante Finale Mr. Callow 4 Arie—From Samson and Delilah Saint-Saens Mme. Langendorff 5 (a) Sonetto del Perarca, No. 104 Liszt (b) Mephisto Waltz Liszt Mr. Wanieck 6 Faust, Fantalsie Wieniawskl Mr. Callow 7 (a) The Cross Ware (b) The Danza Chadwick ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 (c) Charity MacDermid (d) The Cry of Rachel Salter Mme. Langendorff • Something entirely new in the way of entertainment was given in Assembly Friday morning, December 2, when Miss Shaefer read, "Keeping Up With Lizzie," from Harper's "Weekly. The story and the reading of the story was so charming that wt: hope Miss Shaefer will entertain us again soon. • Lee Scott was unable to entertain us in Assembly last Friday, so members of the Faculty gave us short talks, witty or helpful— and both. "We also had a visitor, Miss Hopkins, who gave us a general talk on the Y. W. C. A. movement. Of the Faculty, Mr. Patchin led the speeches by giving us some of his extremely in­teresting experiences in Oklahoma, proving up a claim. Miss Norton started out with a polished oration, but ended with a shorl talk on the merits of Michigan, her home state. Mr. Bond closed by talking on "Higher Education." • • • STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION ENTERTAINS. On Friday evening, December 16th, the Students' Association gave a Christmas tree and program for the enjoyment of the Stu­dent body and Faculty. The main feature of the evening was an old-time Christmas program, rendered by eighteen or twenty ot the students, dressed as children. After the ' ' children'' had sung their songs, spoke their pieces and danced around the Christmas tree, Mr. and Mrs. Santa (Mr. Romine and Miss Britt) made their appearance on the scene and distributed bounteously many and grotesque presents to those present. Among the gifts that greatly delighted the receivers were a little play-horse for Mr. Deerwester, a miniature coffee-mill for Mr. Bond, a small, fuzzy dog for Miss Norton, and a nice little box of pink pills for Miss Gottlieb. Besides these presents, Frank Whipple received a lamp, a supply of tinware, and other house­hold articles, all of which he will be able to make good use of in the near future. After the gifts were distributed everyone formed in line, and as they marched into Miss Hays' and Mrs. Thatcher's room, where games were played for the rest of the evening, Santa capped the joys of each by giving him a sack of pop-corn. PROGRAM AT CHRISTMAS TREE. 1 Dance Around Christmas Tree. .Sixteen Little Girls and Boys 2 Song—"Christmas Time" 3 Recitation—"Christmas Comes But Once a Year" Johnnie Sloan 4 Exercise—"Merrie Christmas" ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 26 ---------- THE MESSENGER 5 Recitation—"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" Jimmie Bast 6 Recitation—"Old Santa Must Be Hungry" Jessie Jeans 7 Song—"Letter to St. Nicholas" Henrietta Bucklin 8 Recitation—"Mary Had a Little Lamb" Guenie Kellet 9 Recitation—"Jack Horner" Willie Gubbins 10 Recitation—"I'm Not So Very Big, You See" . .Vernie Tidball 11 Exercise—Five Little Boys Jamie Fritz, Vernie Tidball, Johnnie Sloane, Jimmie East, and Walter Lidell 12—Recitation—"'Twas the Night Before Xmas" ..Genie Davis 13 Song—"Santa Claus" Lottie Busby 14 Exercise—"Topsy Turvy" Verna Prader, Jessie Jeans, Frankie Krause, Gwenie Kellet, Paulie Marshall, Willie Gubbins 15 Santa Claus and Distributing Presents Mrs| Santa Claus • MERRIE CHRISTMAS. M stands for Mathes, so short and so fat; We love him, you bet; there's no joke about that. E stands for Epley, we love and adore When he smelleth perfume, he sinks to the floor. R stands for Romine, with sky-blue, pink ties, He sure is the envy of all the swell guys. R stands for Ruthie, who cures all our ills, With doses of medicine, powders, and pills. I stands for Ida, who makes her mark felt In C's and C_j_'s she always has dealt. E stands for Edens, whose father we know, For he is the man who made the Normal School grow. C stands for Catherine, Montgomery, too; We hope she will let the Juniors all thro. H stands for Hillis, so sweet and so jolly, She watches our fun and sees