1911_0301 ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Cover ---------- V i / ^ * '^'X'^s^SS*^^^ ^ S' "v;. Messenger March, 1911 ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [i] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS START YOUR OWN ACCOUNT If you do not have an account with this bank, start one, even though it is small. We are interested in your success and business welfare. We want to help you to the very best of our ability. Come to us for advice. You are welcome to ask questions freely and Consult us as often as you wish. . . . It will be a pleasure to us if we can be of assistance to you . . . . . . . First National Batik Capital and Surplus - - $300,000.00 (jprajgjjyjnijDjj^ ENGBERG Bellingham's Prescription Expert Headquarters for Kodaks We Develop and Print Fischer's Excellent Violin Strings F - R E E D E L I V E R Y | Engbe*g's Pharmacy | Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk Holly. PhonesM224-A 224 j | 121 ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [ii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS flontague McHugh Oldest Dry Goods House in the Northwest • Welcome to Spring • The Largest Line of Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Apparel for Spring on the Coast is shown at Montague McHugh this season MONTAGUE McHUGH **S$SS?ggr iMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAA44^ MALLOROY CRAVENETTE HATS for Men Guaranteed Waterproof Agents HART, SCHAFFNER MARX CLOTHES for Men INTERWOVEN HOSE GAGE=DODSON CO. Clover Block Bellingham ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [iii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE LEADER We are now Exhibiting Advance Spring Fashions in Women's Tailor-Made Suits, Lingerie, Dresses, Afternoon and Reception Gowns, After­noon Dresses, Ladies' and Misses' Coats •T« • gt; » gt; Attention is directed to the fact that the fashions shown in this establishment are exclusive, possessing features of individuality. Prices most reasonable : : : BUiMSfiillGMIalJ^ Byron Bros*' Grocery T K G ttorc\e of lt;Soo«$ Qualify Your fRoney B^cfe if You We\r\f if 1311 Elk Street Phones Main 82 A 682 £I!R3llMBn^ ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [iv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Come in and examine our full line of "CENTURY MUSIC," in­cluding all the standard compositions, vocal and instrumental 1 0 c . A C O P Y Our Complete Catalogue mailed upon request free of charge How about that purchase of a new piano or the rental of a second-hand instrument H a t t C l 4 W d l S P i a n O CO. 1326 Commercial Street Bellingham's Only Local Piano House Phones Main 64—A 664 13is Elk Street Washington Market Dealer in The Well-Known Frye-Bruhn U. S. Inspected Meats Game and Poultry in Season Special Attention Paid to Phone Orders Prompt Delivery to all Parts of the City P. M. Johnson Bellingham, Wash Jt*JtKit;taKrtaH gt;i}ta*Stlt* gt;t#rtaa»}ttt*K*H#art# gt;tKKrtK}trt*KrtrtXXXXX X X xx xx 1 THE NEW STORE in everything * x x £ except location j£ X X X X X X X * X * X x x NEW GOODS Departments rearranged * x x x Still demonstrating that you x J* MTI n l w n v s r\n hf»t.fftr at . . «t X can always do better x « x x x I T H E FAIR I x 5 x « X * KXXXJt gt;t gt;t«XXXStHXJt gt;tXX gt;tJtX gt;e gt;t gt;«JtSt gt;eXXXXJtXJt gt;tXJtX gt;tXXJ«StX gt;t gt;eXXX gt;C ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [v] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Office Hours: 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Office Phones: Main 103—A 171 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Res. Phones: Main 100—A 10a Evenings by Appointment DR. GOODHBART PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: 200-201-223 Alaska Bldg. Bellingham, Washington DRS. SMITH KIRKPATRICK SURGEONS Sunset Building . . . . Bellingham Office Phone, Main 985 Res. aaai V Street Home A 471 B 02a CHAS.L HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 316 and 317 Exchange Bldg. GLASSES ACCURATELY FITTED M a i n 1634 Automatic : A 94 204-5 Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk and Holly DR. CARL M. ERB Specialist "Eye, Mar, Nose and Throat. Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9:00 to 12 m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Evening and Sundays by Appointments. BELLINGHAM, . . . . . . . . WASHINGTON DR. WILLIAM RADFORD GRAY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Exchange Building . . . . Bellingham DR. SOLON RICHARD BOYNTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Residence M 258 A 735 Office M 1260 A 734 Office: Rooms 305,306, 307 Exchange Block - -- Bellingham, Washington • m T H E R E X A L L S T O R E ^A Blight Days afC Kodak Days. Now is the time to get ready to make pictures. We can supply your every want • THE OWL PHARMACY « « • * • • «• C U T P R I C E D R U G S J pHOI«s{M*in 556 FREE DELIVERY Cor. Dock and Holly ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS, Inc. DR. O. O. GILBERT AND SPECIALISTS Special Rates to Students Lady Attendants Sunset Blk., Cor. Elk a n d Holly, Bellingham, Wash, MAIN 2 68 Seattle Office, 614 F i r s t Ave. Everett Office, 1803 Hewitt Ave. Phone Main 400 Office Hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 6 A 400 DRS. ROSS SPRATLEY Dentists Third Floor, Exchange Block - - - . Bellingham, Wash DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST Rpoma 334-35-36-37 Phone Main 975 Firat National Bank Block Home A 86a r5e^3€Y FLORAL ©O. Wholesale and Retail Growers 1305 ELK ST., - - BELLINGHAM, WASH. H A N N PHOTOGRAPHER Suuset Block, corner Elk and Holly - Phone Main 3325 New Studio and Equipment. Modern Methods in Photography Elevator at Holly Street Entrance . . . Bellingham, Washington Office Phones: Residence Phones: Main 131—A 131 Main 2406—A 150 HARRY O. BINGHAM Funeral Director and Licensed Maimer 1319 Dock Street -,.. Bellingham, Washington ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [vii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS For the newest and most up-to-date ideas in PHOTOS *~ HALL'S STUDIO Daylight Building, Corner Elk and Chestnut Streets SPECIAL RATES TO ALL NORMAL GLASSES HAPNER'S GROCERY Successors to IOWA GROCERY New Quarters, Cor. 11th and Harris YOUR l'VIRO^AGi: IS SOLICITED Phones: M 1829 - - - B 216 DOANE'S GROCERY Dealer in Good Goods at Lowest Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed . • Give us a Trial Students' Trade Solicited WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Phons: Main 272—B 272 . • Corner Jersey and Ellis Sts The Clover Shoes for Women and Men are the best $3.50 Shoes In the city GRIM ST ED SHOE CO. 2S ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [viii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS LUDWIG GOLLINS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS At! fcir^s of fReifvH© Clock CJee^mg $1.00 A l ^ rm Clocks 5 0 c. Designs Furnished and Class Pins Made to Order Phones: M 379—A 965 . . . . Bellingham, Wash THE STAR CREAMERY If you have any Irish blood in your veins you will want to entertain your friends March 17th. Order your ICE CREAM from the Star Creamery. WE HAVE ALL CREAMERY SUPPLIES Normal Grocery We keep in stock a fine line of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Notions Normal School Students' Trade Solicited . Fresh Bread and Pastry Each Day . BATTERSBY BROS, —ALWAYS RELIABLE-NEW WHITE GOODS NEW LACES NEW EMBROIDERIES NEW SUITINGS NEW FOOTWEAR 1313-1315 Commercial Street, - - Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [ix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Kindly Remember that THE MORSE HARDWARE CO. On Elk Street Is the Home of the GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE Don't forget to tell your friends about it Why does a tree grow round instead of Square? GEO. W. MOCK ROBT. F. HlU. MOCK HILL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Both Phones 186 Maple Block 1055 Elk Street We like to clean your Linen. If we don't we want your good will PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY Established 1889 CHARLES ERHOLM, Proprietor Phones: ^ 1 26 1728-1738 Ellis Street B 126 GFI NE CONFECTIONERY 1 Phones, Main 180 B180 SUN DRUG COTY coR.RLwiMi ijuMjjp •wwr.imifgfoy WASHINGTON'S FINEST DRUO STORE The Best Stock in the City CHAS. W. PEASLEE ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [x] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS STOP II READ THIS II We make a specialty of CORRECT PHOTO­GRAPHS for Schoo'ls and Colleges. Don't decide until you have seen what we have to offer. Best work at lowest prices. NOTE—We make the latest style of FIRE­PLACE PORTRAITS ON POST CARDS Tfpe Gfosaft Studio »" Dock street WIL.BER GIBBS Jeweler and Optician Largest line of Silverware found in any store in the Northwest 313 West Holly Street, - - - Bellingham, Wash. Home Phone A 166 Pacific Phone Main 2883 MULLIN ALSOP Real Estate and Insurance BROKERS Resident Agents NORWICH UNION Rooms 220, 221 FIRE INS. SOCIETY and Exchange Building MECHANICS TRADERS INS. CO. Bellinghem, Washington Fresh Schoolday Lunches . , When class-room work has left you tired, a dainty luncheon is required; and things that you enjoy the most are things spread on delicious toast— made on an ELECTRIC TOASTER. One of these Electric Toasters can make toast faster than the average gathering of Normal girls can eat it. Makes toast for about i-ioth of a cent a slice. See one in our Salesroom. Whatcom County Ry. Lt. Co. PIKE BLDG. : : BEIXINGHAM ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS This is the Place You Get What You Want PURE FRESH g ^ f Mfegh. OANDIES J. N. SELBY CO. 207 West Holly BOOKS AND STATIONERY Here is doubtless the best place to outfit students for the Second Semester. They are always glad to see us Headquarters for Spaulding's Baseball Goods The Bellingham Sheet Metal Works REMEMBER US WHEN IN NEED OF Cornices, Skylights, Roofing, Steel Ceiling, Furnace Work, Blow Piping, Tanks, Hotel and Restaurant Work, Boat Work, Garbage Cans, Camp Stoves, Air Tight Stoves, Chimney Tops, Guttering, Spouting If it is made of Sheet Metal, we can make it. No job too large and none too small. Bring in your Repair Work Phones A 733 and Main 488 1208 Commercial Street Bellingham .. Sa\ gt;e Jvlorjey or) Stjoes .. The new spring styles in shoes are here—the short vamps—the high and low heels—the new velvets and suedes—all the new kinds and frills of the shoemakers' art, and best of all, the price is extremely low. We have marked our spring goods closer than ever before— you get better shoes for less money. You'll find our values better and our prices less than elsewhere. Buy your next pair here. : : : : : : : : G E O . F. R A Y M O N D RELIABLE FOOTWEAR 110 East Holly Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Long Values—Short Profits Out Success Ladies Sample Shoe Parlors Upstairs - - - Red Front Bldg 129 Holly Street West Phone Main 98 Empire Poultry Fish Market E. J. DUBOIS Butter, Eggs, Oysters, Poultry and Fish : : Incubators, Brooders, Poultry and Stock Remedies Bellingham - - - - . . . Washington "Everytning in Printing that is Good" S. B. IR/SH a. CO. Priiptipg :: Epgraviipg Liegal Blanks We make a specialty of Engraved Cards and Wedding Stationery 1311 Railroad Avenue . . . Phone Main 282 Notary Public Established 1889 ALLEN CAMPBELL Insurance, Real Estate, Loans Dealer in City and Farm Property Phone Main 366—A 251 1322 Dock Street, Bellingham /?. N. RALMERTON 1308—12th Street FERTILIZERS, SEEDS, GRAIN, BTO. