1911_0401 ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Cover ---------- April, 1911 • • / • / Messenger ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [i] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE HABITS YOU FORM before you art twenty-live are goin_ gt;( to l gt;e * perma­nent part of your whole life. . . . . The man or woman who forms the saving habit be­fore twenty is going to have a comparatively easy life: Because:—the saving habit teaches adjustment to ex­isting conditions and that always results in economy and contentment. . . . . . . . The Savings Bank Habit costs nothing—on the other hand it means a profit of all you save with 4 per cent added for good measure. . . . . . Y O U S T A R T W I T H Sl.OO First National Bank Capital and Surplus - - $300,000.00 SI • EIM Bellingham's Prescription Expert Headquarters for Kodaks We Develop and Print Fischer's Excellent Violin Strings M FREE D E L I V E R Y | 1 Engberg's Pharmacy | I Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk Holly. Phones M224-A 224 | aaiei ajiiGMiyiDMSJi^ ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [ii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS •••••»»»• lt; gt; lt;» • » • » » • » • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • » • • » » • » • • • • • • • • • flontague McHugh Bellingham's Largest Dry Goods House We carry the only complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's I Ready-to-Wear Apparel in the Northwest Prices 33J to 50 per cent lower than all other stores MONTAGUE McHUGH ^ft S^S l •••••»••»»•»•••»•••»»•••••»•••••••••»••»••••••' MALLOROY CRAVENETTE HATS for Men Guaranteed Waterproof Agents HART, SCHAFFNER MARX CLOTHES for Men INTERWOVEN HOSE GAGE=DODSON CO. Clover Block : Bellingham ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [iii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS THE LEADER The style display for misses and young women is quite as complete, in its delightful diversity, as the exhibition for women, and includes everything from the simple wash dress to the pretty party dress, tailored suit or coat, with a really wonderful price range in each group . Special showing of SMART HATS for Misses and Young Women in styles appropriate to youthful faces SI^SMIIEIJGMSISI^ E[@jaj3jeM2igi@ia2iaoa0i3isjai5i3n Byron Bros*9 Cash Grocery Special Prices Every Day All the time for Cash : : Call and be Convinced 1311 Elk Street Phones Main 82 A. 682 UfSEEeaEJfBI^iMTOiMieiSI^ ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [iv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS One of the "Niftiest" lines of Hats in the city may be found at ]Vlfs. Stone's plliperg Store They possess that artistic ef­fect which may not be found elsewhere for such reason­able prices. . • . " . • . 302^ West Holly Street . . . Bellingham, Washington Phones Main 64—A 664 1313 Elk Streefc Washington Market Dealer in The Weil-Known Frye-Bruhn U. S. Inspected Meats Game and Poultry in Season Special Attention Paid to Phone Orders Prompt Delivery to all Parts of the City P. M. Johnson Bellingham, Wash x x If * £ — All Normal Girls are especially invited to call and see * ft the splendid line of dainty ready-to-wear goods now X X being shown |j * . . X £ No such an extensive line nor such great values g xx have ever been shown here ** X X g in fact at this time we have three times the amount of 15 *S Suits, Dresses, Waists, etc. that we have ever shown. X X Prices are such that you will feel like buying even though x j j your needs may be not so urgent 2 s * g Come look them over. You are welcome whether £ v you wish to buy or not x S * x x * X X X * YOU GAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT X I THE FAIR ! XxsX K**XXX*X**XX###XX****XXXXXXXKXX*XX£«KXXXXX*XXXXX*x ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [v] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Office Hours: 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. Office Phones: Mam 103—A 171 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Res. Phones: Main 100—A 10a Evenings by Appointment DR. GOODHBART PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: 200-201-223 Alaska Bldg. Bellingham, Washington