in it no folly. R stands for Rose, in her brain is no fog, The "present set" shows like a bump on a log. I stands for Ida, her last name is Baker; To urge women's suffrage, she sure is no fakir. S stands for Sperry, we love and revere, We enter her class room in trembling and fear. T stands for Thatcher, who usually smiles, And nothing by talking and whispering riles. M stands for Moodie, with dimples and curls Which fascinate daily a roomful of girls. A stands for Ada, who knows how to draw, Paint a fair tulip, and yet wield a saw. S stands for Shaefer, so sweet and so coy, Who has caught in her net our one pretty boy. Before we can go we will say with good cheer, Merrie Christmas to all and a Happy New Year. • Mr. Lee Scott, one of Mrs. Engberg's most promising pupils, mpanied by Miss Edna Baylor, gave a short but pleasing vio- ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 27 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 27 lin recital in Assembly on Monday, Dec. 19. His presentation o£ some of the difficult numbers on the program showed a marked talent. The program: 1 Grand Carmen Fantaisie Jeno Tubay 2 (a) To a Wild Rose McDowell-Hartmann (b) Vision Franz Drdla (c) Humoreske Anton Dvorak (d) Mazourka Wieniakski Fred Moline defines caisson as "little rubber bag to pump air i n ." • " I t ' s the little things that count in this life. That's why T don't amount to much." F. 0. • Mr. Eply (endeavoring to rescue from bright class hairless animal which couldn't live in this climate). Bright class guesses monkey and everything but right thing. Poor Professor at wit's end, decides to ask another question: "What do ladies wear on their h a t s ? " Miss Dixon, not noticing second question, says "Hippopotamus," to the great delight of the Class. "No doubt some of the hats are large enough to ac­commodate them." • Mr. Eply—"What is a lake?" Bright Student—"A damned stream." • "Herpicide is a f a k e ! " For positive proof call on F. F., 430 High street. Mr. Eply—"What does environment mean?" M. F.—"Something that surrounds." Mr. Eply—"Well—eh—what do you mean? Clothes?" • Mr. Bond carefully explains why young children like to wear bright colors—such as red. After glancing at one of the Junior girls in the Class he incidentally mentions that the older ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 28 ---------- 2S THE MESSENGEtt girls like to wear bright colors (such as red) to brighten the color in their cheeks. ("If the shoe fits put it on.") • Tr. School Pupil—'' Us kids had a shanty down by the track.'' Miss Orne—"You mean " w e " kids. • Why does A always want to sing ' ' Out On the Deep.'' 1 • Some appropriate thinks that were on the Xmas tree: "Specks" for grandmother (F. D.) "Latest Edition on Slang" (to N. C.) "Framed Messenger Cover" (F. B.) "Bottle of 'Catch-Up' " (F. F.) We sincerely hope for the desired effect, Florence. • Miss Baxter (to Class in Observation during discussion of les­son taught by Mr. Patchin)—"We cannot put our hands in our pockets so we will have to criticize the men for doing i t ." • IN ENGLISH CLASS. Teacher—"Mr. Auner, how would you punctuate, 'I saw Lucile going down the street' "? Mr. Auner—"I would make a big dash after Lucile." • Four Everett girls went to room in one house, and if you pass by you may hear them shout: "What's the matter with Everett, It's all right. What's the matter with Everett? For it we'll fight. If any one will dare to say Anything about our city gay— What's the matter with Everett? It's all right." • Miss Gottlieb (appearing in G. B's room at the dormitory)— "What on earth is the matter with your elbows?" G. B.—"I sandpapered them to make them smoothe. Kids all do i t . " (?). • Mr. Hanks takes his straight; not mixed. Bill Tuck-er home. • G. K. writes her name so that it looks like Krause. Now, don't be in a hurry! Wait until leap year. • L. T. B.