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS WAHLS-WAHLS-WAHLS The Low Price Store The Low Price Store The Low Price Store The New Style News Pretty as the Spring Flowers All the New Spring Suits and Coats and Waists are in and an imposing show they make. . . . - But I want you to SEE them. You cannot get any idea of them from any mere description. - - . - Any day now we shall be glad to show you all the stunning gar­ments, from the skirts at the modest prices around $5 to the elaborate costumes at $75. Of course you may not want to buy quite this early, but you surely will enjoy looking. . . . . M r d. B. WAHL £f ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [1] ---------- THE MESSENGER SCHOOL PAPER OF THB BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B. Irish Co., PrintingcjS5@^5»i3ii Railroad Avenue " I am convinced that things cannot be expected to turn up of themselves. "We must, in a measure, assist them to turn up. I may be wrong, but I have formed that opinion."—Dickens. THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF—FLORENCE D. BRAS ASSISTANT EDITOR—MABEL FRENCH Philomathean - ANNA CONMEY Boys Debating Club - J. G. DAVIS Students' Ass'n, MINNIE BURROUGHS Y. W. C. A. - - - HELEN FINCH Choral Club - FLORENCE CHARROIN Calendar - - - MARGARET STARK MARIE RYAN FRANK KRAUSE VICTORIA THIBERT MARY RIORDON Literary LORAINE SHERWOOD Class E d i t o r s - Senior GERTRUDE MCDONALD Junior - FLORENCE ORNE Freshman - MOSIE ODLE Exchange J. G. DAVIS Athletics - LEW GREENE Art Editor FLORENCE iPLUMB Alumni - VIOLET JOHNSON Organizations— Alkisiah - JESSIE JEANS Joltes | Business Managers']f v TERMS—SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR Entered December ai, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. X. March, 1911 No. 6 "If you have faith, preach it; if you have doubts, bury them; if you have joy, share it; if you have sorrow, bury it. Find the bright side of things and help others to get sight of it also. This is the only and surest way to be cheerful and happy.'' The Students are pleased to note increased interest in the Students' Association. A part of this was aroused by the special Assembly in which Faculty and Students gave speeches drawing the attention of the Students toward the Association's good work. The Students' Association has made rapid advancement this year under the leadership of President Frank W. Whipple. The Asso- ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 2 ---------- 2 THE MESSENGER ciation is something one should be proud to co-operate with in being a member, furthering the interests of B. S. N. S. by so do­ing. If you are not a member, you are one of the few. Join the rest of us—the large majority—and be one of the Students' Asso­ciation. "Never in the history of the Normal School has girls' athlet­ics been so dead," is the words of the Girls' Athletics' reporter. There was great promise at the beginning of the year of having some good stirring Basket Ball games. But our expectations are met with disappointments. There is still over a quarter's time in which it is hoped that we shall enjoy some rousing Basket Ball games. • The Messenger is trying to print good readable material. AVe have asked your help in this and most of you have responded loyally. Every month we regret the lack of poems and jingles, and this month we wish to ask you especially for these. It is a pleas­ure for us to ask you, because we are sure of your help. These last few months we desire to keep The Messenger up to its stan­dard. We can—if you will help us. The Messenger is pleased to print in the Alumni notes of this issue a letter from Miss Statira Biggs. Miss Biggs is a graduate of our School, Class of 1900, also a graduate of the University of Washington. She is now taking a law course in the University of Chicago. Miss Gottlieb will lecture April 7th on "Porto Rico Through a Kodak." The lecture will be illustrated with 140 stereopticon views, and will be given in the University Hall, at the Normal. Tickets, 25c; students, 20c. The lecture will be in the form of a trip over the island, such as tourists make, and is said to be most interesting. Wishing to fill a long-felt want in our School, The Messenger always ready to fill any need, fancied or otherwise, has decided to open its columns to the Students and Faculty for a special line of advertising. Accordingly in this issue appears a list of the wants of different individuals. From time to time others will appear, which we hope will add to the enjoyment of our readers, if not to that of the subjects of our squibs. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 3 THE MUSIC OF LAKE WHATCOM. On moonlight nights, when light clouds drift loosely across the dark blue of the sky, and the wood is dark and leaves shiver and moan, and creepy night-things stir uneasily, then it is that from over the lake there floats a sobbing, melancholy wail, that rises and falls, loud and soft, with the flutterings of the breeze. It is the death-song of an Indian tribe, subdued and softened by the murmurings of the blue waters of Lake Whatcom. The Indians tell of this with awe and bewilderment struggling in their faces. In the early days an Indian band, the Nooksacks, roamed the forest between the Nooksack River and Lake Whatcom. A small, peaceful tribe they were, led by their old chief, Nooktas. Nooktas had a daughter. Valley Flower, bright-eyed, fleet-footed and will­ing; the prid lt;? of the old chief and the people of her tribe. Valley Flower loved a youth,—an Indian youth,—tall and straight and bronzed, but he belonged to a different tribe, ene­mies of her father. Son of the chief of the Stick-Samish, was he; a large and fierce tribe, who often took the warpath from their own tenting grounds, on the Samish Flats, and warred upon their weaker neighbors. Their old chief was wroth when he learned of the love of his son for his enemy's daughter, and he cast him out of the tribe. Then was there wailing in the tents of the Stick-Samish, for Eagle Feather was well-loved, loved for his endurance and ability in their tribal sports and for his fierceness with the enemy. So Eagle Feather sang his farewell song and straight and proud went from the lodge of his father. Swift he went, and came to the tent of his loved one; and Nooktas received him into the tribe and made him leader of his band. Now Eagle Feather knew of the hatred between the tribes and knew that soon his people would fall upon the Nooksack and completely destroy them. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER Eagle Feather was wise for, ere the night had fallen, the Stiek-Samish were already on the trail. When the night would cover their movements, then would they silently and stealthily surround their enemies. The Nooksacks called a council. In the darkness on the shore they held, all the tribe together. When a passing cloud hid the moon from sight and darkened the forest, old Nooktas led the way, and behind him "Valley Flower, her lover and all the tribe. Silently he led them, hand in hand, from the wood's edge to the water; and the water received them, and as it closed around them they chanted the death song of their people, long and wail­ing, and the water rolled above them and was still. In the morning the Stick-Samish found an empty village and, as they gazed, a faint breeze bore toward them a sweetly wailing music,—the death song of the tribe. RUTH LEMACK. SEASIDE SENTIMENT. I have brought my pen and my paper Out under the open sky ; And I lie on the sands of the seashore Watching the ships go by. Majestic they are, in their splendor, Like a monarch surveying his own, And methinks as I gaze on their grandeur, "How soon may that beauty be flown!" For there on the shore lies "The Alice," Laid low by the treacherous seas. She once plowed the waves in her glory As proud and as dauntless as these. Her sails now like royal robes in tatters— Her masts broken scepters might be: With a sickening heart throb I murmur, 1' How fallen! Thou Queen of the Sea!" Will it ever be thus with our soaring, With our hopes, aspirations so grand? Must we live and love and have longings, Then cruelly be dashed to the sand? Not if we pay heed to our Pilot, . Nor breast the rough billows alone. If we're sea-worthy vessels He'll guide us Straight into the Harbor of Home. H. F. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 5 ---------- TEE MESSENGER h HOW ONE MAN LIVED. "To wed, or not to wed,—that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in man to suffer the pancakes and fried bacon of bachelor­hood, or to take a pair of soft, white hands against a sea of trou­bles and, by wedding, end them ? To wed, to rest no more; and by rest end the vision of socks without heels or toes and the thou­sand natural shocks that come from viewing buttonless trousers and unwashed dishes;—'tis a consummation devoutely to be wished. To wed; to rest;—to rest! Perchance not to rest; ay! there's the rub. For in that rest what terrors may come when we have shuffled off this single blessedness must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of married life. For who would not bear the whips and scorns of time, the School tax, the ogling of spinsters, the married man's half scornful sympathy, and the suggestions that patient men endure from enterprising young ladies, when he might his happiness insure by leading a bride to the altar? Who would make biscuits, and grunt and swear under the splattering of hot grease, but that the dread of something after marriage, the great uncertain state from which no man returns with all the hair upon his head, puzzles the will and makes us bear those ills we have than fly to others we know not of? Thus uncertainty doth make bachelors of us all." So drawled our friend, Lee, as he half sat, half reclined upon the bacteria-infested pile of rubbish that his charitably inclined neighbors called a bed,—for no better reason, perhaps, than that Lee called it that, himself. " I had no idea that you knew your Shakespeare so well," said Jess. '' When did you acquire your literary tastes, and where have you kept them all these months, that I never before discov­ered them?" "Learned 'em of a gal I once had. Curious, isn't it, how some gals create such a sort of atmosphere about a man he just can't help getting married? And then, again; there's gals that natu­rally drive a fellow in the opposite direction. That's the way mine did." " I sympathize with you, old fellow. It was once my misfor­tune to be a bachelor and to be closely associated with this inter­esting class of animals. Remarkable creatures, aren't they,— relics, no doubt, of any age when only men were found on the earth." "Declare to goodness; I hadn't'thought of that before! It's probably true, though. The Bible says that man was made first." "Exactly so; and modern scientists are practically agreed that the various works of creation were not made in seven days; ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 6 ---------- 6 THE MESSENGER but that vast ages have intervened betAveen the successive forms that have been distributed over this earth. That being the case, I hope you'll not question me when I advance the hypothesis that woman followed man in the order of creation by, perhaps, mil­lions of years." "Why, what