1911_0201 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Cover ---------- V ' V n MID-YEAR NUMBER Messenger February, J9U ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [i] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS YOU START AT ZERO We all start out in life from the zero mark. It is up­hill all the way. The higher we go the more we are looked up to. The man who attains success must take himself seriously, look to his own interests and conserve his strength, wealth and ability. Many people are depositing their money with this bank, paying by check, and furthering their own interests, thereby raising their marks high above zero on the gauge of life. First National Bank Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits $320,000.00 ENGBERG I Bellingham's 1 IEJ Prescription Expert 1 m Attas' Cold and Cough Cure is the remedy you will be satisfied with Fischer's Excellent Violin Strings « M 1 a Q a FREE D E L I V E R Y P" Engberg's Pharmacy | Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk Holly. Phones M 224-A 224 j | ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [ii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS • • • • • • • • » • • • • » • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • flontague McHugh Oldest Dry Goods House in the Northwest CHALLENGE SALE We Challenge all to fleet Our Prices Don't fail to visit the Big Day- Light Store during this Money- Saving Event MONTAGUE McHUGH ™w*f*»* Daylight Store i Oldest Dry Goods House in the Northwest • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • lt; One Clothing Store in each City has HART, SCHAFFNER MARX CLOTHES FOR MEN We have them in Bellingham GAGE=DODSON CO. Agents MALLOROY CRAVENETTE HATS Clover Block : : Bellingham ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [iii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE LEADER This is the time of year for the economical buyer to take advantage of values that won't be equaled later in the season K«stst»stxstjtit gt;txx gt;tjtK gt;t gt;tjtx gt;tst gt;t gt;t» gt;t gt;t gt;txjtst gt;tjt gt;tjt gt;tx gt;eje gt;e gt;tx gt;e gt;txjt gt;e gt;e gt;tje x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X B X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PIANOS ORGANS PLAYER PIANOS TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS Sheet Music, Band and Stringed Instruments and Accessories : ; "HOME OF THE CHIOKERINQ' Successor to D. S. JOHNSTON CO. Alaska Building 210 East Holly St. itit.tJtJtJt gt;tit}tK^ gt;tKJt gt;tX gt;t gt;tXJtXJtit gt;tXXXX»?XXX gt;?XXXXX} lt;XX gt;tXX gt;tJ lt; gt;CXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X s IE X X s X X X ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [iv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS DICKINSON MILLER REAL ESTATE Fire and Liability Insnrance Suretv Bonds I22S Railroad Avenue : : : Phones Main 84—A 385 Phones Main 64-A 664 T3r3 Elk Street Washington Market Dealer in The Weil-Known Frye-Bruhn U. S. Inspected Meats Game and Poultry in Season Special Attention Paid to Phone Orders Prompt Delivery to all Parts of the City P. M. Johhson Bellingham, Wash Wanted—You* Grocery Account We solicit a trial order and guarantee good quality and right prices : : : Byron Bros/ Cash Grocery 1311 Elk Street .* Phones Main 82 A 6 82 Dlo^l^lpnainingwiipi^ipJl^li^MlBJaigigi^^i^dUgigMig ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [v] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Office Hours: 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Office Phones: Main 103—A 171 2.00 to 5:00 p. in. Res. Phones: Main JOO—A 10a Evenings by Appointment DR. GOODHBART PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: 200-201-223 Alaska Bldg. Bellingham, Washington DRS. SMITH KIRKPATRICK SURGEONS Sunset Building . . . . Bellingham Office Phone, Main 985 Res. aaia V Street Home A 471 B 0*2 CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 316 and 317 Exchange Bldg. BLASSEI ACCURATELY FITTED Main 1634 Automatic : A 94 204-5 Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk and Holly DR. CARL M. ERB Specialist Eye, Mar, Nose and Throat. Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9:00 to 12 m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Evening and Sundays by Appointments. BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON DR. WILLIAM RADFORD CRAY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Exchange Building - Bellingham DR. SOLON RICHARD BOYNTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Residence M 258 A 735 Office M 1260 A 734 Office: Rooms 305, 306, 307 Exchange Block - - Bellingham, Washington • m T H E REXAI_I_ S T O R E ^tt GANDY Everybody likes good candy. We have the best—I^eggetts 90c. a pound. Try them §THE OWL PHARMACY G"mi»M"c»I C U T P R I C E D R U G S ^| PHONES{Mahl 556 FREE DELIVERY Cor. Dock and Holly ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS, Inc. DR. O C. GILBERT AND SPECIALISTS Special Rates to Students Lady Attendants Sunset Blk., Cor. Elk and Holly, Bellingham, Wash. MAIN 268 Seattle Office, 614 F i r s t Ave. Everett Office, 1803 Hewitt Ave. Phone Main 400 Office Hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 6 A 400 DRS. ROSS SPRATLEY Dentists Third Floor, Exchange Block - - - Bellingham, Wash DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST u „ . Rooms 3S4-35-36-37 Phone Main 975 First National Bank Block Home A 862 r5e^3GY FLORAL GO. Wholesale and Retail Growers 1305 ELK ST., - - BELLINGHAM, WASH. T-T A T^T N PHOTOGRAPHER Suuset Block, corner Elk and Holly - Phone Main 3325 New Studio and Equipment Modern Methods in Photography Elevator at Holly Street Entrance . . . Bellingham, Washington Office Phones: Residence Phones: Main 131—A 131 Main 2406—A 150 HARRY O. BINGHAM Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer 1319 Dock Street - Bellingham, Washington ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [vii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS e HALL'S STUDIO Daylight Building FOR FIRE LIGHTS SPECIAL RATES TO ALL NORMAL CLASSES Take your Printing troubles to the Union Printing, Binding Stationery Co. Largest Printing House in the Northwest 1211 Elk Street ; : Bellingham DOANE'S GROCERY Dealer in Good Goods at Lowest Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed . * Give us a Trial Students' Trade Solicited WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Phons: Main 272—B 272 . ' Corner Jersey and Ellis Sts GRIMSTED SHOE CO. SS ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [viii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS LUDWIG A COLLINS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS OUR ENTIRE LINE OP CUT GLASS Vo OFF UNTIL OUR PRESENT STOCK IS SOLD Designs Furnished and Class Pins Made to Order Phones: M 379—A 965 Bellingham, Wash THE STAR CREAMERY NOW after the final "Exams." are over is the time to celebrate. Have that "FEED" you have long talked of. Get your ICE CREAM from the Star Creamery. WE HAVE ALL CREAMERY SUPPLIES Normal Grocery We keep in stock a fine line of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Notions Normal School Students' Trade Solicited . Fresh Bread and Pastry Each Day . . BATTERSBY BROS. —ALWAYS RELIABLE— New Footwear for Spring I9II Arriving Every Day Shoes for Dress for social affairs. Walking Shoes C. P. FORD'S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES 1313-1315 Commercial Street, - - Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [ix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Kindly Remember that THE MORSE HARDWARE CO. On Elk Street Is the Home of the GREAT MAJESTIO RANGE Don't forget to tell your friends about it Why does a tree grow round instead of Square? 1 GBO. W. MOCK MOCK HILL ROBT. F. Hiu, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Both Phones 186 Maple Block 1055 Elk Street 1 We like to clean your Linen. If we don't we want your good will PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY Established 1889 CHARLES ERHOLM, Proprietor Phones: J* J2£ 1728-1738 Ellis Street B 126 ePI NE CONFECTIONERY Phones, Main 180 B180 I: EXCHA WASHINGTON'S FINEST DRUG STORE The Best Stock in the City 3 CHAS. W. PEASLEE J) ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [x] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS STOP II READ THIS I We make a specialty of CORRECT PHOTO­GRAPHS for Schools and Colleges. Don't decide until you have seen what we have to offer. Best work at lowest prices. NOTE—We make the latest style of FIRE­PLACE PORTRAITS ON POST CARDS Ti?e Gfosaft Studio iai1 Dock siieet WILBER GIBBS Jeweler and Optician Largest line of Silverware found in any store in the Northwest 313 West Holly Street, - - - Bellingham, Wash. Drink Lanum's Chaff less Coffee You get the real coffee flavor when the chaff is removed .. H. E. LANUM High grade Coffees and Teas Phone-Main 324. ." 1307 Elk St. Fresh Schoolday Lunches . When class-room work has left you tired, a dainty luncheon is required; and things that you enjoy the most are things spread on delicious toast— made on an ELECTRIC TOASTER. One of these Electric Toasters can make toast faster than the average gathering of Normal girls can eat it. Makes toast for about i-ioth of a cent a slice. See one in our Salesroom. Whatcom County Ry. Lt. Co. PIKE BLDG. : ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS rEiaieiaisisEjaEisiaisiaiiiaisiiiaMSJiisjsia ^r-Mp'j'iiJianiiaieMisEiiiajasisisiaisisia® 1 This is the Place You 1 .ST- Get Wh a t You Want 1 i mmnm^j0[^, PURE • S^^^ S:^^^^ FRESH 1 W@%? 'I3»agh^ CANDIES J. A/. SHLBV lt;£ CO. 207 West Holly BOOK'S AND STATIONERY Here is doubtless the best place to outfit students for the Second Semester. They are always glad to see us The BeHingham Sheet Metal Works Remember us when in need of Cornices, Skylights, Roofing, Steel Ceiling, Furnace Work, Blow Piping, Tanks, Hotel and Restaurant Work, Boat Work, Garb­age Cans, Camp Stoves, Air Tight Stoves, Chimney Tops, Guttering, Spouting If it is made of sheet metal, we can make it. No job too large and none too small. Bring in your Repair Work Phone Main 488 1208 Commercial Street Bellingham, Wash SHOE DEPENDIBILITY You can depend on the shoes we sell you, for style, fit and longevity. Our years of experience have enabled us to give you the cream of re­liable brands and at prices you pay for unknown goods. We guarantee you entire satisfaction in every particular G E O RELIABLE FOOTWEAR A Y M O N D 110 East Holly Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS The Only Mail Order Engraving House in the State CUTS of a11 kinds for PRINTING J^orth Coast Engraving Go. Bellingham, Wash. Arthur Bernhard, Manager RECKS BRASS FOUNDRY 2 £f,2? Brass and Bronze Castings a Specialty All Work Guaranteed. One Cast Every Day Corner Dock and Maple Streets Phone Main 2411 MRS. C. Q. HORSFALL Newly Furnished Housekeeping Rooms Splendid location, fine view and within easy walk­ing distance of the City and Normal School Phone A 291 920 High Street Bellingham Don't forget to take a Box of Hooker's Cliocrola-tes Home with you. There are none better Star Candy Store 107 East Holly Street P. M. RETERSON JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY South Bellingham : : Washington R. N. RALMERTON 130S—r2th Street FERTILIZERS, SEEDS, GRAIN, ETo. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS The Campus • Begins To Take On A Greener Tint—The Birds Sing—The Robins Appear— It Is Spring. Birds take on prettier plumage. The American girl gets Summery Clothes The NEW THINGS are here New Suits, New Dresses—Everything you would want for this season's wear Won't you come and see what we have? Suits $12.50 Up Silk Saits $3.00 Up Coats 10.00 Up Dresses 3.50 Up ^ S T J. B. WAHL AB\ta ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [1] ---------- THE MESSENGER SCHOOL PAPER OF THE BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL BEUINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B. Irish Co., Printing 1311 Railroad Avenue " I am convinced that things cannot be expected to turn up of themselves. We must, in a measure, assist them to turn up. I may be wrong, but I have formed that opinion."—Dickens. THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF—FLORENCE D. BRAS ASSISTANT EDITOR—MABEL FRENCH Literary - LORAINE SHERWOOD Organizations- Class Editors- Senior Junior - Freshman Exchange Athletics Art Editor Alumni GERTRUDK MCDONALD FLORENCE ORNE - MOSIE ODLE J. D. DAVIS ADELAIDE ABERCROMBIE HARRY HEATH FLORENCE PLUMB VIOLET JOHNSON Alkisiah Philomathean Students' Ass'n Y. W. C. A. - Choral Club Calendar Jokes •! Business Managers 1 JESSIE JEANS ANNA CONMEY - HENRY ROGERS - HELEN FINCH CHARLOTTE BUZBY MARGARET STARK MARIE RYAN - FRANK KRAUSE VICTORIA THIBERT - MARY RIORDAN TERMS—SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR Entered December 21, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. X. February, 1911 No. 5 Another Mid-Year Commencement time is over, giving the Seniors a glimpse of what is in store for them in June. We congratulate the graduates and wish for them the highest degree of success. Rarely is there a Class whose membership has con­sisted of such efficient workers in School life and other lines. Their absence will be felt by us all. Agnes Caldwell has labored untiringly since she has been with us. She has served this year on the Board of Control, as Vice-President of the Students' Asso­ciation, and Cabinet member of the Y. W. C. A. Mr. Claude Clif­ford is especially interested in Wood-work and will follow out that line in the public schools of AYenatchee. Miss Gertrude Scott has been active in club-work. The Philomatheans will miss ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 2 ---------- 2 THE MESSENGER her very much, as we all will. In musical lines, Miss Emma Rexroth's place will be difficult to fill. She has also been a member of the Board of Control as Students' representative, and Chairman of Religious Meetings of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Verna Prader has been a good, faithful student in her two years' work in B. S. N. S.. and has been an earnest worker in society and Student activities. Miss Mary Cray, during her two years' work in this School, has won the regard of all by her good, conscientious work. "We regret her departure from us. Mr. Raoul Brinck will enter the University at the beginning of this Semester, where he will fit himself for the teaching of French, his native language, and Mathematics. • At the end of this year a. prize of $5.00 will be awarded to the writer of the best short story appearing in the March, April. May and June numbers of The Messenger. A second prize of $3.00 will also be given. With this inducement, together with the desire of supporting The Messenger, it is hoped that we will have a better grade of short stories to publish. • The National Board of the Young Women's Christian Asso­ciation is putting out exceptionally good calendars this year, which are very desirable to have. They consist of about seventy-five sheets, on each one of which four or five days are treated. The calendar opens note-book fashion. It is full of the best quo­tations. They can be obtained from several members of the local Y. W. C. A. for a nominal sum. They are artistically compiled and printed and so finished and perfect in every respect, that The Messenger wishes to call your attention 1o them. During the Christmas holidays Hie W. E. A. was held in Se­attle. Several of our Faculty members attended, among whom were Miss Hays. Miss George. Miss Laurence. Mr. Bever, Mr. Deerwester, and Dr. Mathes. Many people from B. S. N. S. were present. To those not residing in Bcllingham, from this Normal, who will attend the W. E. A. in Spokane next year, it is suggested that there be a "Bcllingham Luncheon." The Messenger was asked to communicate this plan. It is hoped that definite arrange­ments for this can be made before the meeting next year. • This is the first special number The Messenger has ever pub­lished for the Mid-Year graduates. We feel that this is a plan worthy of being carried out in the following years. It makes an attractive number of The Messenger and gives the Mid-Year graduates a copy which they will prize as much as the June Seniors value their Annual. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 3 "AVE ARE SEVEN. I met a Mid-Year Normal girl; Of eighteen years she said; Hair streaked with gray, but many a curl That clustered 'round her head. She had a worn but learned air, And she was plainly clad; Her eyes were dim with vacant stare Her beauty (?) made me sad. "Mid-Year classmates, little maid. How many may you be?" "How many? Seven in all," she said And proudly looked at me. " I pray you tell me where are they each?" "Seven are we," she replied; Two of us at Wenatchee teach And two at home reside. Two of us are at the U. Hard studies still pursuing; And one at Sedro-VVoolley, too. Primary work a-doing. HIRING A MID-YEAR GRADUATE. (Three directors in room.) Hanks.—"Wall, let's get down to business. I called ye fel­lers in when I seen you goin' by. Jest received a letter from a gal that wants to teach our school. She hails from Bellingham— jest finished the Normal." Sherwood—"I don't go much on Normal people. "What's yer opinion?" Gibson—"Dunno. Maybe she'll fill the bill. But whatever is agreeable with the rest of you is agreeable with me." ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER Hanks—''Reckon I might as well read the letter—(stumbles through it) (looks surprised) "Huh! guess I didn't read the hull dang thing before. * * * e ' I will be down on the 10:30 train, Tuesday, to make a personal application.' " (Stumbles over words.) "Tuesday!—that's today and—(looking at watch) it's eleven o'clock. She oughter be here." (She enters.) "Are ye the schoolmarm. Glad ye got here allright and had no trouble a-finding me. We were jest de-cussing you. Set down and we'll talk business." (Awkwardly introduces others.) "We found out by your letter that you wuz a Mid-Year grad­uate from Bellingham, so I suppose you have all the new-fan­gled notions. Can you teach muddling?" Lady—"Please, sir; I don't understand." Gibson—"Why, didn't you have clay muddling?" Lady—"Oh, cbay modeling! Why, yes; I had a thorough course in that in my Manual training under Miss Hogle, who never did do anything by halves. Sherwood—"Very good; but can you 'tend to the children's health?" Lady—"Oh, my; Yes! Miss Gottleib's pink pills cure any ills. You know she is the School Nurse. We are proud to be the only Normal School west of the Rockies with such a department. Miss Gottlieb gives three hours daily to special work in the Training School." Hanks—"Tut! tut! we are satisfied that their health will be properly attended to but can you make the young-un's be­have? Do you believe in corporal punishment?" Lady—"Miss George taught us to use moral persuasion, and I have brought this method to a science. You may feel per­fectly confident that I am equal to any occasion and have suffi­cient ability to cope with the most startling situation." Hanks—"Well, what do you say? Gentlemen, shall we hire this yere young lady?" Gibson—"Whatever is agreeable with the rest of you is agreeable with me." Sherwood—"It seems to me we ought to go a little farther into the matter to see if she knows enough. Did you pass high in your studies? Where's your certificate?" Lady—"Here it is—and here's my diploma, which shows I graduated with honors." Hanks—"Do you all feel satisfied, gentlemen?" Gibson—"As I said before, whatever is agreeable with the rest of you is agreeable with me." ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 5 ---------- THE MESSENGER h Sherwood—"I'll admit she don't look as though she could do it. Those boys are big, you know. But maybe, she can; looks sometimes are deceiving, I'll admit." Hanks—"I move we elect her to teach our school here in Bonnyville for the ensuing year." Sherwood—"I second the motion." Gibson—"I'm agreeable." Hanks—"Allright Miss what's yer name? Yes Cald­well— yes. Come into the next room, please, and we'll sign th.- contract.'' • • • gt; RICH RELATIONS. (Antithesis of Chas. Lamb's "Poor Relations.") A rich relation—a distant god, worshiped from afar,—a source of pride—and also of sorrow,—a magnet for gold,—an ice­box for love,—man but not human,—patronizing saint,—with touch of Midas,—and knife of Shylock,—a piece of self-righteous­ness— puffed up to bursting,—an excellent example—to which distance lends enchantment,—a bountiful giver—in his own esti­mation,— man without pity,—feared by his friends,—and hated by his enemies,—he liveth until old age,—and dies—a Success! He cometh in splendor,—and bringeth his wife. His ring is overbold. He entereth, smiling and confident. You fear him much,—but she strikes terror to your soul. Her glance is chill­ing, her manner frigid. He taketh the easy chair, but you sit bolt upright; your face becmes warm, but your heart is cold; you are facing him, but can see Her from the corner of your eye; you ex­amine her stealthily; she is tall and still and very straight; her fingers are long, her face bloodless; her nose is pointed, and her mouth a hard line; she has the expression on her face of one who has come into contact with a bad odor. Her iron gray hair hangs around her ears in numerous corkscrew curls, which have the ap­pearance of sticks. These are her one flipancy. Her eye is gray, and disapproval is in it. You follow her glance; your heart jumps to your mouth; your soul flees in panic. The blinds are not even! A drawer is half open! A paper on the floor! There's a hole in the curtain! There's dust on the mantle; there's dust on that chair! You are filled with a great desire to scream. Thousands of tiny needles prick your spine; your cheeks burn. But wait—he is talking; he discusseth the weather. The poor weather, an "ever present help in a time of trouble." He pon-dereth over a recent bank failure. He passeth remarks about pol­itics, and all the while you are dumb. He speaketh of the latest book, and you prick up your ears. You talk slowly and with hes- ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 6 ---------- 6 THE MESSENGER itancy. But gradually your self consciousness leaves you. You forget Her. You plunge in. You are in your element. AVhen you are done Mr. F implies that he is very much surprised to find that you have a tolerable education. Dinner is called. You lead the way in. You venture to address Her as Aunt—and then wish you had not. You discover that Abagail is fat. clumsy, ungainly, redieulous. She looketh very little like a butler. Moreover fear has rendered her absolutely stiff. Her eyes are glazed; her lips pallid. She walks as one in a trance. She falleth over a rug, but saveth the soup. Mrs. IT sniffs. The meal progresses. The roast is excellent, the salad better. You feel relieved; you talk more freely. Mr. IT eats heartily, and passeth patronizing re­marks. He says you have a good cook—patronizingly; a cozy lit­tle home—patronizingly; a well-stored library—patronizingly. He seems to think, considering all things, that you will do—in a pinch. He giveth good advice—witli his hand on his pocketbook. Not that you are in any especial need of aid. but he seems to have a continuous fear of being robbed. He reminds you of his infin­ite superiority by every word and geslure. After dinner you un­dertake to entertain Aunt A . You show her THE picture, your pride as