—"What am I studying this year? Why, sewing, ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 cooking, and History of Ed." Mr. Romine—"Ed. who?" • Jessie N., ('10) would also like to know who "Ed." is. Is he a king of England, or what? Will some enlightened one please inform her. • Where did Mr. Boyd go the evening of December 18th? • Mr. Bond, in explaining the geometrical term, "limit," gave the following illustration: "If a Normal boy should start to the theater in company with a girl, but at the first street corner he should pick up another, at the next corner another, and so on, until he reached his destination, wouldn't he be the 'limit' "? • Mrr. Moodie was heard to say to Miss Dawson, " I t is just two more years"! • Miss Baxter (in Senior Observation)—"What is one-half ot' four?" Mr. Sherwood—"Two." Miss Baxter—"Good! that's right!" • Mr. Eply—"How does a dog point?" Geography Student—"With his tail." • Miss Baxter (in Senior Observation)—"I have always known that I would be a good housekeeper if I ever had fhe chance." • Lost—A curl paper. Finder please return to Mr. Heath. • Miss Gottlieb (to Physiology Class)—"What is the best kind of clothing?" High School Student—'' Newspaper.'' • Mr. E.—"When did the lava flows of Eastern Washington occur?" Miss O., (in desperation)—"Last year." Mr. E.—"Is that what drove the East boys out of there?" Miss O.—"I guess so." "Sidney Johnson, talk on tertiary mammals." S. J.—"I can't talk." ' "Oh, what a recent affliction!" • Report has it that Mr. Hanks likes his straight. His what? may we ask? Remember, this is a dry town. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER CRUEL CREATURE. Elizabeth—"Are you going out for supper, Sunday night?" Robert (hopefully)—"Oh, no.'-' E.—"My, but you will be hungry Monday morning." • THE PITY. Mr. E.—"Mr. M.— says he used to part his hair in the mid­dle. Now he has parted with it in the middle—like myself.'' Jones—"Will you give our society a subscription? We are trying to down drink?" Brown—"I can't give the subscription, but I'll help to put down the drink." Now is the time when poets sing About the glad New Year; With all its opportunities, They tell us that it's here. "With chime of bell and bugle call And flash of armor bright, It brings a challenge loud and clear To go on in the fight." But as for me heroics seem A little tiresome— I'm not so glad the Old Year's gone Or glad the New Year's come. The Old Year has been good to me— I'm leery of the new— Why should I feel poetic When my bills are coming due? And so despite the poets I feel not glad or gay, Nor at all enthusiastic Because it's New Year's Day. It's fine to write an epic On each year when it's through— But, then, I'm not a poet— And my bills are coming due. —M. L. R., '11. • • • Hurrah! At last we have found it out. Mr. Bond (impressively—as only he can impress)—"I teli you what: Psychology is the hallucination of some man's brain." Long have we suspected it! Now to find the man who is the originator of that hallucination! What will we do to him? Oh— nothing!—nothing at all!—oh, no! ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page 31 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 31 I walk down the hallway in silence Down the dim, voiceless hallway,—alone, And I hear not the fall of a footstep Round me—save only my own. And the hush in the hallway is mighty, For all of the students have flown. You ask me the cause of this silence? Tis found in the following line; For the voice of the faculty saieth: "In the hallway be still all the time!" And the students because it is New Year's Will follow this rule so sublime. (With Apologies to Bliss Carman.) J. A. D. H. • • • ALL THE SAME. First Girl—"Did you take 'Gym.' last term?" Second Girl—"No; Jim took me." • He (after the proposal)—"Am I the first man that ever kissed you?" She—"Yes—er—that is—the first that did it officially." • "Why do you want to marry my daughter? She's only a school girl." " I come early to avoid the rush."—Ex. • Millicent—"Jeanie, papa has given me a new watch and it is the most bashful little creature in the world." Jeanie—"Bashful?" Millicent—"Yes; it holds its hands before its face all the while."—Ex. • "Why is a cigar like a play?" "Because if its bad it won't draw, and if its good you want a box."—Ex. • Patron—"Is this horseradish purely vegetable?" Waiter—"Yas, sah; an' it's guaranteed to be absolutely horseless."