a paradise this old earth must have been then! If a man lost his necktie, there was no need of calling up a fussy housekeeper to find it for him. He just got down on his prayer-bones and looked under the bed,—the only natural place for such a thing to be found." Thus the two friends discussed the great problem. Unlike in most every respect except a great yearning for human sympathy, these two men frequently spent dajrs and weeks together and en­joyed every minute of the time. Lee would have made an interesting study for a sociologist. His bed contained enough material to stock a biological labora-torjr. He took a bath semi-annually, whether he needed it or not. He had come to Oklahoma in an early day, while the cat­tlemen still controlled the ranges, and Avhen the country was opened up to settlement he took his chances with the thousands of others and drew a good claim. He never worked, yet seemed to get along about as well as those who were foolish enough to do so He had stolen more horses and cattle than he could pos­sibly remember, yet he lived in security and ease in a community composed of respected, law-abiding citizens. Jess had come over about eleven o'clock, one Sunday, and had found his friend still in bed, sleeping off the effects of his day's trading. Jess did not rap at the door as he approached the house;— he'd have been laughed at if he had. Lee was snoring like a hippopotamus; but the visitor seized him by a foot, which happened to be protruding from the covers, and launched him into the middle of the room. Once awake, our hero took his two six-shooters from under the pillow and fired the contents of both through the roof. As this, or something even more demonstrative, was the customary morning exchange of greetings among the ex-cowboys of the region, both host and guest felt that he had discharged all the formalities the occasion demanded and settled down for a chat. Before entering upon any description of the manner in whicli these men spent the day, let us make a short survey of the house and premises. As Jess approached the house he heard the ponies whinny, a sound which indicated that his friend was oblivious to the duties of the farm. Lee's horses rarely got a drink of water even, except when they broke from their enclosure and ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 7 ---------- THE MESSENGER 7 found it in spite of their owner's apparent precautions to pre­vent their doing so. If one of the neighbors saw him indulging them to the extent of leading them to the watering trough, he invariably remarked in a very apologetic manner, "Well, they do better if I water them now and then.'' Lee had once lived on a sheep ranch in Arizona, where the sheep often go three weeks without a drink, and he never recov­ered from the delusion that an animal ought to get along quite well without such a luxury. How fortunate that the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals did not have a representa­tive in this community! But the horses managed to live without the aid or consent of the Society with the interminable name. Whenever Jess remonstrated with Lee upon this inhuman treatment of dumb beasts, Lee generally went into a scientifi3 dis­cussion of the merits of the case. He could prove to any man's satisfaction that the epidermis of these animals had become high­ly "cutinized;" that is, that every pore was surrounded by a multitude of protective hairs, and that evaporation under these circumstances was impossible. They certainly looked as much like cacti as possible and the would-be humanitarian generally subsided, whether convinced or not. Lee had a variety of names for these creatures. Sometimes he called them " Buckskinos"; at times they were just plain "Skins"; frequently he denominated them "Nags"; and upon rare occasions he bestowed upon them the appellation "Pestle Tails." This last was singularly appropriate. The front yard is so over-grown with weeds and strewn with tin cans that it resembles a veritable rendezvous. Everywhere one beholds these last named reminders that cooking is dispensed with. Inside the one room are like evidences of the art of mak­ing housekeeping easy. The saddle is deposited on the cookstove. Its beauty and workmanship astonish you. Not a horse on the ranch is worth fifteen dollars; but that saddle cost sixty-five dol­lars if it cost a cent. The rifle hangs over the door. On a shelf over the stove are several empty bottles, suggestive of the "Blind Tiger" just across the line, over in the Chickasaw Nation. When Lee paid for the flat bottle he asked for "Barb Wire," while the tall, brown one came out through a hole in the wall in response to his request for "Smooth Wire." In one corner the banjo, violin and buggy harness lie; all "snuggled up" together in a manner highly suggestive of domes­tic felicity and harmony. And, why not; since there was no one to question their right to be in that particular order. Although it is July, the floor has not been swept since last December, when the cows broke into the house one stormy night. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 8 ---------- 8 THE MESSENGER and made themselves comfortable during the owner's absence. What that floor does not contain isn 't worth mentioning;—gashes, shavings, chicken bones, cigar stubs, burned matches, cards, poker chips, boots, shoes, unlaundered clothing, dishes;—but what's the use of enumerating further? After washing his face and hands, a formality rarely ob­served except when "company" was present, Lee proceeded to prepare breakfast. It was with profound interest and many mis­givings that Jess scanned the process. The cook perspired pro­fusely as he endeavored to stir the biscuits with a long-handled spoon and, failing in the attempt, put his hands into the mix­ture. He always employed the more primitive weapon when no one was watching and, naturally, found the other awkward. With bated breath, Jess watched the complexion of those hands turn from a chocolate-brown to Nature's pink, while the bread became the hue of Mother Earth. The dough was rolled into grotesque, little, round wads, and each separate chunk re­ceived a patting and caressing that should, under ordinary cir­cumstances, have produced a work of art. After many squints into the oven, the biscuits are hauled forth, inviting, tempting, and brown. While removing them from the pan our host acci­dentally let one drop to the floor. The concussion awoke Jess from the reverie or stupor into which the culinary proceedings had thrown him and he mentally concluded that one of those bis­cuits could be thrown ever so far and knock down a certain anon­ymous animal that has been associated with such delicacies since time immemorial. After all the breakfast was on the table Jess was invited to "fall t o " and "help himself." Jess had barely time to push his head out the window, draw a long breath, take one last look at the beautiful world, and utter the smothered prayer, "My soul, gird all thy armor on." It wasn't much, of course, but it gave him courage to face the table, eat the meal, and afterwards relate the deed to his posterity. It required the very limit of human for­titude but the biscuits went down and remained there. Once he remarked in the most casual manner imaginable, "Lee, these bis­cuits would have been better if you had thought to set the ax by my plate." That he ate them at all is pretty fair testimony that he possessed a heroic spirit. That he enjoyed eating them is trust­worthy evidence of the possession of a heart that loved his fellow-men. That he survived the process is due wholly to the protec­tion of the angels. As it was strictly in accordance with the so­cial forms of this community, the guest proffered his services in washing the dishes. By means of his olfactory nerves he located dishrag behind the woodbox, In this particular instance it hap- ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER 'J pened to be an old sock. In awe of its strength and with due reverence for its antiquity, he plunged into the depths of the dishwater. The host dried the dishes on the corner of his saddle blanket and set them away with his boots under the bed. When all the chores were finished, Lee proposed a ride to the mountains. The ponies were saddled and away the two riders gal­loped, twenty miles without stopping, over hills, across burning sands, through quiet woods, along beautiful streams. Riding to the top of a high hill, they viewed the blue Wichita, Mountains, lifting their heads above the surrounding landscape and suggesting the lofty aspirations, reaching outward and up­ward, that come to all men when they are at their best. In the valley below lay the Indian encampment, the smoke of which as­cended lazily into the hazy atmosphere. The squaws were pre­paring the evening meal, while the old men, surrounded by the boys, were telling stories of the days when the red men owned the whole land and the lordly buffalo filled the plains. The hallowing influence of the scene slowly stole over the two men. Lee became communicative. In a quiet vein, with subdued voice, he told much of he story of his past life. Jess was not at all astonished; on the contrary it seemed the natural thing for companion to say, and he found himself accepting a sacred con­fidence without a suggestion that he was doing so. Real men nev­er reveal secrets so imparted. In the benign atmosphere of mu­tual understanding the misdeeds and misdirected energies of a human life were forgotten, and Jess had a higher regard for his friend than ever before. In the soft moonlight they rode home. Jess had enjoyed the day and loved the new country more than he had thought possi­ble. It now seemed his turn to entertain with short sketches from his literary store, and he repeated in a low voice the words of one whose lines come with strange appeal to all who love the sunny plains of the South: "Swiftly now descends the night As retreats the western light; Crimson streakings on the sky, And the distant landscapes lie; Darkness settles all around, Ghost-like mists steal o 'er the ground; From the canyon's depths now come Croak of frogs and insects hum; Phantom-like, o'erhead, the clouds Hold aloft their misty shrouds; And all nature seems to tell The sweet story, loved so well, "Oklahoma, the Beautiful Land!" • . • • . W. H. P. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 10 ---------- 10 TEE MESSENGER CUPID'S LATEST PRANK. She was sitting in the'twilight With her Browning on her knee; And the Home Thoughts stealing o'er her Pilled her soul with reverie. James Lee's wife was playing softly Yonder in the music room A Toccata of Galuppi 's; She could hear it through the gloom. Dreamily she looked about her. By The Fireside she could see The Statue and The Bust he'd sent her. The Englishman in Italy. They were presents from her lover; And her fancy turned again To an Epistle on the table, Writ by Master Hugue's bold pen. Easter Day they 'd been together; And now Christmas Eve was near; In Three Days he would be coming For One Word More—his fate to hear. How distinctly she remembered That Last Ride, The Serenade, The evening spent in a. Gondola; The Ring and Book to her he gave. In A Balcony they'd lingered Till the hour was most '' Too Late,'' But A Lover's Quarrel was ending And Confessions could not wait. Then the Parting in the Morning, The Worst of It as you can guess. Now she longs for his returning: A Woman's Last Word shall be "Yes." • • • Miss LeMar (becoming angry)—"Kenneth, take your seat!" Kenneth (after laboriously working, finally succeeds in sepa­rating it from the remainder of his desk and holding it high in the air, exclaims)—"Where shall I take it to?" • • • Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your pray­ers- be courteous to your creditors; go slow and easily. Maybe there are other things your special case requires, but there, my friend, will give you a good lift.