long as you can remember. She sniffs. You give up in despair. The carriage comes. Exit the rich relatives. I remember, long ago. the visit of a rich relation. None of the family had ever seen her. One day we received a letter saying that she would be down for a few days. Mother was pan­ic- stricken, and wailed bitterly against fate. But. as there was nothing else to do, she resolved to make the best of it, and so, for a week beforehand, the hum of preparation filled the air. The old house became a hive of industry. Carpets were pulled up, taken out, and beaten into submission. Floors and woodwork were scrubbed, the fence was painted, moss scraped off the roof, and the most remote corners became scrupulously clean. Then she came. "Not as a conquorer comes," however. She was a middle-aged, rather fleshy woman, heavily uphol­stered in black silk. A more motherly soul there never was. When she saw us children she opened her arms and heart, and we crept in. She kept us in her heart forever. The following week was one of great happiness. Our visitor swept and helped cook, and insisted that she enjoyed it, and I really believe that she did. After this, the Christmas-tide never came but what a gener­ous box of necessities and comforts came with it from Aunt Mary. And she usually brought her own cheerful self among us ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 7 ---------- THE MESSENGER 7 sometime during the year, proving herself a blessing and a friend in more ways than one. And this was a Rich Relation. LEW A. GREENE. *i» »•» •:• LAST MESSAGE FROM THE MID-YEARS. "Hello! May I speak to Dr. Mathes?" "Yes, just a moment. Dr. Mathes has just stepped out in the hall to request the obstreperous Juniors to refrain from all unnecessary commotion.'' (Three minutes later.) "Hello! This is Dr. Mathes!" "Hello! This is Claude William Clifford. President of that august body of Mid-Year Seniors, who have recently departed from your great institution of learning." "Yes, yes; I shall be greatly honored to render any favor to one representing such a highly intelleelual organization. Would it be a presumption on my part to ask if I may be of any service?" "The Mid-Year Seniors feel it their duty to attend to cer­tain important matters before they leave these walls forever, where their intellectual light has shone so brightly. We will in­trust this high mission to none other than you." " I am at your service." "The Mid-Years are not so seriously concerned over the fate of the Senior Class. They are striving so earnestly to reach thi.s coveted goal that our suggestions would perhaps be unneces­sary, however, we will leave them our Browning note books and our places in the rest-room (Room 22)." " I shall see that your request reaches that Class." "And to the Juniors we wish to leave Originality, a charac­teristic so sorely needed by them." "Very good." "To Miss Gearge we will leave all our old plans for future use in the Training School." " I shall see that they reach her department." "To Mr. Deerwester we wish to leave, in neatly bound vol­umes, our Educational Essays, for references and research work for those who may follow in our footsteps.'' "Very well." "And to the Domestic Science department we will leave our latest recipe for boiled water." "Very well." "To the Zoology Department we promise to crate and ship all zoological specimens that chance to stray across our pathway.'' ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 8 ---------- 8 THE MESSENGER "They shall be gratefully received." "And to the Manual Training Department we will leave all of our latest designs in school desks, and our method for draw­ing a straight line without the aid of a ruler." "Very well." "And now to the Undergraduates we wish to say an encour­aging word: As we know, all growing things must pass through a stage of greenness; some of course, remaining green longer than others; but if great care be exercised in regard to their ad­vancement, we hope they may soon outgrow this stage of green­ness, and all their noble efforts be crowned with success." " I shall be proud to be of assistance." "Suggest to all delinquent Messenger subscribers to pay up. The Editor also should have more help." " I agree. Is that all?" "Yes,—for this time. Be very careful in following out my directions." " I will; but I am forced to impose one condition." "State it." "That all the Mid-Year Graduates will be back to see the Seniors graduate." '' We '11 be there !'' VERNA PRADER. • * • •*• •*• ART IN THE HOME. In house decoration and furnishings the relation of objects must be studied. If art is placed in a false relation to one ob­ject it flees from all. If we want art to begin at home, as it must, we will have to clear our houses of troublesome superflui­ties that are forever in the way. These unnecessary articles are no real comfort, but make work for servants and doctors. House decoration has a different meaning in recent years. Superfluities ought to be no longer tolerated. Uniting use with beauty is being more thoroughly recognized and understood. There is still need for greater simplicity. Decoration must resc, rather than weary, the eye. Unrelated things are very trying in the home unless one has a studio or is a collector of unrelated furnishings. The first quality that makes every home attractive and in­teresting is individuality. Oftentimes this must mean something far removed from the artistic, which in its perfection is slow growth like every form of Art. Lavish and expensive purchases frequently produce hideous results. Art does not necessarily mean a great outlay of money. Of course to get artistic effects with little money requires taste, individuality, time and study. Houses may be really charming ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER 'J with few and simple things selected with care and thought. It U well to make the home a daily study of correctness of relations, and beauty, of color and comfort. Men prefer, I believe, a sim­plicity of surroundings, and not over-elaboration. The feminine nature seems to enjoy a room that has plenty, sometimes unne­cessary furnishings, needless for comfort. Much Art can be expressed in window decoration. Windows should not be filled with objects, but kept free, so that one can feel the warmth of the blessed sunshine, or see the glories of mountains, sea or sky. It is bad enough to have four or five curtains at a window, without adding table, vases, statuettes and other unnecessary devices for keeping out the light. A dim light, I confess, is very charming in certain rooms. Indeed, every room is more attractive in a soft, subdued light by night, as well as by day. But sunshine may be let in without the rooms being glar­ing or harsh. Objects to show to advantage must have a back­ground. A pretty window decoration is flowers or plants. In the make-up of a home there are at least four things seri­ously to take into consideration: proportion, material, coloring, and form. Material is the least thing to trouble us. If the pro­portion, coloring and form seem to be proper in relation to other objects, the material may have little attention. Tapestries and paintings can be found in every moderate home. They fit into dark corners and into odds wall spaces. Bits of color in stained glass are successfully applied to many win­dows, especially those that are placed high, such as transom lights, or the windows in the hall or vestibule. I visited a very artistic home in Portland, Oregon, two years ago, one room of which I will describe. It served as a family room, where comfort and simplicity were the things considered. In it were at least five Morris chairs, several couches with many pillows, which were in place for use, not simply to be admired for the expert needlework; a concert grand piano, a few pictures, three of which were landscapes. There was an immense fire­place of red tiling, with plenty of room for large logs, which gave forth warmth and cheer to those who gather around. Some book shelves, containing about five hundred volumes, stood be­tween a double window and the fireplace. There was another large window. Neither had shades, but beautiful, heavy, deco­rated curtains were drawn well back, allowing all the light pos­sible to shine in. The leading colors of the whole room was in a soft brown and a deep, warm red, which gave everyone a restful and cheery feeling. Art may not be the greatest thing in the world, although to me it is the sweetest, because on it largely depends the individu­ality and the harmony of nnr homes. RW/r/iT! PT\jr»T?7; ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 10 ---------- 10 THE MESSENGER The first social function for our graduates was given by Miss Gray and Miss Hayes, at Edens Hall, January 20. Dinner was served at 5:30. after which there was a good time in the parlor. On the evening of January 21st occurred an informal recep­tion given by the Juniors, at which the Mid-Year Seniors were the guests of honor. A short play. "Carroty Nell," was enter­tainingly presented. The Juniors sang their Class Song, which is very clever. Amusing cartoons were thrown upon the can­vas illustrating Normal life and the peculiarities of its Faculty and Students. The audience was especially delighted with these. Kefreshments were served at a late hour. The guests agree that this was one of the most pleasant evenings spent together this year. • Dr. and Mrs. Mathes entertained the Mid-Year graduates at an elaborate seven-course dinner. Tuesday evening. The guests agree that their host and hostess are royal entertainers. • The next social event for the graduates was given by Miss Sperry, Wednesday evening. Light ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 11 ---------- THE MESSENGER 11 during the evening. The Mid-Years appreciate very much the ef­forts of the Faculty and Students toward making their last days in B. S. N. S. pleasant. After the Commencement exercises, the January graduates and the Seniors passed up in Society Hall, which was beautifully decorated. A half hour was spent in games and conversation, after which chocolate and wafers were served in the cafeteria. The Seniors and the newly graduated ones enjoyed very much their perhaps last good time together. However, it is hoped that the Mid-Years will re-unite with the Seniors in June. On Saturday evening, January 28. the Alkasiah Society, Boys' Debating Club, History Club and Mid-Year graduates were beautifully entertained by the Philomatheans in Society Hall. The hall was very tastefully decorated with pennants, pillows, foliage, etc. The earlier part of the evening was spent in playing Mattedore. Mr. Bryant Avas awarded the prize, which was a very pretty B. S. N. S. pennant. After the games light refreshments were served and then all were favored with a clever program, which contained the follow­ing numbers: Piano duet Miss Flowers. Miss Devereaux Recitation Miss Gr. Johnson Vocal Solo Mrs. F. "Whipple Recitation Miss Jessie Meeker Music Quartette Violin Solo Mr. Degross COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM. Normal Auditorium, January 27, 1911. Music Orchestra Invocation Rev. J. "W. Glenck Vocal Solo—"Beloved, It Is Morn" Aylward Emma Rexroth Address Supt. C. R. Frazier, of Everett Music (a) "St. John's Eve"—Chaminade Choral Club (b) " White Butterly''—Danza Presentation of Diplomas Principal Benediction ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER CLASS HISTORY. Class Officers— President—Claude Gifford. Vice-President—Agnes Caldwell. Sec. and Treasurer—Gertrude Scott. On September 13, 1910, eight students, conspicuous among the throng because of their dignified bearing, wended their way up to the Normal to take their places as members of the Class of 1910!