—Ex. ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ABSOLUTE SAFETY We will be pleased to have you visit our safe deposit vaults. An attendant will operate the MASSIVE CHROME STEEL DOOR and the ELECTRICAL BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM and to explain the different SAFE GUARDS which we have thrown around the boxes contained therein. Your deeds, mortgages, valuable papers, etc., will be securely guarded in one of our boxes, which we will rent for SIX MONTHS for TWO DOLLARS. Northwestern National Bank Railroad Avenue and Holly Street Mason Building - - Bellingham, Wash • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S S S S S ; •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •• •• •• •• • • • • •••••••• •••• •••••••• ••• ••• *••••• •••••••• Now that vacation is over and you are settled down to study again, let us get ••• III together and figure how to SAVE III more than TEN DOLLARS on fg: that 1911 Suit or Overcoat you need m for the new year. Come and see for yourself at our Prosperity Expansion Sale : : : : : : : : •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••• •••• • • * • •••• ••••••• •••• 1 FR0LI6H • GflMrBELL 60., IN6. •••• '.lit Successors to Frolich Sample Suit Shop •••• SSS 418-419-420-421 Exchange Block :: Bellingham ••• ••••••• •••• ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS When You Feel Blue go to the RICHELIEU When You are Hungry go to the RICHELIEU When You Want a Square Meal go to the RICHELIEU • gt; • gt; •:• THAT'S THE OAFE FOR YOU Complete Housekeeping Outfits on Installments at T\)e Jer)l5ir)s-|3oys ©o. • gt; «• •!« Furniture, Rugs, Ranges, Heaters, Shelf Hardware, Dishes Utensils •:• • gt; •? Elk and Chestnut .* .* 10th and Harris Main 758 Home B 158 Palace }V[eat Market TIKRNKY BROS., Props. Wholesale and Retail Butchers and Jobbers J310 Commercial Street Prompt attention given to all Phone Orders Bellingham, Wash The Ststptise Siote± , SCHWARTZ. PROP. Normal Students given JO per Cent. Discount 611 W. Holly Street : : Bellingham, Wash The Only Mail Order Engraving House in the State CUTS of a11 kinds for PRINTING Jiorth Coast Engraving Co. Bellingham, Wash. Arthur Bernhard, Manager ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS SALT MEATS GAME IN SEASON J. B. FRANK CENTRAL MARKET Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb. Shipping Supplied Phones M 858—A 373 1017 Elk Street, Near Morse Hardware Co. Bellingham Washington Registered Agents for the Sealshipt Oysters IRELAND lt; PANCOAST 1321 Commercial St. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit, etc. Ferndell Brand of Goods Our Specialty E. K. Wood Lumber Co. SOUTH BELLINGHAM Complete house bills furnished. Special rates on short Drop Siding and Ceiling — lengths 4 ft. to 9 ft. : : : : FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE VICTOR A. ROEDBR, Prest. F. F. HANDSCHT, Cashier WH. G. BROWN, Vice-Prest. H. P. JUKES, As9t. Cashier The Bellingham National Bank B B L L I H S H A M . fflASHINOTON CAPITAL STOCK] AND SURPLUS 4260,000.00 This Bank is pleased to accommodate with its excellent service the students of the Normal School UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xvi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS For a Plain, Practical Training in the essentials of business success, the Bel-lingham Business College has no peer either east or west. There's a reason—sound courses, thorough methods, success­ful graduates. An Aggressive School for Progressive People 1318)^ BayStreet Telephone M 1564 Opposite the Fair A 465 Telephones—Sunset Main 507 : Home A 507 WISCONSIN GROCERY A. Iv. STBNVIG, Proprietor South Bellingham Large Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables Shipping Trade and Camps Especially Catered for Lecture Course °f l9l° and 1911 JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, Jan. 19 HUBBARD MUIR, Critic, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 4 CHAMP CLARK, April 14 MRS. DAVENPORT-ENGBERG, date not yet fixed SEASON TICKET $1.76 - SINGLE TICKET 7 5o ^ HIILLINC.IIAYI m J^INE:* C:OI^L.E: lt;;F ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xvii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS FAIRHAVEN PHARMACY G. E. FINNEGAN Cor. 12th and Harris Sts. : South Bellingham, Wash We have the only line of S C H O O L P I C T U R ES in the city Seth A. Atwood Paint Wall Pape* Co. 212 West Holly St. Bellingham SWEET GROCERY CO. Reliable Dealers in Groceries, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables "Sealshipt" Oysters Fresh Every Day 1021 Elk Street .