—Abraham Lincoln. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 11 ---------- THE MESSENGER 11 Chicago, 111. To the Alumni of the Washington State Normal: From time to time, you have received letters from some of us who have been traveling in various directions from our home nor­mal. It has been suggested to me that you might like to hear about my little journey; not that I have gone so very far along this road, but because it has lead away from the familiar lines of the school ma'am on which we all started, nor has it turned up that popular path of matrimony, which has been trodden by so many of our number. I suppose it will sound wildly exciting when I tell you I am plodding along the trail that leads to a law­yer's office. There are many men wending along with me, but often I am the only girl in sight. Put seventy men, mostly college graduates, into a big amphitheatrical class-room, add one lone women and you have me for twelve hours a week. Can you im­agine a scene less like a true normal picture? Now if you are expecting any thrilling adventures from the above you may stop reading, for there are none to follow. My life is as comfortable and peaceful and almost as uneventful as it was teaching school in Skagit County. But it is because of this very smoothness that I am glad to write to you. I left many friends in the Sound Country (and nothing is going to keep me long away from these same friends and Sound) who wished me Godspeed on my undertaking, but nearly always they disliked to see me going away to meet uncertain though sure unpleasantness in my work. Of course, I haven't begun the practice of law, but I want my friends to know that I have never had to meet any disagreeable situations just because I have been a girl in a law school. The men are gentlemen. Really we five women among the three hun-derd men are quite to be envied in that we have shown us all the little courtesies that women like to receive and besides a frank goodfellowship with a number of men, which is something differ­ent from the ordinary social intercourse with them, or the contact of the business world. Therefore, I can tell you nothing of insult or embarrassment to make my story interesting. I have heard ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER that such treatment of women does exist in some professional schools, but I am glad to say not here. My first day here was the worst. You see I was still car-sick and still dreading the unknown. I hope never to feel less coura­geous than I did the day I timidly asked my way to the University of Chicago. Once on the campus it was no better. The symmetry of the gray Gothic architecture is imposing restful, but it failed to soothe my nerves that day. At last I climbed the story and a half of dull stone steps and thru the long library to the Dean's office. I was dimly conscious of the dark arches far overhead, but very much alive to the long tables around which sat many embryo law­yers safe behind huge leather bound volumes. Within the pleas­ant secretary informed me that I would have difficulty in enter­ing in the spring quarter. "You should have written more let­ters, '' she said, '' but being from the West, I suppose you just de­cided to come on, and came." By-the-way, it is really sad how much "The West" must be blamed for the shortcomings of us, her children in the East, but please don't let anyone here know that I have called Chicago East. Well, in time I was reg­istered, after I had been passed on for inspection from one pro­fessor to another and had come back to assure the acting Dean that the last didn't seem to want me a,ny more than the first. My first quarter, like any true freshman, I did my heaviest work; partly because I was taking advanced work without the pre­requisites, and more because I was badly frightened. It seemed that every day I heard some new story of horror—how one-third of last year's class were sent home, how at least one-half failed in each examination, and how even the best never knew when he should be down and under. At least these first examinations were over. I lived through them, passed, and have since refused to endure the pleasure of anticipating their unique horrors. They are four hours long, four hours of steady work, with a prayer at the end for more time. We are a graduate school, so no record is kept of our daily attendance or class recitations. Everything counts on that last four hours. We are given ten hypothetical cases, marvels of their kind maybe bristling with points and may­be innocent looking with sly words tucked in here and there, waiting to be searched out. We have the quarter system, so there are nearly three months between these spasms. I have spoken of the Gothic architecture. The law building is considered the most perfectly finished unit on the campus. It is the exact replica of the one at Oxford or Cambridge, I am sorry I have forgotten which. All around the top are the dearest wig-gly gargoyles, and at each gable Moses lets his long whiskeries trail over the laws on stone. All within is finished in stone and ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 dark wood carved in the Gothic. On the walls are the judges of England in wig and gown. I overheard one day a visitor told that the legal atmosphere Was excellent. I was glad to hear it, as no one could ever say as much for the plain, ordinary air of 1 he place. Myself, I would prefer less Gothic and more ventilation. It's the same with the lighting. You wonder why all the law men wear green eyeshades, but just try a few hours study yourself. Light streams in from high-arched windows on all four sides, and, as if that were not enough, these same windows are filled with tiny panes of glass. Yes, I have a green shade, and wear it, too. I would like to tell you a great deal about my fellow women-lawyers. One is studying because her husband is a lawyer and wants her to do so. All the others intend to go into it as a regu­lar means of earning bread and butter. If you want to hurt our feelings, just ask us whether or not we intend to practice. If you have any ready-made picture of a type of girl who studies law, just dismiss it. For as far as I can see we are not one type, but just ordinary women. One girl puts in her odd moments mak­ing beautiful lace, and has one of the most delicate, ladylike man­ners I have ever met. If any girl is afraid to study law because she imagines it requires a peculiar masculine mind, she is mis­taken. The girls in school have a high record of scholarship. So I say again as I did in the beginning, it is just plain, pleasant go­ing to school under excellent teachers. STATIRA BIGGS. 6032 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. I sing of manual training And the bending up of reeds; The endless "Tarn O'Shanters" That no one wants or needs. The cutting up of papers That might well have better use; You think your "opera bag" all right, Miss Hogle says, "too loose." And on it goes forever— This needless worry and work. You have to get paste on your fingers And painting can never shirk. Yes, on it goes forever And all grow ever must slaves; Till the smart are graduated And the dull are in their graves. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 14 ---------- 14 /** ® Seniors! Seniors! Hats off to thee! To our Colors true Ave will ever be! Firm and strong, united are Ave Skookum turn-turn, Rush wah-wah Normal Seniors, rah-rah-rah! . Eah for the Senior Class. We are glad to Aveleome to our class the Misses Lillian Carle-ton, Gertrude Fisher, Annie Norcl, Helen Wright and Mrs. Jamie Brown, who haAre entered school this semester. We are also pleas­ed to receive into our ranks the Misses Millie Garrison. Bertha Johnson, Mira McLeod and Etta Rand from the Junior Class. Miss Margaret Stark left Thursday evening to spend a feAv days at her home in Seattle. • • • It is Spring, I say— How do I know? By the leaves waking up And beginning to grow— By the neAv straAv hat With its band so gay, And the crocus buds With the grass at play; And the ribbon fresh On tke girls' neAv bonnets, And the poets' latest New Spring sonnets; By the baseball signs To the breezes flown And my longing wish That Winter be gone— A thousand things I could tell, I trow— But this is enough— • That I feel and know! . THE MESSENGER ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 Don't worry about the future, The present is all thou hast. The future will soon be present, And th epresent will soon be past. Eva Pendleton and Grac-e Proctor spent the weekend at their home in Everett. Miss Nellie Foran of Everett spent the weekend in Belling-ham, the guest of her sister, Mabel Foran. We are glad to welcome into our class the following: Marie Kelly, Lillian Nelson, Mary Hoover and Mr. Cunnigham. Lois Pinkerton has been absent from her classes on account of illness. Word has been received that Norene Costello is getting along nicely and hopes to be with us again next year. Esther Fransen was called to Seattle by the serious illness of her sister. Nell Williams has left school and is making a tour of Califor­nia. She expects to return to the B. S. N. S. in the fall. • • • FEESHMEN One of the most delightful affairs of the winter was given by the Freshman Class, when they entertained the Second Year Class, the normal basket ball team and the visiting team from the U. P. S., on Saturday evening, February 11. The affair was a val­entine party and the decorations and games were appropriate to the occasion. The Society Hall had quite a festive air, owing to the greens, hearts and pennants used in decorating. There were fifty-three students, members of the faculty and guests present. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 16 ---------- 16 TEE MESSENGER and the unusual feature was the fact that the gentlemen were iti the majority. After a delightful lunch served in the cafeteria, which was also decorated in greens and pussy-willows, all depart­ed at a late hour declaring the party a great seuccess. • • • HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Miss Evelyn Newell, the Tenth Grade secretary, has left, school on account of sickness. The first and second games between the basketball teams of the Nineth and Tenth Grades have been played, the latter being victorious in both contests. Score, first game, 30-18; second game, . Both games were fast and well played, but somewhat rough. The Nineth Grade boys are not discouraged and intend to do better in the future. LINEUP. Nineth Position Tenth Swartz, Capt Forward Allison, Capt. S. Johns Forward Heath Bulmer Center Roe Sly Guard McCall Beach Guard Hannis • • • gt; CALENDAR. Feb. 1.—We change seats at dinner at the Dorm. Feb. 2.—The ground hog appears at the Hall. He had been ground through a sausage machine. Feb.3.—Our Second B. B. team wins from Lynden. Feb. 4.—Second number of Lecture Course. We enjoy William Hubbard immensely. Beans are everywhere in evidence. We win in Tacoma at basketball. Feb. 6.