/o. This was not a new adventure for any of the eight, for they had all been former students of the School. Five of them had plodded along the year before as Juniors. This experience had fully prepared them to return and take up the role of digni­fied Seniors. The other two were 1909 Juniors, but had dropped out of the ranks in 1910 in order to test their pedagogic skill and to apply some of the methods with which they were bur­dened. Early in the year the Class organized, with Claude Clifford as President, Agnes Caldwell as Vice-President and Gertrude Scott as Secretary and Treasurer. At the end of the first Quarter one member of the Class dropped out, but the others worked on with increased earnest­ness. What the Mid-Years lack in quantity they make up in qual­ity. All have proved themselves very efficient in their School work. Several of them have completed the course in sixteen months. As a Class, they have taken a lively interest in all School affairs. Miss Caldwell held the office of Vice-President of the Students' Association and Miss Rexroth was a member of the Board of Control. Besides this, most of the students of the Class have taken an active part in the work of the Literary So­cieties and the Y. W. C. A. During the last two weeks of the Semester the members of the Class have been honorary guests at a number of social gath­erings. Miss Gray entertained them at dinner at the Dormitory. Dr. Mathes had a dinner in their honor at his home. Miss Sperry invited the girls of the Class to a social time at her home, and both the Juniors and Seniors have entertained royally for them at the School. All these good times and "feeds" were greatly appreciated and enjoyed by the Seniors. As the times for departure approaches all look forward to it with joy as they think of the diplomas which they shall re­ceive, but with sadness as they think of leaving forever the scenes of so many happy hours. Thus has the Class of 1910y2 ended its career in the Belling-ham Normal. G. S., '10%. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Plate [a] ---------- GERTRUDE EVELYN SCOTT South Bellingham, Wash. Graduated from the South Bellingham High School in 1908; entered Bel-, lingham Normal September, 1908; re­entered as Senior, September, 1910. Treasurer of Class, Secretary and Treasurer of Philomathean Society. RAOUL ALPHONSE BRINCK Began the study of the English Lan­guage in 1902; graduated from the Arichat Academy, Nova Scotia, in 1908; attended B. S. N. S., 1908-9, and taught Sixth Grade in the City Schools of Elma, 1909-10. Member of Boys' Glee Club. EMMA KATHERINE REXROTH Spokane, "Wash. Attended Oregon State Normal at Ashland; entered' Bellingham Normal as Junior, September, 1909. Chair­man of Devotional Committee. Y. W. C. A.; Member of Board of Control; Philomathean Society; Choral Club. VERNA PRADER Born at Portland, Oregon; entered High School at Ashland, Ore.; attend­ed Southern Oregon Normal School; enrolled here last year as a special Senior. x CLAUDE W. CLIFFORD - Bellingham, Wash. Graduated from Bellingham High; "Vice-President Boys' Debating Club; Senior Class play; President of Class. AGNES MARIE CALDWELL Bellingham, Wash. Attended State Normal School at St. Cloud, Minnesota; entered Normal here as Senior, February, 1910. Vice- President of the Students' Associa­tion ; Chairman of the_.. Missionary Committee of the Y. W.C. A.; mem­ber of the Alkaslah Club arid Vice- President of the Class. • '•. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 IS THIS YOUR PICTURE? The following is an inventory made of articles seen on a stu­dent's study table twenty-four hours after returning from her Christmas vacation, viz.: One tablet, one Tain O'Shanter, one B. S. N. S. pennant, one pair kid gloves, two hand satchels, y blank book, one soup plate, one Caesar's Gaellic War, one blot­ter, another tablet, three magazines, four or five exchanges, one remnant batiste, one empty cove-oyster can, one half-opened bun­dle hilariously displaying its contents, another blotter, one lesson plan (accepted), one ink bottle, two spools darning cotton, one bookstand containing a varied assortment of tablets, rulers and pens, another blank book, one prayer and hymnal, one padlock with key attached, more blotters and two fountain pens. This Avas all that could be detected on the surface. A searching look revealed other articles hard to identify, hidden away. One of the magazines promiscuously displayed was "Good Housekeeping!" It is pleasant to remember that the stu­dent had enough space on one corner of the table for her books. Dec. 22.—Those left behind mailed twenty-four packages, thirty-nine remembances, and fifty-six post-cards for the dear departed. Dec. 23.—The bridal procession, to the strains of "There'll Be No Wedding Bells For Me." The bride was a vision, in her flowing robes, with a fringeless bed-spread for a veil. The groom looked very manly (?) in a long overcoat and waste-paper basket hat. Dec. 24.—'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even Krausc.— Christmas tree at Edens. Did Mr. Patchin enjoy the little train of cars. Party favors of cotillion caps proved very serviceable. The Dean and " W i l l i e " caught a rat. Dec. 25.—A turkey dinner. Baby Donley and the cushions proved popular with the boys. Has Mr. DeGross finished that story? Dec. 26.—Orchestra practice at Edens. Who said Mr. Johnson's divinity wasn't divine? Ask G. R. how she knelt to the queen. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 14 ---------- 14 THE MESSENGER Dec. 27.—A bunch went out to Lake Whatcom to see the dears. Who swung in the swing? Bowed across the lake and roast­ed weenies. Did we get wet coming back? Oh, no! Dec. 28.—The girls' orchestra practiced and great was the noise thereof. We all visited the roller-rink. The floor was much cleaner when we left. Everyone went to 1he basket-ball game and watched Hercules stand on his head. Messrs. Odle and Liddell, assisted by Mrs. DeWitt, gave a very charming flinch party. Dec. 29.—It rained! Dec. 30.—Mr. Hanks gave a stag party, and oh, those pictures! Who's Hiram. The boys want to know what was going on at the Dorm, that night. Dec. 31.—Theater party at Beck's, and the Old Year departed. Jan. 1.—We went to church. Jan. 2.—Tramp to Lake Padden. Did Mr. Hanks catch the car? It was a good day for pictures (?). Jan. 3.—The unitiated commenced to return. Jan. 4.—Grand opening for 1911. 8:25 Classes begun in relays. Everyone was tired and sleepy, after a strenuous vacation. Jan. 5.—Students really begin to return. Heard at Miss Gray's office: "Now the ticket agent at home told me * * *" "But my train never * * * * ", etc. Jan. 6.—Hattie Nelson recommends her new cosmetic of plenty of soft soap and water to the Physiology Class. Jan. 9.—H-2 0 turns to S-n 0. Miss R. G. works an hour and a half on her fire before she can make it go absolute silence. Jan. 10.—Florence P. almost gets to Class in time. Jan. 11.—Basketball game at Y. M. C. A. B. H. S. vs. B. S. N. S. Jan. 12.—Perfectly grand night. Cutter rides with cutters either side up the order of the day. Alkasiah holds a well attended and enthusiastic meeting? I tank the bot of yous. Friday, the 13th.—B. B. game at Normal gym. B. B. High vs. Normal. The Dorm, waxes hospitable. Miss Gray and Mrs. Powell entertain both teams after game. Covers laid for fifty. Miss Gottlieb assures us an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Jan. 14.—Oh, you toboggan slide! How many sprained ankles? Guess! Jan. 16.—Mr. Moodie appears in the same necktie which he wore ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 on the previous day. A subscription list is started at once. Teaching assignments posted. The Powers-That-Be hav* decided. Jan. 20.—Miss Gray entertains the Mid-Year Seniors at dinner. Jan. 21.—Big doings in Auditorium. Annual Junior reception. Perfectly grand time! "Orphans." "moving pictures," and other amusements. Jan. 23.—Basket Ball, B. H. S. vs. B. S. N. S. We win! 20 to 18. Can't you speak any louder? Be more enthusiastic! Open your mouth! Throw yourself into it! Jan. 24.—D. D. Dignified Senier strolls through hall with lan­tern in hand looking for an honest man(?) Jan. 26.—Tests! Finals. 0, Fatal Day. Perspiration-Despera­tion- Expiration ! Jan. 27.—Commencement and Mid-Year party. Sad partings in Society Hall. Rubbers in great demand. Feb. 1.—Messenger goes to press. Editor begins taking Peruna. Jan. 28.—Moving day at the Dorm. Messrs. Johnson and Brink entertain at matinee, Beck's theater, Saturday afternoon. "We are glad to have Miss Clark back with us after her ab­sence. Frances Stewart left School at the close of the Semester to attend the University, but she will return in June to receive her "sheepskin" with the rest of us. The Dorm, has been enriched by "Danny"—Mabel F.'s new ehafing dish. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 16 ---------- 16 TEE MESSENGER Mr. Gibson, our Class President, has been called to Everett, by the serious illness of his mother. Miss Pearl Hightower while coasting down High Street dur-our recent snow, severely sprained her ankle and Avas detained at home for several days. This may explain Miss Reichert and the basket. Miss Gottlieb's supply of pills has run low in the last few days. Why? Because some Seniors have taken the grip (grippe). We are very glad to have our Class teachers back with us again after their illness of several days. Edens Hall has opened her arms to one of our members— Miss Florence Remley. The Misses Jeans, Prader, Mellish, French, Peacock, Shoultes, Miller, Donovan, Bergstrom, Jurgens, Angst, and Remley, who have been teaching in the City schools, report a very enjoyable as well as profitable quarter's work. Miss Gertrude Barker left Friday morning for her home in Portland for a few days' visit. "Over his plans the Senior Observer Beginning doubtfully and far away, First lets his mind wander to the 'preparation' And tries so hard to think of what to say. Then as he thinks, he has an inspiration, The method strikes a neurone in his brain; But still he must'nt begin with 'presentation,' He feels he'd give his credits for an aim." —An Observer. • • • G. K. (reading advertisements on street car)—"Relieves fatigue, good for nerves.' My nerves are perfectly terrible lately —guess I'll take some— (reading on) Malt Ranier Beer, for sale at all druggists." She stopped at Red Cross on the way home. • • • "There is a mystic borderland that lies Just past the limits of our work-day world; And it's peopled with the friends we met And loved a year, a month, a week or clay, And parted from with aching hearts, yet knew That through the distance we must loose the hold Of hand with hand and only clasp the thread Of memory. But still, so close we feel this land, So sure we are that these same hearts are true, That when in waking dreams there comes a call That sets the thread of memory aglow; We know that just by stretching out the hand In written words of love, or book or flower, The waiting hand will clasp our own once more, Across the silence in the same old way."—Selected. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 17 ---------- THE MESSENGER 17 JUNIOR NOTES. The Juniors entertained Saturday evening January 21 in honor of the Mid-Year Seniors. Miss Lee Dickson has finished her Junior year and aeeepted a position as teacher in Centralis. Grace Proctor spent the week-end at her home in Everett the latter part of January. The Junior Class regrets losing one of its most loyal mem­bers, Norene Costello, who was compelled to leave School on ac­count of ill-health. How's the romance coming, Mr. Davis? Ask A. H. Miss Evelyn Britt has taken a position as teacher in Mason County. • • • JUNIOR CLASS SONG. We are the Juniors of the School, We come a hundred strong. We soon shall know all you can teach, We can't be with you long. We'll show the towns throughout the State That they are all too slow. The Juniors will enlighten them Wherever they may go. II. Seniors will be off the scene, An antiquated band. The Fourth Years will be struggling still When we possess the land. The Third Years wait with bated breath ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 18 ---------- 18 THE MESSENGER 'Till they'll be Juniors, too. The Second Years, we dare to hope Some day you may get through. III. Poor, little Freshman, listen, pray: Don't let yourselves get blue; But learn to work the Faculty Or, else they may work you. They'll make you teach and cut up worms. Turn handsprings and play ball; And then you'll have to cram for tests.— But we'll not tell you all. IV. Our banner floated in the breeze For thirty-six long hours, And " J u n i o r " shone above the door Eun by electric power. The Seniors hung so high in air They scarcely could get down. They can't afford a two-cent stamp— I t ' s known all over town. V. Our Mid-Year Seniors now good-bye, May honor come to you. Go win your laurels while you may; We will soon be through. Yes, we will soon be through, my friends, We're coming after you. Our knowledge soon will fill the land And then,—farewell to you. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Rickety, Rackety, Russ! We're not allowed to cuss; But nevertheless you must confess There's nothing the matter with N. II. S! We of the High School would like to know why the Normal Classes do not start something: Class spirit is on the wane. This is abou tthe dullest year yet. The massacre of one lone boy has created the only excitement. Last year the Juniors and Seniors were real lively. Where is your backbone ? Brace up! Show your nerve! Get busy! or Class spirit will die a natural death. and going to School will become a safe, sane and entirely blood­less occupation. • Fred Henning, our Class Poet of last year, is now toasting his toes in Seward, Alaska. He enjoyed the first month of ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 19 ---------- THE MESSENGER 19 northern life immensely, but Hank is growing lonesome for the "old familiar shore." His letters are rather too personal to print. Our girls' basket ball team was organized recently, and is now practicing steadily. • The members of the High School Classes entertained their friends in Society Hall in the early part of the month. Old-fash­ioned games were played. Everyone had a good time, though some thoughtful person did walk off with the " e a t s ." • The High School Classes elected their new officers at the last Class meeting. Hast seen the eighth wonder of the world? 'Tis sprout­ed on our " F a z e r ' s " ripper lip. Hut. understand; this relic does not belong to " D a n . " Oh, no! This is " B i l l y ' s " mustache. • The Tenth Grade went for a sleighing party during the recent snow. Aside from such slight inconveniences as frozen ears and noses, a break down and chiding mammas, every one en­joyed himself. Frank Sly was hampered by a bad case of cold feet. Too bad he couldn't raise the car-fare. • A series of Class games between the Ninth and Tenth grades is to begin soon. • • • OKPHANS' DINNER AT THE DORM. On Christmas afternoon the Faculty arid the orphan students on the hill, were entertained at dinner in Edens Hall. The guests gathered in the parlor, which was brightened by garlands of ever­green and bells. A splendid sight greeted the guests as they en­tered the dining-room. The tables were arranged in the form of a Maltest cross and covers were laid for forty. The room was charmingly decorated in red-crepe paper, bells, and holly, with the Christmas tree by the side-board. A delicious three-course din­ner was served. The cooks certainly ' ' did themselves proud;'' the turkeys were cooked to turn, and the " f i x i n g s " tasted just like mother used to make. After dinner the guests returned to the parlor, where music and stories filled the rest of the afternoon. Upon leaving they decided they had had nearly as good a time as if they had been at home. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 20 ---------- 20 THE MESSENGER Well, Exchanges, this is a bad time of the year, but we hope the Mid-Year examinations will not affect you seriously. "Whims," Broadway High School, Seattle—Your Christmas number was certainly fine. It is a joy to read you, for your paper and cuts, as well as your material, is always first-class. We have just received your January issue and wish to compliment you on your literary department this month. "El Kah Nam," Walla Walla High School—"The Spirit of Christmas" is good. Your material is not bad; but, oh! do change your cuts or something. You know variety is the spice of life. "Aromaz," Spokane College, Spokane—The Bellingham Messenger humbly apologizes for the awful mistake made in name. Your paper is complete and well arranged. "Maroon and White," Wardner (Idaho) High School—We are glad to welcome you as a new exchange. "College Breezes," St. Paul, Minn.—You have interesting material, but you need some good cuts. "Kodak," of Everett—You must be funny all of the time, for you have so many good jokes. We wish to acknowledge also: "Scarlet and Green," Auburn (Nebr.) High School. "Mankatonian," Mankato, Minn. "Tempe Normal Student," Tempe, Arizona. "The Pointer," Stevens Point, Wis. "The Keview," McMinnville College, Ore. "Maroon," University of Puget Sound, Tacoma. "The Cynosure," Fargo, North Dakota. • • • Miss E. (soliciting ads. for Messenger from Kaufman Bros.)— "This page is taken, and this." Mr. K.—"How about this page?" Miss R— "That is also taken." Mr. K.—'' What is not taken up at the Normal ?'' Miss R.-^"The girls." ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 21 ---------- THE MESSENGER fel Y. M. C. A., 45; NORMAL, 23. On December 28, the Normal basketball team played the lo­cal Y. M. C. A. quintet in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. The floor had just been anointed with some sort of a slippery preparation which appeared to be soft soap, and the players were unable to tell just when it would be their turn to stand on their head, turn a somersault, or "slide, Kelly, slide!" This made the game rather slow from a basket ball standpoint, but the Y. M. boys managed to get away with the big end of the score. The Normal line-up: Carver, forward; Lord, forward; Odle, center; Tucker,-guard; Krausc, guard. • EVERETT, 29; NORMAL, 20. On December 30, the Normal played Everett in the Everett gymnasium. It was a hard, fast game, but as the Everett gym. has no sidelines and as the walls were rather rough, the players "roughed i t " more or less, and several of the players lost liberal portions of their epidermis. The score was even at the end of the first half, but the Ev­erett boys made three baskets at the beginning of the second half, and this gave them a lead which the Normal could not over­come. The Normal line-up: Carver, forward; Lord, forward; Odle, center; Fritz, guard; Tucker, guard. • BELLINGrHAM HIGH, 28; NORMAL, 26. On Wednesday, January 11, the Normal again went down to defeat before the swift Bellingham High team. The game was played at the Y. M. C. A. and was hard fought from beginning to end. Carver and Fritz played classy ball for the Normal, and ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 22 ---------- 22 THE MESSENGER in fact, the whole team put up a fine game. It was only by some chance of fate that the Normal did not win. The Normal line-up: Carver, forward; Lord, forward; Odle, center; Fritz, guard; Tucker, guard. • Y. M. C. A., 36; NORMAL, 18. When the Normal again played the Y. M. C. A., it was on "Friday the Thirteenth" of January, and our boys surely did have bad luck. It happened during the cold spell, and as the game did not start until nine o'clock, the spectators almost froze while waiting for it to begin. It was undoubtedly the Normal's day off, for the Y. M. C. A. piled up a big score, especially during the last half. After the game the members of both teams were the guests at an oyster supper, given at the Dormitory, which they enjoyed very much. • BELLINGHAM HIGH, 18; NORMAL, 20. But on Monday evening, January 23, things took a sudden change for the better. The Normal quintet met the High School in our gymnasium and just played all around them. The balco­nies were filled with hilarious rooters and pandemonium reigned throughout the game. The High School boys started things going by making a cou­ple of field baskets. This woke up the Normal boys and they went at it like tigers. During the first half the score ran pretty evenly, although the ball was down at Normal end of the floor most of the time. The Normal boys had a streak of bad luck shooting baskets and missed a large percentage of their shots. The High School had better luck along this line; but owing to the excellent work of our guards did not have nearly so many chances. The score stood 12-12 at the end of the first half. The second half was a fierce, fast contest, with the Normal in the lead most of the half. The High School boys were desper­ate and took all sorts of long chances at the basket, but to no avail. "Gunpowder" Fritz was the bright and shining star of the entire game; for besides keeping his own forward from making a single field goal, and stopping the fierce rushes of "Zeke" Burpee, he played an excellent offensive game and made several points for the Normal. Carver played his same clean, consistent game and mad* ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 23 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 23 more points than any other man on the Normal team. "Jess" "White, who made his first appearance on the Normal team in this game, passed cleverly, and with the aid of Fritz, succeeded m "showing u p " "Zeke" Burpee in proper style. The line-up: Normal— Position ' —High School S. E. Carver. Capt forward F. Carver Lord forward Whitcomb "White center Burpee, Capt. Fritz guard Phillips Tucker guard Morgan Referee—'' Moose'' Early wine. BELLINGHAM NORMAL, 46; LA CONNER, 20. On Saturday evening, January 28, the Normal team went to LaConner and won their second game. Our boys had it all their own way, although the LaConner boys put up a pretty good game and were a very decent bunch to play against. "Jess" "White played a fine game for the Normal, making more scores than anyone else. Incidentally it might be said that White has some class when it comes to basketball and his appearance on our team seemed to be a signal for a change for the better. Lord made five baskets and Carver four, while Krausc and Fritz made baskets while playing guard. The Normal line-up: Carver, forward; Lord, forward; White, center; Fritz, guard; Krausc, guard. FRESHMEN, 28; SECOND YEARS, 13. But the first team is not doing it all in basket ball these days. On Friday evening, January 20, the Freshmen met and conquored the Second Years. During the first half the Freshies slaughtered their opponents unmercifully, but the Second Years took a brace in the second half and made a somewhat better showing. Johns was the star of the Freshmen, making 22 of their 28 points. The line-up : Freshmen— Position Second Years Knaack forward Vandermein Johns forward G-ubbins Krause center Odle Hurd guard Hawkins Jim Copenhaver guard Dock Copenhaver ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 24 ---------- U THE MESSENGER SELECT TEAM, 18; FRESHMEN, 17. Immediately after the Freshman-Second Year game, because this affray had been so one-sided and so unsatisfactory to the audi­ence, a select team, composed entirely of basketball stars, decided to haul down the flying colors of the over-important Freshmen, and issued a challenge. It was accepted and the battle took place immediately. During the first half things looked bad for the Stars, for Krausc ran all around Heath at center, and the half ended 4-11 in favor of the Freshmen. But during the second half, the Stars were fully aroused and began to show their Class. They passed all around their oppon­ents and Becker and Rogers, two peerless forwards, dropped the ball into the basket at will. Thus it was that after the smoke had cleared away, it was found that the Stars were the victors. The line-up: Select Team— Position —Freshmen Becker forward Johns Rogers forward Knaack Heath center Krausc Odle guard Hurd Dock Copenhaver guard Jim Copenhaver The Athletic Girls this year have been very slow in coming to the front. No spirit whatever has been worked up among the girls. A few practice games were played before the Christmas holi­days, but since that no sound of the whistle has been heard, indi­cating that the girls were once again making ready for the final games which are to take place in the near future. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 Girls! In no epoch in the history of the School have Girls' Athletics been so dead. They have always stood on the level with the boys. Last year there were four strong teams on the field and each team put up a hard fight for victory. What is this drawback due to ? It is not the lack of capability on the part of the plaj^ers because we have as promising material if not better than the teams of the past years. Now that examinations are no more until next quarter, try to make good your opportunity and help your team by being on deck to practice, not once in awhile, but every practice. Don't leave it for the few to win the laurels for your Class, but each member get out and help, for without union you cannot win. Seniors are you aware of the fact that you hold the Kline Cup? Last year we worked hard for the honors and must we have it taken away without even an effort to retain it? Earnest practice on the part of each individual player is all the Senior team lacks. Put Athletics down as one of your new subjects and start all over fresh with the spirit that will move the girls in basket-ball. • • • THE BASKET-BALL GIRL. There's a hush on down at our house, and we all speak soft and low, As my music teacher'd put it, we are pianissimo; We have quit our daily scrappin' and we don't yell things at all, Now that Sister's taken to playin' basket-ball. The baby's scared and quiet, and his whoops are few and faint; Cousin Hannah's quit her jawin' and is behavin' like a saint; Even Pa and Mother ain't so harsh like in their call, Now that Sister's taken to playin' basket-ball. Sister used to be a ninny, till she tackled that new game, Now she's got a muscle that'd put a man to shame; And we never stop to argue with a girl who's on the maul Now that Sister's taken to playin' basket-ball. All those candy-givin' fellers she has chased off long ago; And, unless he eats raw beefsteak, any beau don't stand a show; If she walks up to the altar, Pa declares the man'11 crawl Now that Sister's taken to playin' basket-ball. —'12. • • • Heard in the Hall: D. D.—"How did Red East escape?" T. M.—"With a girl, I guess." ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 26 ---------- THE MESSENGER Entiat, Wash., January 2, 1911. Agnes Caldwell. Sub. Mgr. Normal Messenger, ' Bellingham, Washington. Dear Madam.- Enclosed please find Messenger dues of seventy-five (7;"k-) cents. You are to be congratulated on the business-like way in which you are handling the paper this year. Also your Staff is to be congratulated on the character of the paper. I had the pleasure of working on the paper for two years and have watched it develop for several years. I can truly say that this year it is better than ever. With best wishes for a successful year, I am. Yours respectfully, R. IT. GOODELL. %* %* %• Miss Mae Hartman is teaching at Redmond, Wash. Miss Anna Grue, '09, has a position at Arlington. Miss Nita Richford is teaching at Timber Valley. Miss Ruby Marston has a position at Burlington, and her sister, Miss Mildred, is teaching at Avon. Miss Hazel Slrall is teaching at O'Brien. Miss Susie Smith is teaching at Edgecomb. The Misses Lou Preble, '10, and Martha McLaughlin are teaching at Arlington. Miss Winnie Souders has a position at Crosby. Miss Vera Webber is teaching at Ladue, Washington. A Holiday Wedding.—The wedding of Dr. Sylvester Cole and Miss Elsie Scott was solemnized at half past one Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Jennette Scott. The guests were relatives and a few intimate friends. After a solo, "Oh, Promise Me," had been sung by Miss Helen Cole, the Rev. A. G-. Wilson officiated with the ring ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Edith Monl, and Mr. James Cole, the groom's brother, served as best man. The bride wore an exquisite gown of cream white cashmere du chine the plaited bodiee of which was trimmed with a corsage of silver ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 27 ---------- THE MESSENGER 27 crystal and pearls. The bridesmaid's gown was of white wool­en. Following the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served by the Misses Gore, Sheehan and Walker and Mesdames Mann and Jacobs. Dr. and Mrs. Cole "were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. Amid an unplanned for shower of rice, they took the five o'clock train for a brief wedding trip. After February first they will be at home at 1828 Dupont Avenue North, Minne­apolis. Minn. Those in attendance from out of town were Mr. .lames Cole of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hall of Bur­nett'., and Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and daughters, Nina and Florence, of Neosha. Miss Florence Benson, now teaching at Fort, Klamath, Ore., writes that she will re-enter the Normal April 5. with the ex­pectation of completing with the June Class. Seven new members are added to the Alumni of the B. S. N. S.: Mary Gray and Raoul Brink, who will enter the U. of W., Agnes Caldwell and Claude Clifford, who have accepted positions in "W/enatchee, "Wash.. Yerna Trader and Gertrude Scott, who will remain at home the remainder of this School year, before beginning their work in the Fall, and Emma Rex-roth, who has accepted a position as a primary teacher in Sedro- "Woolley. • • • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. December 7.—Matters pertaining to the Christmas enter­tainment, Student government and Association fees brought up and discussed. Student Government plan carried over for* further consideration. Bills were allowed as follows: To S. B. Irish Company $ 84.00 To American Printing Company 1.50 Cole Truck Storage Co 1.00 North Coast Engraving Co 2.25 Total $ 88.75 December, 14.—Student Government, the disposal of un­used copies of The Messenger, and the selection of a school pin were considered. Committee on School Pin ordered to send for sample of the pin selected. Bills were allowed as follows: Frank H. Whipple $ 3.85 Miss Thibert 26.84 Goodyear-Marshall Publishing Co 4.32 Union Printing, Binding Stationery Co 6.75 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 28 ---------- 28 THE MESSENGER J. N. Selby Co 2.25 J. N. Selby Co 55 J. N. Selby Co 13.5-4 Lowman Hanford Co 1.12 Jenning Pub. Co 6.75 January 4.—Matter of a uniform Normal Pin for the three State Normals referred to Faculty. Vote of thanks is extended to Miss Jensen for her suc­cessful efforts in making the Christmas entertainment such a success. The bills allowed were: Normal Book Store $ 2.30 North Coast Engraving Co 2.97 F. H. Whipple 2.80 Miss Agness Caldwell 1.00 Total $ 9.07 January 11.—Sample Pin as submitted was lengthily dis­cussed as to color scheme. Bills allowed: Elise Gabbert $ 1.06 Geneva Johnson 90 S. G. Degross 5.00 S. E. Johnson 20.00 S. B. Irish 84.00 Union Printing Co 13.76 Union Printing Co 10.24 Union Printing Co 4.00 U. S. Book Co 8.50 And the following bills were allowed when o. k.'d by proper persons: Lownman-Hanford $ 3.15 Albert Rives Co 7.00 North Coast Engraving Co 2.97 Total $160.93 January 25.—Gold pin with the Yale blue enamel and white lettering was selected and ordered to be put on sale at 25c each. Arrangements were made to allow $5.00 for first and $3.00 for second prize for the best short stories in The Messenger, be­ginning with the February issue and extending to the Senior Annual issue. Committee of three appointed to formulate a petition to the effect that stringent measures be taken to prevent an habit­ual passage across the Normal campus. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 The Philoraathean Literary Society held the first meeting of the new year on the evening of January 5, 1911. The mem­bers answered roll call with their New Year's resolutions. The program consisted of the vacation experiences of the members and music. After the business meeting several new members were initiated. On January 19, the Philos held their regular meeting and the following program was given: PROGRAM. Music Miss Rexroth Roll Call—Answered with name of some noted woman and her work Parliamentary Drill Mr. Johnson Recitation—"Dooley on "Woman's Suffrage" Miss Meeks Talk—"Jane Adams" Miss Grace Devereaux Talk—"Women Famous in Civic Affairs" Miss Birney Music Miss Omeg The following new members were voted into the society: Miss A. Abercrombie, Mrs. F. Whipple, Miss Anderson. Saturday evening, January 28th, the Philomatheans enter­tained the Alkasiah Boys' Debating Club and History Club. The following program was given February 2nd: PROGRAM. Music Roll Call—Answer with some current event "Political Conditions in Portugal" Miss Gilbertsoti "Questions That Have Come Before the State Legislature Mr. Odle "Discussion On Change In Postal Rates Miss Bras Music Mr. Whipple and others "Appropriations Both Given and Asked For" Mr. Peterson Debate—"Resolved, That women should receive the same salary for doing the same work as men." Affirmative, Miss Laura Mellish; negative, Mr. Hanks. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER Miss Ruby Mowers was elected Critic; and officers were also elected. • A RECIPE FOR A HAPPY DAY. "Take a little dash of water cold. A little leaven of prayer. A little bit of sunshine gold. .Dissolved in 1he morning air. Add to the meal some merriment And a thought of kith and kin: Then, as a prime ingredient A plenty of work thrown in. Spice it all with essence of love And a little sprinkle of play. Let a good old Book and a glance above Complete the well-spent day." V The Bible Institute, which was announced in last month's Messenger, has been postponed. The dates now set are Febru­ary 24, 25 and 2G. AYe are expecting to have Mrs. Campbell and Miss Springer, of Seattle. The program will be of vital interest to every student. • Four vacancies occurred in the Y. AY. C. A. Cabinet at the close of the first semester. Miss Cenevn Johnson has been ap­pointed Chairman of the Mission Study Committee to supply the place vacated by Agnes Caldwell, graduated. Miss Inez Clawsen will act as Chairman of the Devotional Committee in place of Emma Rexroth. graduated. Evelyn Drift leaves us to teach and Minnie Burroughs will be chairman of the Extension Committee. During the first semester there were two mission study classes: One by Miss Ilillis. on ' ' J a p a n . " and one by Miss Nor­ton, on "Korea." Both were very successful and those who took them felt more than repaid for the time thus spent. This Semester Miss Hillis will give her work on " J a p a n" again, and Dr. Mat lies wil have a class on "South America." It is hoped that many will take the advantage of these courses. • February 10th Mrs. Frank Deerwester will give a song re­cital in the Auditorium for the benefit of the Y. AY. C. A. All ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 31 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 31 who have heard Mrs. Deerwester sing will be pleased to have this opportunity of hearing her again. The last of February Ave will have with us for a short time. Miss Michi Kawai, of Tokyo. Japan. Miss Kawai is a graduate of Bryn MaAvr, '07. After leaving America she returned to Japan and taught in a private school. She is the active mem­ber from Japan on the World's Committee, as well as a mem­ber of the National Committee of Japan, and has been leader of the Student Conferences in Japan for four years. This past Summer is the first time they have ever had a conference in Japan without Miss Kawai as leader. Last year, when the Com­mittee was preparing for the Berlin Conference, they wanted someone to write a paper on the place that the Young "Women's Christian Association has in the missionary awakening, and chose Miss Kawai. She was also a delegate at the great Missionary Conference at Edinburgh. The Summer months of 1910 were spent in America, attending some of the Y. W. C. A. Summer conferences. Her talks. "An Appeal for Leadership." given at Lake Geneva Conference and "Present Student Conditions in J a p a n , " which are given in the Association Monthly, are very interesting. Miss Kawai is now on her way home. She will visit about seventeen of the forty-two City and Student Associations of the Northwest territory:—Montana, Idaho. Oregon and Wash­ington. While with us Miss Kawai will tell of the work that Miss Margaret Matthews, our Coast Association Secretary, is do­ing in Tokyo. No one can afford to miss meeting and hearing Miss Kawai. • YOUNG MEN'S DEBATING CLUB. An unusual interest was manifested at the regular election of officers, held January 26th. The candidates for the various offices for the ensuing Semester were nominated at the direct primary on January 12, the two parties in the field being the "Progressives" and the "Revolutionary." Platforms were for­mulated and an active and somewhat unique campaign conducted, party spirit running high. The campaign was well planned by each party, and the elec­tion conducted strictly "according to Hoyle," judges, clerks, bal­lot- boxes and all other election paraphernalia being provided. Much credit is due J. G. Davis, one of the campaign managers, for his untiring efforts to see that the election was properly con­ducted. The polls were opened at 7:30 p. m., and so great was ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 32 ---------- 32 THE MESSENGER the rush for ballots that Col. Knaaek, sergeant-at-arms, had great difficulty in restoring order. The election resulted in the selection of the Hon. C. A. Hanks for President, and Col. John L. Sloan for Sergeant-at-Arms, representing the Progressives; S. G. DeGross for Vice-President, and F. Vandermein for Secretary and Treas­urer, being elected by the Revolutionary Party. Short speeches-were delivered by each of the successful candidates, President Hanks delivering an ornate inauguration oration, in which he briefly outlined the policy of the Club for the remainder of the School-Year, the following being some of the innovations: Inter- Society debate, organization of a Club Quartet, posting of pro­grams one month in advance, social events in which the "fair sex" will be requested to participate. The newly inaugurated President named the following com­mittees : Program Committee—J. G. Davis, Chairman; Chas. Becker, J. E. Lidell. Social Committee—H. F. Heath, Chairman; H. E. Rogers, W. E. Bryant. Musical Direct—H. F. Heath. The Club needs every progressive young man in School and you need us. The character of the work we are undertaking will well be worth your while. Read the programs in the hall, come visit the Club, and join us. The Club's for you. Use it! EXAMINATION SONG. My pony lies out in my locker, My pony is out in the hall; If someone don't bring in my pony I'm going to flunk—that is all. (Chorus) Bring back, oh bring back; Oh, bring back my pony to me! Bring back, oh bring back; Oh, bring back my pony to me! ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 33 ---------- THE MESSENGER 33 Oh, how I should chance to fotget it I'm sure that I never Avill see. I can't answer one single question— Oh, bring back my pony to me! (Chorus) • Miss Freeboim (in Hist. Methods Class)—"He then turned from all gayety and fun and determined to be a school teacher." Lady Faculty Member—"I believe Normal has a very sober­ing influence upon one's life." • Miss C. raised one of the windows to let in some fresh air. Mrs. Thatcher—"You must put the window down, or the en­gine man will be up here with both feet." • Miss Laurence—"What two girls will make the muffins?" "Now, who will take the cake?" Mr. Epley (announces in Assembly)—"There will be a bas­ket- ball game tonight. No admission. Everybody come!" Heard in Physiology Koom: Belle—"Did the race of man derive from monkeys?" Prof. P.—"You must not ask such personal questions.' Jessie—"Mosie, does Miss Gray know you are out?' Mosie—"No; but I'll tell her when I get in." Mr. D. (in psychology)—"If we look for anything we are sure to find it.'' Query—If a Normal girl look for a man will she find him? Miss Drake (in Eng. Hist., during a discussion of Leap Years, concernedly)—"When will it be Leap Year again?" Mr. Bever—" ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! " Flunking Junior—"How do you work the Faculty?" Fourth Year—'' Ask the Seniors. They know!'' ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 34 ---------- 34 THE MESSENGER Miss Gottlieb (to High School girl)—"Ah! I see you have had your tooth extracted." II. S. P.—'' No; I had it pulled.'' • Miss E.—"How pale is deathly pale?" Mr. Vaudermein—"The pale of a dead person." • If you wish to know what a New Year's resolulion is. ask Mr. I \ lie has one on his upper lip. • Find the value of a heartache at exam, time if 5 e's plus 5 g's plus 1 fair plus 1. P plus 3 per cent, equals 11 g's and 1 fair. If this is the equation for a heart-ache what would be the expression of joy at exam, time? 5 E's plus 7 Passing Grades equals 12 excuses from taking finals. No finals equals 1 joy. He may be stout, he may be slim, Or short or tall, or gay or grim— Each Normal girl has one of him— A beau at home! I t ' s Alfred " I b i s " and Jimmy "thatJ gt;— And "Johnny said he liked this hat," And "Tommy didn't like it that So far I roam." But when he visits Jane or Nell, The other girls, you hear say, "Well! I don't call him so awfully swell"— That beau from home! But Nell and Jane are quite content And, joyful, take what heaven has sent. Deploring that 'at last he went Once more back home! "MID-YEAR SENIORS IN RHYME. At the top of the list "We will place the tall Claude With heart ever aflame For Jane, Sal or Maude. Next comes Vera Prader, A maid most demure; She'll win all the hearts Of her pupils, we're sure. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 35 ---------- THE MESSENGER 35 Our Emma can sing Like a lark—be it told.— Her smile it is cheery; Her heart is pure gold. Next—Miss Agnes Caldwell. Who may seem severe. Her hobby is business; She makes that quilo clear. With calm, unmoved sweetness. She goes on her way. We surely are sorry To lose Mary Gray. Will Gertrude win out? Perseverance and pluck AVill help her. we know— And be with her,-—Luck ! Now, last; Mr. Brink, Willi a smile ever bright AVell. smiling will help one To win any tight. The following choice bits oL' information have been gleaned in Physiology, from time to time: Question—"AYhat is the time limit for a bath?" Answer—-"The time limit for a bath is a week." Question—"What is apoplexy?" Answer—"Apoplexy is a serious nervousness." Question—"What are microbes?" Answer—"Microbes are small insects found around the house or in hats. Sometimes they are very undesirable." Question—"What are sinuses?" Answer—"Sinuses are projections on vertebrae for the at tachment of muscles." Question—"AYhat is the skeleton?" Answer—"The skeleton is the part that protects the brain." Question—"Locate the Eustachian tubes?" Answer—"The Eustachian tubes lead from the middle ear to the brain." Question—"AYhat are ganglia?" Answer—"Ganglia are a sort of decay." Question—"AVhat are the biceps?" Answer—"The biceps are the two teeth next the canines." "Question—"AYhat are the Haversian canals?" Answer—"The Haversian canals are tubes leading to the brain from the nose and ear. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 36 ---------- 36 TEE MESSENGER Question—"What is a tendon?" Answer—"A tendon is a soft bone." Question—"Where is the respiratory center?" Answer—"The respiratory center is in the kidneys." • • • AUDITORIUM. On Wednesday. December 21. Miss Gottlieb gave the first of a series of short talks on health. In her eharacterislicly concise and straightforward manner. Miss Gottlieb impressed upon us all the absolute necessity of perfect bodily health in order 1o main­tain the highest degree of efficiency. "That an ounce of preven­tion was worth a pound of cure" was demonstrated in a most able manner and from statistics (which have since been well borne out) Miss Gottlieb assured us that the Normal people have not adopted that maxim as their healih creed. However, with her assistance, we expect io improve. • Immediately after the holidays we were accorded the privilege of listening to an address by Dr. Schoenburg, of 1he San Jose Normal School of California. The theme of Dr. Schoenburg's most interesting talk was "Personality." The able manner in which the subject was handled, together with the charming presence of the speaker, made it one of the most enter!Mining addresses of the School year. The Student body received many helpful ideas. Perhaps no people or nation are so misunderstood by the gen­eral public as the people of India. Their religious, social and political ideals, differing as they do from the ideals and creeds of Eastern civilization often seem incomprehensible to Occidental minds; and an insight into their social organization by one of their own race proves most interesting and enlightening. We were af­forded this privilege through the address of Mr. Boren, a native Hindoo, now enrolled in the U. of W. Somewhat handicapped by the foreign tongue, nevertheless, Mr. Boren delivered a pleasing discourse, portions of which were illustrated with slides. • • gt; • A TRAGEDY. One evening in the Dorm., while all was quiet (?) a Senior girl discovered in her room a mysterious looking box. Being frightened as to the contents, she gave a loud call for help. Girls came rushing from every part of the house and. wild-eyed and wondering, they filled the doorway and hall. "What is i t ? " some one shouted. "Take the lid off," cried an­other. "A mouse!" " A spider!" "A mouse!" "An old egg!" ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page 37 ---------- TEE MESSENGER 37 suggested the panic-stricken girls, according to their experiences. No one was brave enough to venture to remove the lid. Some one suggested a broom and. securing it, Avent timidly toward the box, when the owner of the room interfered by shouting: "For mercy's sake! Don't you dare let it loose in this room!" So they proceeded to drag the cause of the disturbance from the room. As it approached the hall, the girls fled in terror, but one Senior, braver than her companions, remained. Gingerly picking up the box, she deposited it on a chair and also fled. By this time another of the brave eleven had recovered to such an extent, that with her usual quiet dignity, she slowly ap­proached the disturbing element of the evening. Surrounded by her awe-stricken and faint-hearted under­classmen, each ready to run at a moment's notice, she courage­ously, although carefully, raised the lid and the trembling specta­tors beheld a Safety pin! • • • TO EACH HIS NEED. (A Christmas Prayer, by Ella Higginson.) To the hungry, Lord, give food; To the cold, a cheerful fire; To the young man, a faith to keep; To the maid, her heart's desire. To the old, give memories; To youth, ideals fair; To him that, singing, fares alone, The stars and wide, sweet air. To the lonely, kindness, Lord; To the homeless one, a home; And unto him of the wandering foot, The long, wild road to roam. To the timid one, the mead, With daisies dappled o'er; But to the passionate-hearted, Lord, The ocean's surge and roar. Yea, mountains vast and high, Crowned with eternal snow; And thundering to the purple sea. The glacier's splendid flow. Unto each one his need, Though it be light or deep; And unto all in sorrow, Lord,— The blessed boon of sleep. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ABSOLUTE SAFETY We will be pleased to have you visit our safe deposit vaults. An attendant will operate the MASSIVE CHROME STEEL DOOR and the ELECTRICAL BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM and to explain the different SAFE GUARDS which we have thrown around the boxes contained therein. Your deeds, mortgages, valuable papers, etc., will be securely guarded in one of our boxes, which we will rent for SIX MONTHS for TWO DOLLARS. Northwestern National Bank Railroad Avenue and Holly Street Mason Building - - Bellingham, Wash A suit that fits best—that hangs right— that wears longest! The kind of a suit we can outfit YOU with here. If you are critical about your dress see us for your needs for this season. Now is the time to invest in a 1911 suit. SOPHOMORE Clothes for College Men •••••••• •••••••• •••• •••••••• ••••*••• •••••••• •••••••••••• •••• 1 FR0LI6H • GfWBELL GO., ING. | ••••••• •••••••• •••• :::: Clothiers and Haberdashers •••••••• •••• gt;••• •• •• •••• •••• I!:* 217 East Holly Street - - - 1305 Elk Street •••••••• •••••••••1•• ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Long Values-Short Profits Oar Success Ladies Sample Shoe Parlors Upstairs - - - Red Front Bldg THE BIO- FOUR Qlae I^ibboi) Baiter ©base S 3ar)borr/s Goffee Gold Medal FloCir S e a l 3bip* O y s t e rs Ring Us Up Wilson - Nobles- Barr Company O i H Y EM3 A Y ^ " B M B N ~? Brotherhood of American Yoemen DES,OWANES THE YOUNG FRATERNAL GIANT Issues Certificates Paying Less Expectancy Deduction Cash at Death $1,000 #2,000 $3,000 Cash for Loss of Hand 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Foot 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Eye 250 500 750 Cash for Broken Arm 100 200 300 Cash for Broken Leg 100 200 300 Cash for Total Disability 500 1,000 i gt;5oo Old Age Disability Yearly after 70, for 10 years 100 200 300 You dont' have to die to secure benefits. Insures men and women from 18 to 50 years old. The Yoemen Reserve guarantees permanency and future low cost. Have it explained now. Mrs. O l l a W i l l i a m s , M 2313. 23i-2ist St. Home Phone A 092 1000-1002-1003 Elk St. N O R T H W E S T GRANITE St M A R B L E W O R K S All Kinds of Cemetery Work W. P. BERGIN, Prop. Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xvi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS If you want the best Oranges on the market ask your grocer for the FAMOUS GOLD BUCKLE SUN-KIST ORANGES. We are wholesale dealers in green and dried ftuits. BelSingham Commission Co. 1221-1223 Railroad Ave. .." Bellingham WHATCOM FALLS MILL CO. Manufacturers LUMBER AND SHINGLES Bellingham . • . • Washington Ask Your Grocer for WHITE SWAN SHORTENING Why? Because it takes one-third less than any other shortenings. It con­tains no hog fat. Government inspected @arsler)S Pae^irjCJ ©o. ARRIVING DAILY NEW SPRING STYLES OF YOUNG MEN'S SUITS vJ rK O C 3 Jfc5 v*"* )L3 EX C3 V3 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xvii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • » • • • » » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE NEffl STORE QUALITY DRUGS, Prescription Dispensers, S High-Grade Stationery and Photo Goods * B B L L I N G H A M P H A R M A C Y f Main 167 New Mason Block 122 E. Holly A 167 Next to Wilson-Nobles-Barr Co. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J Complete Housekeeping Outfits on Installments at Tl}e Jer)l5ir)s-5oys Go. • • • Furniture, Rugs, Ranges, Heaters, Shelf Hardware, Dishes Utensils » •!• •!• Elk and Chestnut .' .' 10th and Harris Main 758 Home B 158 Palace ]\fleat Market TIERNEY BROS., Props. Wholesale and Retail Butchers and Jobbers 1310 Commercial Street Prompt attention given to all Phone Orders Bellingham, Wash We make a specialty of TIMBER LANDS and Northwest Washington FARM LANDS. If you are interested in buying farm land where every cent invested will grow dollars, write for further information WILLIAMS St KLUGB 1202 Elk Street, Bellingham, Washington ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xviii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS "ADAIDS' STYLE SHOP" The Home of Good Clothes for Men and Young Men 126 East Holly, Cor. R. R. Ave. : : Bellingham Registered Agents for the Sealshipt Oysters IRELAND PANCOAST 1321 Commercial St. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit, etc. Ferndell Brand of Goods Our Specialty E. K. Wood Lumber Co. SOUTH BELLINQHAM Complete house bills furnished. Special rates on short Drop Siding and Ceiling — lengths 4 ft. to 9 ft. : : : : FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE VICTOR A. ROBDBR, Prest. P. P. HANDSCHY, Cashier WH. G. BROWN, Vice-Prest. H. P. JUKES, Asst. Cashier The Bellingham National Bank B B L L I N O H A M . IOASHINSTOH CAPITAL STOCK'. AND SURPLUS •260,000.00 This Bank is pleased to accommodate with its excellent service the students of the Normal School UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS For a Plain, Practical Training in the essentials of business success, the Bel- 'lingham Business College has no peer either east or west. There's a reason—sound courses, thorough methods, success­ful graduates. An Aggressive School for Progressive People 1318)^ BayStreet Telephone M 1564 Opposite the Fair A 465 SALT MEATS GAME IN SEASON J. B. FRANK CENTRAL MARKET Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb. Shipping Supplied Phones M 858—A 373 1017 Elk Street, Near Morse Hardware Co. Bellingham Washington Lecture Course °f l91° and 1911 JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, APRIL 15 CHAMP CLARK, May 3 MRS. DAVENPORT-ENGBERG, date not yet fixed SEASON TICKET S1.7S - SINGLE TICKET 7 5o ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xx] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE IDEAL CLOTHING HOUSE L. VERSTANDIG, Prop. Clothier and Gent's Furnisher THE BUSY STORE 105 E Holly St. : : Bellingham THE FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE Agents for Sorosis A shoe that satisfies your pride at a price that doesn't hurt your purse. $ 3 . 5 0 $ 4 . 0 0 The Famous Shoe House R. R. Ave. and Hoiiy sts. SWEET GROCERY CO. Reliable Dealers in Groceries, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables "Sealshipt" Oysters Fresh Every Day ioai Elk Street .• .• .• Both Phones 217 Phone your order to the ROYAL DAIRY CO. Milk, Cream. Ice Cream, FOR ' Butter, Eggs and Cheese M46 A 746 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NORTHWEST HARDWARE Co. Wholesale and Retail StfELip RfiD HEAVY Hfl$EMfl$E 213-215 West Holly Street - - - Bellingham, Washington YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED MAGAZINES AND STATIONERY Elk Street Pharmacy Postoffice Station No. 5 Phones Main 884—B 234 - - Cor. Elk and Maple S T U D E N T S T A K E N O T I CE MONT GOME RY'S I s iloe plaee to bCiy yoCir FGel or get yo v TrGi)k;s b a i l e d • • PHONES 125 - - 1417 R. R. Ave ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS wo LL P I T S G L A S S E S A C C U R A T E LY 209 West Holly Street Glasses Repaired : : Factory on Immediately : : Premises Columbia Bakery Our Bread is Waiting for You Lighter Bread—Whiter Bread—Better Bread—Enough Said "Cleanliness and Quality," Our Motto 1309 Elk St. Phone Main 984 O. W. RIDDER While attending ^— gt;. * C \ W e t e a c h * gt;,tman. the Normal ar- f " -^-i I jy * //^-~—A--—^"^ Graham and Gregg range with us to ( )/\ J / // \ " \ Shorthand, Office take a course in X _ ^ / ^ - T x / ' S V ^ V ^ n ^a^j) "V* 1 Practice, Book- Shorthand, Type- —{ jyVyw/fyjyTMjrSl/j I keeping and Fine writing, Bookkeep- V —^^/r/IZ'€- lt;? gt;* LSS C£S J Penmanship ing or Penmanship \ ^^\/ / Send for Catalogue ^v^ ^^^^ Phone M 786 A684 The Leading Business School of the Northwest Wesferr) Qciie^ 3 b o e Phone Main 515 I S J J G P Q I P W OPl^S 205 Chestnut Street Between Elk and Railroad Avenue E. H. Stokes Lady Assistant Telephones Main 254 .' A 254 A G wickman STOKES WICKMAN UNDERTAKERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS 1146 Elk Street Office Open Day and Night Bellingham, Wash Mt. Baker Grocery C. GRUE, Proprietor 429 West Holly Street - Phones: Main 423—A 612 Sehome Hand Laundry A. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor 936 Elk Street • - Phones: Main 2532—A 646 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS I Larson's Livery and Transfer ESTABLISHED IN 1S95 (F =^v WOOD and COAL HACKS AT ALL HOURS HEAVY TRUCKING FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY 4 EXPRESS and DRAYING » BRICK STORAGE ROOMS FIRE PROOF BUILDING AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AMBULANCE. BAGGAGE HAULED DAY OR NIGHT AT DAY PRICES. It W. B. LARSON, Manager 1328.30 ELK STREET Phones: flain 70; Home, A 670 1 ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS R. S. SIMPSON JOHN L. THOMAS Bellingham THOMAS SIMPSON Loans Real Estate Insurance Mortgages for Sale Washington H. L. MUNRO B. N. HASKBLI. MUNRO HASKELL Hardware, Tinning, Plumbing, Heating 1163 ELK ST. Telephone Main 12 A 312 - BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON 3 R E C I A L-T^ e Liittle Student Photos 50c F gt;E:R Just the thing for exchanging with your Normal friends PORTRAITS OUR SPECIALTY SAND/SON STUDIO 126V2 W. Holly St. . . . Phones: A 071—M 989 GET IT AT THE f^ed Cross Pharmacy WE SAVE YOU MONEY 214 West Holly St. .* .' Bellingham ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxv] ---------- WASHINGTON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Bellinghatn, Washington Second Semester Opens Monday, Jan. 30, 19it New classes will be organized in more than sixty different subjects General Advantages Offered: Four modern buildings; a home for young ladies; gymnasium and ath­letic field; four general courses of study; privileges for lecture work; four grades of certificates and di­plomas; ten grades in practice school; courses offered in industrial subjects; courses offered for rural school teachers; moderate living ex­penses; opportunities to work for board. Tuition free. E. T. MATHES, Principal ---------- Messenger - 1911 February - Page [xxvi] ---------- KAUFMAN BROS. ANNUAL INVENTORY SALE Have you attended the sale and availed yourself of this great op­portunity for procuring some high-class SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, HATS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Etc., for very little cost, and yet not reduce the high stand­ard quality WW $25 00 Excellent Tailored Suits $ 9 65 30 00 Fine Quality Tailored Suits... 13 65 40 00 Our Finest Tailored Suits 16 65 25 00 Heavy Long Coats 6 75 30 00 Heavy Mixture Coats 10 00 15 00 One-Piece Cloth Dresses 5 00 You are Welcome.—"Quality, Satisfaction, and Low Prices," is Our Motto KAUFMAN BROS.PPPPP