• .• .• Both Phones 217 Phone your order to the ROYAL DAIRY CO. Milk, Cream, Ice Cream, FOR Butter, Eggs and Cheese M 46 - - - - - A 746 ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xviii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NORTHWEST HARDWARE Co. Wholesale and Retail StfEIiF flflD HEAVY flAf?DWfl$E 213-215 West Holly Street . . . Bellingham, Washington YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED MAGAZINES AND STATIONERY Elk Street Pharmacy Postoffice Station No. 5 Phones Main 884—B 234 - - Cor. Elk and Maple S T O D E I M T S T A K E N O T I CE MONTGOMERY'S I s tlcje p l a e e to b y yoGr Fdel or get yo v TTCLT^S l a d l e d . . PHONES 125 - - 1417 R.R. Ave ™ . ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS W O L, L, F I T S G L A S S E S A C C U R A T E LY 209 West Holly Street Glasses Kepaired : : Factory on Immediately : : Premises Columbia Bakery Our Bread is Waiting for You Lighter Bread—Whiter Bread—Better Bread—Enough Said "Cleanliness and Quality," Our Motto 1309 Elk St. Phone Main 984 O. W. RIDDER While attending ^-~*\ yf X * \ W e t e a c h P, t n l a n - the Normal ar- y - gt; gt;^ V • tf . / y ^ - - ~ _ \ - - - i 5 gt; ^ Graham and Gregg range with us to f gt;/\ I /^, A/ \ , V " ^ Shorthand, Office take a course in V ^ ^ / ^ - " ~n£/\* ,S S^o /i^n) S 1 Practice, Book- Shorthand, Type- ^—f J'J/yw/W^JyfJ^JryJyj Ik e ePi n 8 aPd F l n e writing, Booklceep- V _ ^ ^ ^ / / 7 ^ C - ^ - ^ t / ^ C lt;1S J Penmanship ing or Penmanship \ -^\/ y Send for Catalogue ^*^ ^ ^ Phone M 786 A684 The Leading Business School of the Northwest Good Board and Rooms at Mrs. Swems A Home-Like Place for Girls Steam Heat, Bath and Use Laundry Rooms $6 and $8. Board, if Desired, $14 per Calendar Month E. H. Stokes Lady Assistant Telephones Main 254 . ' A 254 A G wickman STOKES WICKMAN UNDERTAKERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS 1146 Elk Street Office Open Day and Night Bellingham, Wash Mt. Baker Grocery C. GRUE, Proprietor 429 West Holly Street - Phones: Main 423—A 612 Sehome Hand Laundry A. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor 936 Elk Street - - Phones: Main 2532—A 646 ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xx] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS m L Larson's Livery and Transfer ESTABLISHED IN 1 8 95 (F WOOD and COAL HACKS AT ALL HOURS HEAVY TRUCKING FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY lt; EXPRESS and DRAYING E* J) cr -ft BRICK STORAGE ROOMS FIRE PROOF BUILDING AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AMBULANCE. BAGGAGE HAULED DAY OR NIGHT AT DAY PRICES. ^ Jf W. B. LARSON, Manager 1328.30 ELK STREET Phones: flain 70; Home, A 670 ---------- Messenger - 1911 January - Page [xxi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS R. S. SIMPSON JOHN L. THOMAS THOMAS SIMPSON Loans Real Estate Insurance Mortgages for Sale Bellingham Washington H. I* MUNRO B« N. HASKBU. MUNRO HASKELL Hardware, Tinning, Plumbing, Heating 1163 ELK ST. Telephone Main 12 A 312 - BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON 3 F» E C I A L. Tf?e Ltittle Student Photos 50c. PER DOZ. Just the thing for exchanging with your Normal friends PORTRAITS OUR SPECIALTY SANDISON STUDIO 126V2 W. Holly St. . . . Phones: A 071—M 989 StlldeiltS in Hi! SdlOOlS. People who read much are more than likely to need glasses. Dullness, or lack of ability to concentrate may often be traced to confused vision. WE ARE EXPERT OPTICIANS The oldest established and most successful in Bellingham. We are the only Opticians in the Northwest authorized to fit HEALTH-RAY LENSES | _ . I— B E R E N 3 GOLD SILVERSMITH 104 E. Holly St. Established 15 Years Bellingham, WashPPPPP