—Blue Monday—the various "friends from home" having departed. Feb. 8.—For the first time in history words fail Thresa M. Feb.9.—Lueile N. is seen walking alone and unattended! Terri­ble consternation. Feb. 11.—Edens Hall waxes hospitable. U. P. S. and B. S. N. S. teams entertained at dinner. In the evening B. B. game in the gym. Dorm girls go in a "bbdy." We win! "I told you so." Feb. 13.—Virginia Mathes is heard in violin recital at Assembly. Capt. Eli "Tells the tale of a whale that is a whale of a tale," to an interested crowd in the evening. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 17 ---------- THE MESSENGER 17 Feb. 14.—"If you love me as I love you, no knife can cut our love in two.'' Feb. 15.—Mass meeting for Student Association enthusiasts. Are you tagged? Be a sport and join. Feb. 16.—Birthday party at table seven. The candy heart goes round and round. Have some more, do. Feb. 17.—At Assembly Dr. Gray entertains us with readings from Merchant of Venice. We certainly did enjoy it. B. B. game—our Second team at Lynden. Feb. 20.—Parlor meeting at the Dorm. Lucinda has a birthday. Gentlemen of the Faculty accept challenge of the Senior boys for B. B. game. We'll be there. Feb. 21.—We are entertained in Assembly by Miss Kawai from Japan. Which kind of a "key" are you? Feb. 22.—George's birthday—some go on fishing, hunting, crab­bing and other excursions—others make baskets! Some two-sing noticed near Chuckanut, Sehome Hill, etc. Feb. 23.—Classes again resumed. At mass meeting of students Mr. Hanks makes a few well-put and to-the-point remarks in regard to Saturday night. Feb. 25.—Normal Society appears in full dress to hear Mrs. Deer-wester in recital. The girls with beaux are the envy of all the rest, just as Miss Baxter said. • • • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF CONTROL. Feb. 8th.—The Senior pin was discussed and a eommitte ap­pointed to take charge of the matter. Song eommitte reported. It was decided to make the following Wednesday students' hour into a Students' Association meeting. Bills allowed to amount of $298.38. Feb. 15. Mr. Bond appeared before the Board for the pur­pose of being authorized to take the Basket Ball Team east of the mountains for a series of games. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that under existing conditions the responsibility of sending the team on this trip could not be assumed. Bills allowed to the amount of $168.91. The meeting of the Student body on Wednesday, February 15 was quite a success. Mr. Deerwester was the first to take the floor. He spoke of the good qualities of the Association and laid stress upon the fact that the Association was for the student. Miss Bras laid emphasis on the fact that the Association had the responsibility of all athletics, Messengers, etc., chose the School pin, had charge of the store and everything of interest to the Students. Mr. Phillipi was the next speaker, He gave civic ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 18 ---------- 18 THE MESSENGER reasons for joining the Association as well as the egotistics and al- 1 eristic benefits. Mr. Whipple emphasized the financial benefits that could be derived. The Association tags were then given to all members with the instruction, that they were to be worn during the week. We have seen a number without tags. Take the ad­vice given by the speakers and become a member now. Y. W. C. A. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do; do it with thy might,"— Eccl. 9:10. Heard after the Song Recital, given Saturday evening, Feb. 25th, by Mrs. Deerwester and Miss Leta Clark, for the Normal Y. W. C. A. "Wasn't it fine!" "Yes, indeed. Delightful!" "She surely is an artist." "She? Which one?" "Well, both. I was particularly delighted with 'The Peer Gynt Suits.' " "And I thought "The Erl King' was great." "Yes; and didn't you love the 'Just So Stories' "? "My! What wouldn't I give to be able to sing like that!" We are always sure of a treat when Mrs. Deerwester con­sents to sing for us. And Saturday evening she was unusually charming and fairly captivated the audience that greeted her en­thusiastically in the Auditorium. The regular Thursday afternoon meeting of the Y. W. C. A. was led by Mrs. Campbell, of Seattle. Mrs. Stewart came with her to sing for us. The Y. W. C. A. had charge of the program at Assembly, Fri­day morning, February 24th. Mrs. Stewart of Seattle, sang three beautiful songs. Miss Springer, who is Secretary of Religious Work in the Seattle Y. W. C. A., gave a vivid and impressive de- ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 19 ---------- THE MESSENGER 19 scription of "The Passion Play," which she saw at Oberammer-gau last summer. The fourth annual Bible Institute closed Sunday afternoon. It has responded to a need in the life of many a girl; and the im­pressive Message brought will not be forgotten. Following the splendid program: PROGRAM Friday, 3:15 P. M.— Solo Mrs. Stewart Devotional Mrs. Campbe11 '' The Signet Ring'' Miss Whiting (Sec. City Y. W. C. A.) Friday, 7:30 P. M. Solo Mrs. Thatcher "Christ's Last Words on Prayer" Miss Springer Song Choral Club '' Building a Tower'' Mrs. Campbell Saturday, 3:00 P. M.— "The Midnight Guest" Mrs. Campbell "The Prayer Life From Paul's Epistles" Miss Springer Sunday, 9:15 A. M.— "The Little Colt" Mrs. Campbell Sunday, 3:00 P. M — Song Girl's Quartette "The Power of Prayer" Miss Springer Solo Miss Hill is Song Quartette Prayer Service „ Mrs. Campbell Day of Prayer for Colleges • • • YOUNG MEN'S DEBATING CLUB. Two programs of exceptional character were rendered this month, consisting of debates, extemporaneous speeches, current events, orations, introductory speeches, toasts, quartettes, piano and vocal solos. The first question debated February 10th was: "Resolved. That there is more Pleasure In Pursuit Than In Possession." Af­firmative, T. W. Osborne; negative, E. Hawkins. The decision was rendered in favor of the affirmative. For the principal debate of the evening, the Spring prize-de­bate question: "Resolved, That the Conservation of our Natural Resources Should Be a Function of the State Governments, Rath­er Than of the National Government," Avas used. Affirmative, H. E. Rogers, R. H. Knaack; negative, L. A. Greene, H.- E. Health. The decision was won by the affirmative. Talks were made by Messrs. T. E. Bryant and G. Bascom on the subjects of "Local Secession," and "The Panama Canal." G. F. D. Vandermei de- ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 20 ---------- 20 THE MESSENGER livered one of Col. E. G. Ingersoll's orations on "The Civil War" in forceful manner. By special invitation Profs. Patchiu and Moody were present, and both responded with speeches which were highly appreciated; the former commenting upon the first debate of the evening, stated that it was indeed gratify­ing to have the decision rendered in favor of the affirmative, since it has been his good fortune to have been in pursuit the past few decades. At the business session the following new members were admitted: V. Tidball, P. Hogan, W. T. Meyer, W. E. Rooney, J. Copenhaver, M. S. Johns, C. Cade, T. Cunningham, Herbert Heath, J. East and S. Johnson. At the meeting Feb. 23rd, the question, "Resolved, That the Panama Canal Should Be Fortified," Avas hotly contested. Af­firmative, V. Tidball; J. G G. Davis; negative, T. Cunningham, C. E. Gibson. It was decided that the canal should remain unprotected. C. Cade gave a talk on School Athletics, with several amus­ing stories. "Stub" P. Hogan made a speech introducing Judge Ben Lindsay. Our guests of honor at this meeting were Profs. Deerwester and Philippi, and both made helpful and interesting talks. In fact, this new feature of having Faculty men come in pairs, is proving a drawing card for the club. The business meeting which followed the regular program proved unusually businesslike. However, the Chairman succeed­ed in maintaining decorum without any assistance from the Ser-geat- at-Arms. The main questions at issue pertained to Consti­tutional revision. The proposed amendment relative to empow­ering the President, at his discretion, to invite ladies to the Club, was eloquently attacked and defended, but failed to carry. The amendments to dispense with parliamentary drill and to have Club meetings weekly, rather than fortnightly, were carried by large majorities, after animated debates. Everything seems to indicate that the Club, as a whole is on the eve of a renaissance, and is destined to become one of the leading factors in the School, for thorough, practical training in public speaking. Our membership has practically reached the maximum. This article is not complete without mention of the fact that the Young Men's Debating Club won first place over all organi­zations for choice of seats, and easily captured the prize which was offered by the Y. AV. C. A. management to the organization having the largest percentage of its membership present at the recital given by Mrs. Deerwester, Saturday night, February 25. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 21 ---------- THE MESSENGER lt;*l The prize, a beautiful potted cyclamen plant, was presented by Dr. Mathes. We were present, in the front row, one hundred strong. Did we bring our lady friends? Well, I guess! Did we make a hit ? I think so! What did the Seniors get ? Peaunuts! Did Meyer succeed in adjusting the piano lid? Yes, finally! Eip-Saw! Rip-Saw! Rip-Saw! Bang! We belong to the debating gang. Are we in it? Well, I'd smile,— We've been in it all the while. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! • • • CHORAL CLUB NOTES On Friday evening, February 24th, the Choral Club sang at the Y. W. C. A. Bible Institute. The selection rendered was " 0 , Lift Thine Eyes." At the Sunday afternoon meeting of the Y. W. C. A. the quar­tet gave two numbers. Mrs. Thatcher sang a selection from '' The Holy City." Mrs. Thatcher is planning to give a recital on some evening in the near future. The Choral Club is practicing for a concert to be given this month. Girls, you have not been coming to practice regularly. We must all work, or we cannot make our Choral Club a success. The Club meets once a week, Wednesday evenings at 4 o'clock, in Miss Thatcher's Class Room. • • • PHILOMATHEANS On the evening of February 16th a very interesting calendar program was given by the Philos. Many interesting and instruc­tive talks were given on noted people whose birthdays occur in February. It is interesting to note how many of our great and good men have a February birthday. The talks on days in Feb­ruary, whose significance in a religious way or otherwise have been handed down to us, were very much enjoyed by all. After the meeting refreshments were served by the officers of the Society. On March 2nd the following program was given: PROGRAM Music „ '. Roll Call—Current Events Paper by Editor. Ruby Flowers Locals Miss Meek ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 22 ---------- 22 THE MESSENGER Calendar Miss Inez Gibson Philos not in School Miss Hattie Mellish Jokes Mr. Boyd Original Poem Mr. Hanks Advertisements Mr. Sheerwood Original Story, showing experiences in gettings advertisements Miss Birney Music Mr. Whipple Critic's Report Miss Geneva Johnson There will be an extemporaneous discussion on the Great Educational Influence of Magazines. Our Philos, who show their great ability in such discussions, may well be looked upon as the future editors of some of our more popular magazines, in fact, wo have with us now, an editor of one of the most popular month­lies in this part of the country—The Messenger. • • • ALKASIAH NOTES. The regular quarterly election of officers was held by the Al-kasiahs on February 9th. The following officers were elected: President—Pearl Stanton. Vice-President—Walborg Olson. Secretary—Olga Olson. Consuls—Jennie Deichman, Mabel French. Treasurer—Jessie Jeans. Art—Florence Plumb. Social—Eva Jorgensohn, Lucinda Bailey. We have a good, strong corps of officers for our last quar­ter's work, and we are planning to make it the best of our entire year's work. On the evening of February 23rd, an interesting program was given which consisted of a sketch of the lives and works of the following: Mrs. Ella Flagg Young Victoria Thibet Mrs. Parkhurst and her Daughters Emily Dubuque Vocal Solo Charlotte Busby Mrs. Bartlett Caroline Crane Bernice Kelly Jane Adams Olga Olson Sophia Wright Jennie Deichman Piano Solo Florence Eemley H. L. S. Enthusiasm is not entirely on the wane as will be shown by the fact that a new Literary Society has recently been organized and bids fair to do some very good work in the future. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 23 ---------- THE MESSENGER 23 They call themselves the H. L. S. Society (Hay's Literary and Social Society), so named because Miss Hays suggested it in the first place and has so kindly given her assistance whenever pos­sible. Four meetings have been held, two programs have been given and the members with Miss Hays as chaperon, spent a very-delightful'evening at Mrs. Deerwester's recital The officers are as follows: President—Miss Mable McFadden. Vice-President—Miss Clara Roe. Secretary-Treasurer—Bessie Day. Sergeant-at-Arms—Linnine Nelson. EXCHANGES Lewistonian (Lewiston, Idaho)—Although small, your paper contains much commendable material. Your editorial department is weak. Kodak (Everett)—A mighty nifty cover design, but short on jokes. Elemayhum (Tekoa, Wn.)—The Athletic Editor seems to have monopolized your space. Regarding the Editor's comment on the significance of the name of your periodical, we believe that, in time, you may justify the application. A good start. Normal Record (Chico, Cal.)—One of the best. A well-edited paper, neatly printed, excellent cuts, strong debating department. Monroe Bugle (Monroe, Mich.)—Your story, "The Old Man on the River,'' is great. The literary department seems strongest, which is both right and proper. Your cover design is very com­mon. Good spirit. Whims (Broadway H. S., Seattle)—As usual, your cover de­sign is both nifty and unique. That poem on Abraham Lincoln is excellent. Artistic combination of cuts and headings All in all, a fine example of school journalism. Normal Pointer (Stevens Point, Wis.)—You put out a very ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 24 ---------- U THE MESSENGER good sheet. Literary department commendable; "Ballads of the Faculty," superb; but headings very inartistic. College Breezes (St. Peter, Minn.)—A splendid line of ads. Your business manager is a hustler. Story entitled, "The Man of Hope" is well constructed. In general, you are short on ma­terial, but strong in athletics. • Visitor—"How many pigs have you, Pat?" Pat—"Shure, an' I had nine and one other that ran around so much I couldn't count it ."—Ex. • Blinkman—"Don't touch me; you'll get shocked." Winkum—"Why?" Blinkum—"My clothes are charged."—Ex. • Leo (setting up in bed)—"Listen; I hear something!" Joe—"Aw, lay down. It's nothing but the bed ticking."— Ex. • First student—"What course are you going to finish in?" Second Student—"In the course of time."—Ex. • In a Massachusetts graveyard there is a stone bearing the inscription: "Here lies Dentist Smith, filling his last cavity."— Ex. • First Cannibal—"Our chief has hay fever." Second Cannibal—'' What brought it on ?" First Cannibal—"He ate a grass widow."—Ex. V V V St. Valentine, so fleet of wings, Sorrow to the mailman brings. For on that day he earns his pay, Carrying memories of St. Valentine's Day. * • * *•* ••• Sidney Johnson( in Sociology class)—"I think it only takes two to form a social group." • • • Odle's curls are very sweet, All the girls think they are sweet. That is why each morn and night He curls them with great delight. • • • Miss Schaefer (in P. C. Meth. Class)—"That doesn't matter. You ean't make a man see anything, anyway." "Well—" ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 BASKET BALL New spirit has been created among the Basket Ball Girls. Each team is making a final effort to work their pla.yers into th-3 best condition for the preliminary games. The Seniors have been strengthened by two new players, Miss Nord, one of the players from the victorious Junior team of last year, and Miss Carlton, who helped win the Kline Cup for the Juniors in 1909. With the two extra forces added to their team the Seniors are looking forward to the results. There.hasn't been any game opened to the School, only a few try-out games. One was held on the afternoon of February 13, between the Seniors and Second years. The Seniors were suc­cessful, winning by a score of 19 to 11. The line-up: Seniors— —Second Years A. Abercrombie center A. Hadeeu L. Carlton right forward E. Arnold G. Johnson left forward Mr. 0 'Keefe F. Remley right guard J. Nicol A. Nord left guard On the evening of February 23, the second try-out game was played. This time the Seniors met defeat at the hands of the Juniors. The score was 20 to 8. The line-up: Seniors— —Juniors A. A. Abercrombie center A. Hadeen E. Buchanan right forward E. Franklin G. Johnson left forward L. Nickol F. Remley right guard Crossman, Clausen A. Nord „ left guard R. Colton ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 26 ---------- 26 THE MESSENGER The first real game of the season is to be played between the Seniors and Juniors, on Saturday evening of March 4. Both Classes are planning to come out in all their colors and with all their yells and songs to root for their side. The different teams have been picked and are ready for the games. Don't miss these final games Come out and join one of the Classes in their cheer. Y. M. C. A., 44; NORMAL, 40. On January 30 the Normal boys played their third game with the local Y. M. C. A., in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. Our boys played in a sleepy sort of way the first half and let the down town boys toss baskets at will. At the end of the first half the score stood 12-25, the big end of it belonging to the Y. M. Our fellows rallied in the second half and began to show their real class. Their floor work was excellent and the shooting was good. They were not able to overcome the big lead of the other team, however. The Normal lined up as follows: For­wards, Carver and Lord; center, White; guards, Fritz and Tucker. • P. S. XL, 25; B. S. N. S., 32. On Friday, February 3, our boys lined up against the Puget Sound University team in the big gymnasium of that school. The Tacoma quintet had won every game played thus far, and expect­ed to take our scalps. The game was fast, clean and well-played. The fouls were few. Though the City of Destiny bunch played splendid ball, our fellows went them one better and finished up with more points. Jess "White, our crack center, starred for the Normal, and came out with twenty points to his credit. The Normal line-up: Forwards, Carver and Lord; center. White; guards, Fritz and Tucker. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 27 ---------- THE MESSENGER 27 TACOMA Y. M. C. A., 40; NORMAL, 26. The following evening, Feb. 4. the Normal played the Tacoma Y. M. C. A. on the latter's floor. The boys were playing out of their class, and were all in from the previous night. The Tacoma fellows had no easy walk-over even at this. The game was rough and fouling frequent. • LYNDEN, 8, NORMAL SECOND TEAM, 33. While the Normal first team was making itself famous in Ta­coma, the second team was doing things at home. The feeble-five from Lynden High chanced to be the victims. Because the. score was so lop-sided was no credit to the locals. Their attempts at passing were laughable and their shooting was little better. The boys from the Gem City had apparent^ never seen a basket-ball before and spent most of their lime standing in the corners gaz­ing at that unfamiliar object with awe and admiration. The Normal line-up: forwards. Heath and Johns; center. Odle; guards, Copenhaver and Becker. • P. S. U., 30; NORMAL, 37. On February 11, the P. S. U. team came to Bellingham to play us a return game. The up-Sound bunch had been practising steadily and expected to win back their lost honors. The game was played before a large and enthusiastic crowd in the Normal gymnasium. Case, the Tacoma center, did pretty floor work and fancy basket-tossing for that aggregation, mak­ing five field baskets in the first half. AVhite played notice­ably good ball for the Normal. The line-up: Bellingham— —Tacoma Carver forward Graham Lord forward Blair White center Case Tucker guard Servib Fritz guard Max Referee—Riley. • LYNDEN, 19; NORMAL SECOND TEAM, 17. On February 18, the B. S. N. S. played a return game with Lynden. The Lynden boys had evidently made the acquaintance of basket-ball in the meantime, as they showed up much better in ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 28 ---------- 28 THE MESSENGER this game, and gave the over-confident Second Team a much-needed chastising. The Normal boys say that the place where they did win out was at the Home Dining Room, where they par­took of two "squares." They fairly made the Lyndenites gasp at their ability to consume good "eats." The Normal line-up: Forwards, Heath and Vandermei; cen­ter, Odle; guards, Eogers and Copenhaver. Miss W. 0.—"Who was the first man to use the inductive method?" Mr. D.—"Why, his name was Adam," • Mr. Bever (in Sociology)—"Boats tend to go up the rivers instead of overland." • Mr. Eply (in Geog.)—"If you get puzzled about the seasons just pick up a globe like this and carry it around the sun.'' • Mr. Phil—"Miss F., how much more water could you put in a cloth if it were saturated?" Miss F.—"As much as it would hold." • Mr. Bever—"What products did the early colonists raise for export?" Miss Drake—'' Tobacco, negroes and pumpkins.'' • Miss A—"Locke was a man whom religion seemed to agree with." • Mr. Hanks (translating in Eng. VII)—"And she had an amb­ling nag hanging around her neck." • One of Prof. Patchin's Bright Scholars—"A cyclone blew a ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 two-inch stick through a five-inch hose, and stuck out six inches on the other side. Miss Hillis (in Eng. II.)—"The rumor (roomer) spread as it flew from house to house." Miss Shafer (to girls in Gym.)—"How do soldiers march? 1 want you to march like soldiers. You march just like a woman going around the street dragging a kid with each hand." • Miss Tatcher (in Music I.)—"You people would be good to take up claims if you could stick to the claims as good as you do to a note when you get it." • Mr. Davis requests Mr. Hanks not to try to implicate him when he is caught in the act of carrying off the girls' coats from the Dorm." • • • WANT COLUMN. Wanted—A pound of sandless sugar to put in my shoes to coax down my trousers.—Claudie C. Wanted—A four-pronged anchor or a hobble skirt for the protection of my friends when I take one of my " period "-ical flights.^-Geneva J. Wanted—Some one to keep an official records of the '' ands'' I use when speechifying.—Frankie W. Wanted—I will give a Lincoln penny to any one who Avill give me pointers on raising a rough house, as I have exhausted my capabilities in that direction.—Grace Bas m. Wanted—Information where I can secure the most bottles of anti-fat for the least money.—Lillian B y. Wanted—Some one to volunteer to guard my gamp and ga­loshes while I attend Classes.—Walton Muck. Wanted—A partner to teach swimming lessons at Lake Pad-den as my failing health prevents me from continuing my duties as instructor.—Helen F—b—n. Wanted—A perennial perfume eradicator, warranted to kill bright colors.—Prof. Eply. Wanted.—A pair of non-detachable, non-stretchable apron strings to keep Claudie from conversing with Dimple—Eva P—. Wanted.—A piece of soft chamois to clean my spectacles.— Florence B s. Wanted.—Money to buy a pitch pipe so I can lead the choir at 431 High.—Laura G—h—m. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER Notice.—No trespassing in Assembly Hall while WE are studying.—L. N. and N. A. Wanted.—An extra mail delivery to Edens Hall so I can have three letters a day from "Ed," instead of two.—Myrtle E. Wanted.—Permission to talk any old day without interrup­tion as long as I want.—Cyrus the Great. Notice.—I will, for suitable compensation, accept a position as understudy to "Fazzer" when "fatigued."—Helen F h. Wanted.—A committee to secure a second quartet of girls as a agreeable as those I escorted to the last dance.—Vernon T. Wanted—A guide to lead me to the Gym, as I have not been able to locate it this semester.—Henry Buckline. Wanted.—An automatic "pome" and joke constructor with kaleidoscopic changes for The Messenger.—0. E. • • • AUDITORIUM. On the morning of February 10th, one of Scotland's true sons, Rev. Macartney of our city, took his audience on a thousand-mile tour by bicycle thru the glens, castles, mountains, to the lochs and braes of "bonny Scotland." With him we stood at Gladstone's grave; heard the martial tramp of the Highlanders and the shrill bagpipes blow; sat in the old churches; and at length again on wheel, wended our way along zig zag paths and over rugged country roads. Refreshed from the journey, landing once more with happy hearts on America's soil. The bells of Tuesday morning, February 21, summoned all a quarter of an hour early to Assembly, where we were met by Miss Kawai, a Japanese teacher and Y. W. C. A. worker. Miss Kawai came to America eleven years ago as a student of Bryn Mawr Col­lege, from which she graduated and returned to Japan to take up the work as teacher in Tokio and religious worker. The past year she has spent in traveling in Europe and America, attending con­ferences and visiting schools. She soon sails for home. Miss Kawai appeared dressed in her native attire and in her quaint but graph­ic manner pictured Tokio in its religious educational work. In Tokio, a city of 2,000,000 of people, there are 25,000 girls alone at­tending institutions of higher learning. To give you some idea of the number of schools, there are fifty Normals in Japan, one in each province; and in Tokio sixty-five schools for girls. During the six years of compulsory education, ninety-eight per cent of the boys are in attendance, and ninety-five per cent, of the girls. And besides the Japanese boys and girls and men and women, many Chinese, Koreans, Siamese and Hindus come here to go to ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 31 ---------- THE MESSENGER 31 school. At present, however, the Universities are closed for wom­en. On Tuesday evening Miss Kawai spoke to a large number at the city Y. W. C. A. rooms, on the work being done in Japan along that line. • • • MR, HUBBARD LECTURES IN NORMAL AUDITORIUM. The lecture by W. L. Hubbard, former musical editor of the Chicago Tribune, gave great pleasure to a large and appreciative audience. Mr. Hubbard speaks in a conversational tone and from the start takes his hearers into his confidence while he discusses music matters in a way that is perfectly comprehensive to any member of his audience. He asked his audience to be honest with themselves for nothing is gained by pretending to enjoy music that suggests nothing to the listener. The charm of music lies in its power of suggestion. A song is primarily a poem and so loses much if the words are not understood. For this reason an Ameri­can audience should demand that both grand opera and other vocal music be rendered in the English language. He told some amusing instances where singers had taken advantage of the fact that their audiences did not understand the language that they were using, to inject some entirely irrelevant matter. At the close of his lecture, Mr. Hubbard introduced Mr. Ber­gen, a singer, and Mr. Campbell, a pianist, who illustrated some of the points he had made. These two artists greatly delighted their audience. Mr. Bergen has a fine baritone voice, and a gra­cious personality. He sang a variety of selections, both lyric and dramatic, which Avere the more enjoyed because of the word of explanation given by Mr. Hubbard. His rendering of the pro­logue from "II Pagliacci" was especially fine, while his interpre­tation of "Annie Laurie" completely captivated his audience. Mr. Hubbard and his associates may be sure of a hearty welcome if they should come to Bellingham again. LUCY S. NORTON. • • • On Monday evening, February 5, "Captain Eli" gave a lect­ure under the auspices of the Students' Association to a well-filled house. He told in a very entertaining way some of his experi­ences on a whaling vessel, where he spent the greater part of his life. He had with him several implements that were used in whaling. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 32 ---------- 32 THE MESSENGER Virginia Mathes, Violinist, Normal Auditorium, Monday morning, February 13, 1911, 10 A. M. Theme with var Papini Eeverie Gilis Little Rogue Eberhardt Bercense Bloch Fairy Tale : Wier Miss Virginia, in her year's work under Prof. Stark, shows decided talent. Much credit is due both pupil and teacher. Her rendition of "Reverie" and "Fairy Tale" was especially fine. • • • A rare treat was given the Students in the Auditorium on Friday morning. There was music by Mrs. Stewart of Seattle, after which Miss Springer spoke in the '' Passion Play.'' It was, as she told us, her good fortune to visit the little city in Switzer­land where once in ten years this tragedy is played. Miss Spring­er paints beautiful word pictures and she lead us in imagination through the play from the Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem to the last scene on the Mount of Transfiguration and the Ascension. We, as a body, are thankful to have these words from one who has seen the play and appreciate her kindness in giving us all the glimpse of that which most of us may never be able to see our­selves. • • gt; • An unusually enthusiastic audience greeted Mrs. Deerwester in song recital, Saturday evening, in the Auditorium. Mrs. Deer-wester, assisted by Miss Clark, on the piano, gave one of the most delightful musicals heard at the Normal this season. While every number Mrs. Deerwester rendered was thoroughly enjoyed, per­haps the most pleasing were, "The Erl King," and the last four, "Daisies," "His Lullaby," "Irish Love Song," and "Charity." Miss Clark showed marked ability and especially delighted the audience with her selection from '' The Peer Gynt Suite.'' Considering Mrs. Deerwester's popularity among the Students it had been decided to have the "Saturday Evening College Night"; different Classes and Organizations each coming in a body. The most coming in any one body was to receive a prize and the choice of seats. The Boys' Debating Club won each prize. Some of them won two "prizes," for more than one hundred per cent, of their number were present. The boys entered the room wearing their colors, singing, giving their yells and each one bringing with him the lady of his choice. But if the debaters thought they had all of the boys of the School they were mistaken. Hardly had that august Society been ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page 33 ---------- THE MESSENGER 33 seated when singing was heard and lo! the handsomest bunch of boys and girls from the Senior Class, led by their courageous President and Treasurer, carrying the banner of the Debating Club, marched around the room and to their seats. They carried pennants and mascots made of their Class Colors. Even though the Debaters, with their many charms, their handsome faces, their winning ways and irreproachable gallantry had tempted many of our lovely Senior maidens from their right and proper places—the Seniors came fifty strong, greeted by enthusiastic cheers from the audience. I had thought that the men had become clean-shaven again— that only one, and he of the Faculty,—was bold enough to wear a moustache; but these Senior boys were long as to hirsute ap-pendanges. True, some outsiders may have slipped in. The Count Less, high hat, goatee and all, was there with Miss Gwen­dolyn Kellet, and she, in spite of our noble Debaters, was the envy of many girls in the room. Then, too, I spied Mr. Patchin with a most demure little maiden. As we all know, he is a brave man, and when the prize was offered he rushed upon the platform in spite of Mr. Hanks' glassy glares. Mr. Abercrombie, a loyal mem­ber of the Class, was a close second, and many others, among them Mr. L. Bailey, Mr. G. Johnson, and the handsome Mr. French, wera ready to go to their assistance, did the prize prove too heavy for them to carry. But when they saw Mr. Hanks' dejected, crest­fallen looks, they withdrew as gentlemen should, and allowed the Debaters to carry away the honors. The Juniors? Why, yes; they were there. Where? Why, • somewhere. I'm no judge of location if I hear only a slight sound. • • • "You ignoramus, why do you say, ' I seen him?' " "What should I say?" "Why, say, ' I have saw him,' and have some style about you."—Ex. • Norine C. and Mr. Degross are mutually agreed that good things are usually found in small packages. • "Why do you take so much interest in French literature?" "Because," replied Mrs. Cumrox, "there are so many French authors you can claim to have read without being expected to dis­cuss them in polite society."—Washington Star. • Little George—"0 mother, I made a fine swap with one of the fellows who goes to school. I've traded my mouth-organ for a spelling paper marked a hundred!" ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ABSOLUTE SAFETY We will be pleased to have you visit our safe deposit vaults. An attendant will operate the MASSIVE CHROME STEEL DOOR and the ELECTRICAL BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM and to explain the different SAFE GUARDS which we have thrown around the boxes contained therein. Your deeds, mortgages, valuable papers, etc., will be securely guarded in one of our boxes, which we will rent for SIX MONTHS for TWO DOLLARS. Northwestern National Bank Railroad Avenue and Holly Street Mason Building - - Bellingham, Wash • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • £ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • £ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « £ • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a t •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •a*.• •••••••• • ••«•... •••• •••• •••• Just step in and ask to be shown those III] • • • • Saw •••• •«.. " • f jfe • J% . . « i m ,«H * . a . am a a •••• :::: $ 1IZ2..35U0 1to0 $$3*U0 SOuUiItISs :::: ::: :::: •• •• •• •• • • «• • •.• ;••• They "speak up" for themselves—the SJj: .::« salesman doesn't have to talk their III: ::;S virtues — they're evident to everyone •;;: ••;• who appreciates pure wool fabrics, A-l f" linings and trimmings, thorough, ex- •••• :::* pert, honest tailoring and smart, good ;:|| style. | | | | | | | | |j:j :::• Stop in and t ry one of these suits on— ?::: ::2S we won't ask you to buy—the suit ;•:: :lll itself will solicit the sale. | | | •••• •••• *••• I! FR0L16H • CAMPBELL 60., IN6. "•"• a . • • a •• ••a• gt;• •Hi 217 East Holly Street - - - 1305 Elk Street 5S1* • • • • «*a. •aa« •••• •a*« *«a. • • • • • • • ) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS '. The Sale of all Sales . .;• .;• •;• NOW ON AT THE Blixe; Front Clotlning Co. » gt; * gt; Men's Fine Tailored Suits at about Half Price. See Us Stationery and School Supplies J. M. COE 1108 Harris Avenue ||| South Bellingham Bring that Auto around and let the UNION AUTO CO. look it over. They can give you an estimate of the cost of repairing it. : : UNION HUTO CO. Phone M145 - - - 1105-1107 Elk St : : The Only Mail Order Engraving : : House in the State C » T *W* O °F ALL K,NDS FOR U 1 O PRINTING North Coast Engraving Co. Bellingham, Washington :: Arthur Bernhard, Manager ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xvi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Buy the best Oranges from your grocer, the Famous Gold Buckle Stmkist Oranges Premiums given for the Wrappers BELLINGHAM FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Inc. Successors to BELLINGHAM COMMISSION CO. 1221, 1223 Railroad Avenue - - Bellingham, Washington Tl)e Qig Grocery With) iYje gig Sloel^ Will reduce yoCxv cost of li\ gt;ir gt;g Wilson - Nobles - Barr Company CQHY B B A Y O B M B N ? Brotherhood of American Yoemen DES,ffwANES THE YOUNG FRATERNAL GIANT Issues Certificates Paying Less Expectancy Deduction Cash at Death $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 Cash for Loss of Hand 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Foot 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Eye 250 500 750 Cash for Broken Arm 100 200 300 Cash for Broken Leg 100 200 300 Cash for Total Disability 500 1,000 1,500 Old Age Disability Yearly after 70, for 10 years 100 200 300 You dont' have to die to secure benefits. Insures men and women from 18 to 5o years old. The Yoemen Reserve guarantees permanency and future low cost. Have it explained now. Mrs. O l l a W i l l i a m s , M 2313. 23i-2ist St. Home Phone A 092 1000-1002-1003 Elk St. NORTHWEST GRANITE SL MARBLE WORKS All Kinds of Cemetery Work W. P. BERGIN, Prop. Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xvii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • » • • • » • • • • I STATIONERY | o All the Best Goods—Crane's Highland • \\ Linen, Whiting's Papetoire and others J St B B L L I N G H A M P H A R M A C Y it o Main 167 122 E. Holly A 167 \\ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » » • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete Housekeeping Outfits on Installments at Th)e Jer)l5ir)s-|3oys Go. • • • Furniture, Rugs, Ranges, Heaters, Shelf Hardware, Dishes Utensils • • • Elk and Chestnut ." .' 10th and Harris Buy Your School Room Pictures from SETH A ATWOOD If You Don't, " We Both Lose Money " We make a specialty of TIMBER LANDS and Northwest Washington FARM LANDS. If you are interested in buying farm land where every cent invested will grow dollars, write for further information WILJLIAMS KLUGE 1202 Elk Street, Bellingham, Washington ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xviii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS BARKER—R LOR I ST NEW STORE—131 W. Holly St. Home=Grown Violets, Carnations, Callas and Daffodils Registered Agents for the Sealshipt Oysters IRELAND lt; RANCOAST 1321 Commercial St. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit, etc. Ferndell Brand of Goods Our Specialty E. K. Wood Lumber Co. SOUTH BELLINQHAM Complete house bills furnished. Special rates on short Drop Siding and Ceiling — lengths 4 ft. to 9 ft. : : : : FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE VICTOR A. ROEDBR, Prest. P. P. HANDSCHT, Cashier WK, O. BROWN, Vice-Preat. H. P. JUKES, Aaat.Caahier The Bellingham National Bank BBLLINSHAM, (OASHINOTON OAPITAL STOGKlAND SURPLUS 9260,000.00 This Bank is pleased to accommodate with its excellent service the students of the Normal School UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS niBilDHSB^v For.« p , a i n ' Practical / Training in the essentials ^ k o f business success, the Bel- P^'lingham Business College has "^- nn nppr either east or west. B U S I N K S p CZUUl^¥lUh no peer There's a reason—sound courses, thorough methods, success­ful graduates. An Aggressive School for Progressive People 1318)^ BayStreet Telephone M 1564 Opposite the Fair A 465 SALT MEATS GAME IN SEASON J. B. FRANK CENTRAL MARKET Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb. Shipping Supplied Phones M 858—A 373 1017 Elk Street, Near Morse Hardware Co. Bellingham Washington Lecture Course °f 191° and 1911 JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, APRIL 15 CHAMP CLARK, May 3 SEASON TICKET $1.75 - SINGLE TICKET 7So ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xx] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS \t otr\ ml\ * SHAW'S is the Pl a c e for P0ST CARDS. *VfCl*HCUl Vf r ^ u io c a i views and the largest and finest line of Post Cards in Bellingham. lc. each instead of 2 for 5c. Shaw's Bargain Store Co. 1319 Commercial Street - - On the way to the Postoffice THE FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE Agents for Sorosis A shoe that satisfies your pride at a price that doesn't hurt your purse. $ 3 . 5 0 $ 4 . 0 0 The Famous Shoe House R. R. Ave. andHoiiysts. SWEET GROCERY CO. Reliable Dealers in Groceries, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables "Sealshipt" Oysters Fresh Every Day 1021 Elk Street .' .' .* Both Phones 217 I t matters not particularly what other eats you have at your "feed," if you have the Royal Dairy Ice Cream. We have all Creamery Suppiles : : • • • ROYAL DAIRY CO. M46 - - - - - A 746 ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NORTHWEST HARDWARE Co. Wholesale and Retail SHEliF flHD HEAVY flA$DWA!?E 213-215 West Holly Street - - - Bellingham, Washington YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED MAGAZINES AND STATIONERY Elk Street Pharmacy Postoffice Station No. 5 Phones Main 884—B 234 - - Cor. Elk and Maple S T U D E N T S "TAKE: N O T I CE MONTGOMERY'S I s tlcje p l a e e to btiy yoCir Fdel OP get yoGr Tr lt;ir;k;s batiled • • PHONES 125 1417 R. R. Ave ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS WO L, L, F I T S G L A S S E S A C C U R A T E LY 209 West Holly Street Glasses Repaired : : Factory on Immediately : : Premises Columbia Bakery TRY OUR PIES AND CAKES The Best Pastry in Town Cream Puffs a specialty on Saturday 25c. per doz. "Cleanliness and Quality," Our Motto 1309 Elk St. Phone Main 984 O. W. RIDDER While attending -^ N * C X. We teach Pitman. the Normal ar- f *^f \ # , / v ~ ^ - ^ \ —^•"v Graham and Gregg range with us to f y\ I / ' — / / \ \ Shorthand, Office take a course in \ ^ ^ 1^^' lb£/s ^* f **-) s*/^\ *f 1 P r a c t i c e , Book- Shorthand, Type- —( jy7/\£/Jr -/J/rr'jrsl/M Ik e ePi n 8 a n d F*ne writing, Bookkeep- \ -~^ /^jc'C^C^ii/ S £{_S J Penmanship ing or Penmanship Send for Catalogue N^_ ^ S Phone M 786 A684 The Leading Business School of the Northwest Wesferr) Qaie^ 5 b o e Phone Main 515 l y € p ^ l P W O F J ^ S 205 Chestnut Street Between Elk and Railroad Avenue E. H. Stokes Lad}' Assistant Telephones Main 254 .' A 254 A G wickman STOKES WICKMAN UNDERTAKERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS 1146 Elk Street Office Open Day and Night Bellingham, Wash Mt. Baker Grocery C. GRUE, Proprietor 429 West Holly Street - Phones: Main 423—A 612 Sehome Hand Laundry A. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor 936 Elk Street - - Phones: Main 2532—A 646 ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS w h = « Larson's Livery and Transfer ESTABLISHED IN 1 8 95 /F h=* WOOD and COAL HACKS AT ALL HOURS HEAVY TRUCKING FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY l \ EXPRESS and DRAYING » = BRICK STORAGE ROOMS FIRE PROOF BUILDING AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AMBULANCE. BAGGAGE HAULED DAY OR NIGHT AT DAY PRICES. J) 4 W. B. LARSON, Manager 1328.30 ELK STREET Phones: flain 70; Home, A 670 J ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS, R. S. SIMPSON JOHN L. THOMAS THOMAS SIMPSON Loans Real Estate Insurance Mortgages for Sale Bellingham . . . . . . . Washington H. I,. MUNRO K. N. HASKBM. MUNRO HASKELL Hardware, Tinning, Plumbing, Heating 1163 ELK ST. Telephone Main 12 A 312 - BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON 3 F» E C I A U T^e Little Student Photos SOc. F gt;EF* DOZ. Just the thing for exchanging with your Normal friends PORTRAITS OUR SPECIALTY SAND/SON STUDIO 126y2 W. Holly St. . . . Phones: A 071-M 989 Griggs Stationery and Printing Co. The Best in Printing, Engraving and Fine Stationery .' .' .' .' A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU 1205 Elk Street, corner Chestnut .• .• Daylight Building ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxv] ---------- 10 11 SUMMER SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Beilingham, Washington Jane 12—Six Weeks—July 2\ Work will be offered in (a) Reviews in Common Branches (b) Advanced Academic Subjects (c) Professional Subjects (d) Practice Teaching (e) Industrial Lines, such as Drawing, Manual Training, Cooking, Sewing, etc. EXPENSES Library Fee for Summer Session $6, (one-half refunded). Board and Room in Edens Hall $4 per week. Meals alone, $2.75 per week. Rooms furnished for light house­keeping may be rented near the school for $1.25 to $1.50 per week OPPORTUNITIES (1) To Review for Examination ' (2) To Renew Second Grade Cer­tificates (3) To Work for Credits toward Graduation (4) To take Special work in Elect­ive Subjects Literature Free E. T. MATHES, Principal ---------- Messenger - 1911 March - Page [xxvi] ---------- For Style, Quality and Satisfaction GO TO KAUFMAN BROS. You will always find here the latest and newest Suits, Coats, Hats, and Ready-to-Wear Apparel. We prefer to be modest, but are absolutely safe in stating that many city stores, much larger than our9 can not offer the choice of merchandise at the prices we do : : : : : : : People Like Our Way of Doing Business because the best is none too good for our customers. Sincerity in advertis­ing, loyalty to all patrons, true to all statements, place this store abreast and in the front row with the best mercantile establishments on the Pacific Coast, and we are proud of it New Spring Coats—New Spring Suits—New Spring Hats 9.50 to 30.00 12.50 to 37.50 5.00 and up You are always welcome here, wheth­er you purchase or not. Make this store your headquarters when down town. Every accommodation in the store at your command. : : :. #££% KAUFMAN BROS, zoew..HOLLYPPPPP