DRS. SMITH KIRKPATRICK SURGEONS Sunset Building . . . . Bellingham Office Phone, Main 985 Res. aaia TT Street Home A 471 B osa CHAS. L. HOLT, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Rooms 316 and 317 Exchange Bldg. 6LASSES ACCURATELY FITTII Main 1634 Automatic: A 941 204-5 Alaska Bldg., Cor. Elk and Holly DR. CARL M. ERB Specialist Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat. Glasses Fitted Office Hours: 9:00 to 12 m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Evenings and Sundays by Appointments. BELLINGHAM, - - - - - - • WASHINGTON DR. WILLIAM RADFORD GRAY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Exchange Building . . . . Bellingham DR. SOLON RICHARD BOYNTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Residence M 258 A 735 Office M 1260 A 734 Office: Rooms 305, 306, 307 Exchange Block .- — Bellingham, Washington R E X A L . L . S T OI Bright Days ate Kodak Days. Now is the time to get ready to make pictures. We can supply your every want «THE OWL PHARMACY *»'»*•*»™«ffi C U T P R I C E D R U G S J| j.HoNEs{Main 556 FREE DELIVERY Cor. Dock and Hollj ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [vi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS, he. DR. O. O. GILBERT AND SPECIALISTS Special Rates to Students Lady Attendants Sunset Blk., Cor. Elk a n d Holly, Bellingham, Wash. MAfN 2 68 Seattle Office, 614 F i r s t Ave. Everett Office, 1803 Hewitt Ave. Phone Main 400 Office Hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 6 A 400 DRS. ROSS SPRATLEY Dentists Third Floor, Exchange Block - - - Bellingham, Wash DR. T. M. BARLOW DENTIST _ „ . Rooms 334-35-36-37 Phone Mam 975 First National Bank Block Home A 862 i^e^seY FLORAL ©O. I t is time t o p l a n t the flower garden. We have a a completestock of bedding, p l a n t s and flower seeds Wholesale and Retail Growers 1309 ELK ST., - - BELLINGHAM, WASH. HANN PHOTOGRAPHER Suuset Block, corner Elk and Holly - Phone Main 3325 New Studio and Equipment. Modern Methods in Photography Elevator at Holly Street Entrance . . . Bellingham, Washington Office Phones: Residence Phones: Main 131—A 131 Main 2406—A 150 HARRY O. BINGHAM Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer 1319 Dock Street - Bellingham, Washington ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [vii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS For the newest and most up-to-date ideas in PHOTOS so HALL'S STUDIO Daylight Building, Corner Elk and Chestnut Streets SPECIAL RATES TO ALL NORMAL CLASSES When in need of those dainties for that picnic trip or "feed" See iA£. K. H H LL Who makes a specialty of supplies for such affairs Commercial Street Bellingham, Wash DOANE'S GROCERY Dealer in Good Goods at Lowest Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed . • Give us a Trial Students' Trade Solicited WE LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW Phons: Main 272—B 272 . * Corner Jersey and Ellis Sts The Clover Shoes for Women and Men are the best $3.50 Shoes in the city GRIMSTED SHOE CO. Clover Block ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [viii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS LUDW/G lt; COLLINS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Open for business in our NEW LOCATION 214 EAST HOLLY, Alaska Bldg. Formerly located at 1249 Elk St. Designs Furnished and Class Pins Made to Order Phones: M 379—A 965 . . . . Bellingham, Wash For your EASTER PARTIES and DINNERS, be sure to order your ICE CREAM from the THE STAR CREAMERY Our Ice Cream has that quality which cannot be found elsewhere WE HAVE ALL CREAMERY SUPPLIES Normal Grocery We keep in stock a fine line of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Notions Normal School Students' Trade Solicited . . Fresh Bread and Pastry Each Day . . BATTERSBY BROS. —ALWAYS RELIABLE— J ) a i r ) t y F o o i W e a r for a l l Mrjeiior^s p i ( J r ) - g r a d e J i o s i e ry 3 i r r ) o r ; d s , Qlo'Oes . . . . 1313-1315 Commercial Street, - - Bellingham, Wash. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [ix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Kindly Remember that THE MORSE HARDWARE CO. On Elk Street Is the Home of the GREAT MAJESTIO RANGE Don't forget to tell your friends about it Why does a tree grow round instead of Square? GEO. W. MOCK ROBT. F. H I M , MOCK HILL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Both Phones 186 Maple Block 1055 Elk Street We like to clean your Linen. If we don't we want your good will PACIFIC STEAM LAUNDRY Established 1889 CHARLES ERHOLM, Proprietor Phones: ™ * ? 6 1728-1738 Ellis Street B 126 f FINE CONFECTIONERY j) Phones, Main 180 B180 SUN DRUG CD. WASHINGTON'S FINEST DRUG STORE The Best Stock in the City CHAS. W. PEASLEE Jf ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [x] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Order your Groceries from P. C. Williams' Grocery The only auto delivery in the city Be progressive and patronize the house which strives to be up to date Elk Street WIL-BER GIBBS Jeweler and Optician Largest line of Silverware found in any store in the Northwest 313 West Holly Street, - - - Bellingham, Wash. Home Phone A 166 Pacific Phone Main 2883 MULLIN ALSOP Real Estate and Insurance BROKERS Resident Agents NORWICH UNION Rooms 220, 221 FIRE INS. SOCIETY and - Exchange Building MECHANICS TRADERS INS. CO. Bellinghem, Washington Better than the Teacher for "keeping yoa In hot water" This little one-quart Electric Tea Kettle is the "niftiest" thing you ever heard of. Drop in at our salesroom and see one next time you're down town. : : : Whatcom County Ry. Light Co. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS WSaS^SSIM ^M^^SM^ M^^^M^^M^^^^^^W^M^^^^^^M^M^ Call at the Cave for anything in the line of Easter Candies They will be sure to aatv. please yjgjjgfiDJSJSiafi^Ii^^ The Bellingham Sheet Metal Works REMEMBER US WHEN IN NEED OF Cornices, Skylights, Roofing, Steel Ceiling, Furnace Work, Blow Piping, Tanks, Hotel and Restaurant Work, Boat Work, Garbage Cans, Camp Stoves, Air Tight Stoves, Chimney Tops, Guttering, Spouting If it is made of Sheet Metal, we can make it. No job too large and none too small. Bring in your Repair Work Phones A 733 and Main 488 1208 Commercial Street Bellingham See the 3 £ ^ lt;o TJ L L for Lai)ch gt;es . • gt; • gt; •!« We serve the daintiest as well as the most delicious lunches at reasonable prices : : : : : : • • • FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE FAVORITE NORMAL LUNCH ROOM Holly St Yo6r Gaster Sfyoes •• Must be the latest style—the kind that dress your feet neatly and give them a dainty appearance. Our spring styles in patents, suedes, velvets, tans and gun metals in the nobby, jaunty lasts and at prices a little less than you pay elsewhere, are just what your feet need E © . F" . R A Y M O ND 110 East Holly Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Ladies Sample Shoe Parlors $ 2 . 5 0 Shoe House Save $1 to $ 2 on Spring Shoes ALL SIZES $2.50 ALL STYLES $2.50 Upstairs - - - Red Front Bldg If it is Printing, Bookbinding or Stationery GET IT AT Union Printing, Binding !**«* establish. lt;- ' ; ° ruent of the kind Stationery Co. . . . ^j^^ I2ii Elk Street : : : Bellingham RIVES CLARK ELECTRICAL The home of the Westinghouse Wire Type Tungston Lamp Notary Public Established 1889 ALLEN CAMPBELL Insurance, Real Estate, Loans Dealer in City and Farm Property Phone Main 366—A 251 13" Dock Street, Bellingham R. N. RALMERTON 1308—12th Street FERTILIZERS, SEEDS, GRAIN, BTo. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS WAHLS-WAHLS-WAHLS The Low Price Store The Low Price Store The Low Price Store Everything now is Spring Spring Flowers Spring Styles and Our Spring Opening This, young women, is the store for you. This is where you should trade. There are more reasons jthan one, why you will find it to your advantage to do your shopping here. To begin with, there is no other place where you will be at all satisfied with what you are shown. Our styles have that indefinable something about them which appeals to positive tastes. This alone—the fact that you can get real satisfaction here would be enough to decide the matter upon, so when you add to this the fact that our prices are about twenty-five per cent lower than any others, you have everything in favor of this store SKff-1 J. B. WAHL Alaska Bldg. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [1] ---------- THE MESSENGER SCHOOL PAPKR OF THE BELLINGHAM STATE NORMAL BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S. B.Irish Co., Printingaj||§|||^Ji3ii Railroad Avenue " I am convinced that things cannot be expected to turn up of themselves. We must, in a measure, assist them to turn up. I may be wrong, but I have formed that opinion."—Dickens. THE STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF—FLORENCE D. BRAS ASSISTANT EDITOR—MABEL FRENCH Literary LORAINE SHERWOOD Class Editors- Senior GERTRUDE MCDONALD Junior - - FLORENCE ORNE Freshman - MOSIE ODLE Exchange Athletics - Art Editor J. G. DAVIS LEW GREENE FLORENCE PLUMB Alumni - VIOLET JOHNSON Organizations— Alkisiah - JESSIE JEANS Philomathean - ANNA CONMEY Boys Debating Club - J. G. DAVIS Students' Ass'n, MINNIE BURROUGHS Y. W. C. A. - - - HELEN FINCH Choral Club - FLORENCE CHARROIN Calendar - - - MARGARET STARK - - MARIE RYAN - - FRANK KRAUSE VICTORIA THIBERT - MARY RIORDON Jokes{ Managers •! TERMS—SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR Entered December 21, 1902, at Bellingham, Washington, as second-class matter, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Vol. X. April, 1911 No. 7 ^§^t This last month has been an especially pleasant and profit­able time for the Normal Students. Everyone started out enthu­siastically on Second Semester work, and have continueed their interest through the first quarter. Perhaps a part of the explan­ation lies in the fact that we have had so much to enjoy the last few weeks. Mrs. Engberg inspired us with her music, the Art Exhibit with its fine pictures, the Boys' Debating Club enter­tained the Clubs of the School, thus giving us a chance to see how well they are managing their Club work. The Girls' Choral Club presented a cantata worthy of any School and invited us to at­tend. And we have been shown some good ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 2 ---------- 2 THE MESSENGER We are promised Ben Lindsay, Champ Clark and other good things the following two months. Since this is so, surely we can finish the Semester as well as it was started. • Preparations are being made for the Senior Annual. Noth­ing definite has been stated concerning the appointment of the Staff except that the Editor and Assistant Editor and the Senior Staff members of the Messenger will be retained. Every Society, Class, Club, and other organizations of this School should vie with each other in making their part of the Senior Annual the best. • How we all admire enthusiast's—the only people that can really accomplish things. The other day I ran across this passage in the Y. W. C. A. calendar. Read it: "Blessed are the men and women of fine enthusiasm! A materialistic age cannot wither them nor the world's custom of slamming doors in their faces rob them of their infinite courage. They are as a fresh breeze on a Summer day, and while sometimes they blow a little too hard, they keep us thereby from stagnation and pessimism and inertia the while we are holding on our hats and wondering how long it will last." • The Seniors have commenced work on the Pageant. This promises to be a very spectacular event worthy of the School's in­terest and patronage. As nothing like this has ever been given in the city, a large number of spectators are expected. The Class of 1911 are to be congratulated because they have adopted a new means of entertainment and raising money. • • • COMPLACENCY. I am not hard at all to please, My wants are simple as can be. I ask of others only that They shall not interfere with me. I limit on one's words or acts, I care not what folks do or say, Or even how selfish they may be, If I can only have my way. I hate the grasping egotists, "Who disregard all other's claims To anything and only strive To gratify their selfish aims. I ask for nothing but my rights, From hour to hour, from day to day, And I am always quite content If I can only have my way. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 3 ---------- THE MESSENGER 8 To the uninitiated a "baptizin' on Big Sandy means nothing and the following record of one of these gatherings may seem but a flight of the imagination. The Big Sandy is formed at Louisa, Ky., by the union of its two branches, called Tug Fork and Levisa Fork. The Levisa Fork forms a large part of the eastern boundary of Kentucky. It is near the headwaters of this fork, in the most mountainous part of the State, that the incident I shall relate, occurred. , the county seat of , county is situated on the river, and just across from the town is a small cabin, formerly used as a "meetin' house" by the negroes for miles around. Night after night a revival had been held until it was almost im­possible to get the blacks to perform their daily duties. Colored people, as is well known, are past masters in the art of shouting, while under the influence of religion. The townspeople could not sleep for the din and gathered nightly on the river bank to listen and wonder. Benches were overturned, windows knocked out, chairs smashed, clothes torn off and lamps upset. It is as much as a white man's life is worth to venture in one of these meetings. The blacks think the whites have come out of curiosity, as indeed they have, and while under the influence of "the Spirit," the negroes often inflict severe bodily injury on their visitors. After a month of shouting, singing and yelling, all the avail­able material had '' got religion," as it is termed, and it was neces­sary to have the dusky converts baptized. While nominally Methodist, no negro in this section of country is considered bap­tized until immersed in running water, the current of which is popularly supposed to carry away their sins on its tide. A Sunday afternoon was selected, the word passed around and an old white mountaineer preacher asked to preside. The unfortunate man thought he was to preach and wore his best suit—in fact, his only one, save the "butternut" outfit of his daily life. Imagine his dismay when told that he was to baptize 9. dozen converts. It ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 4 ---------- 4 THE MESSENGER would have been a fatal mistake to have refused, so poor old "Un­cle Jesse," as he was called, stood by his colors. The spot was four and a half miles from town and had been chosen to prevent the attendance of curiosity seekers. The plan failed; for more than four hundred people thronged the banks of the stream. Every available vehicle in the little mountain town had been hired and for hours the road lay buried in a cloud of dust. People came on horseback, on muleback and on foot. A prettier location could not have been found. Huge, white-' armed sycamores lined the deep pool of the beautiful stream and cast fanciful shadows on its clear waters. The rays of sunlight drifted through the thick foliage, as the branches were swayed to and fro by the light wind, and danced like fiery stars on the bosom of the river. The green banks rose steep on either side, forming good vantage ground for the sight-seers. It was this primitive Garden of Eden that the ignorant negroes, with their instinctive sense of the beautiful and a sort of innate poetry of nature, had chosen for their dedication to God's "Work. The little knot of worshipers gathered near the river under a giant sycamore, the branching roots of which had been washed into view by the freshet of the Spring before, and opened their meeting. After a short song service and Bible reading the patriarchal preacher waded into the stream and stood waiting. The negroes, knowing that the whites were expecting a great lark, kept very quiet. One after another was immersed with only an occasional pig-like grunt until there was but one left, the cook of the town hotel. '' She never fails to shout,'' whispered one of the spectators. As she waded out to the preacher a change came over her. Her features became tense and her muscles rigid. Just as she was about to be borne under the water her hands and feet flew up like piston rods; and with a shout of "Glory," both she and the preacher disappeared from view. The old man pluckily regained his feet, but with an ear-splitting "Hallelujah!" his charge again engulfed him in the stream. The two struggling forms bobbed up and down with an inde­scribable swish-swash of the water, while waves splashed high in the air. The convert was uncontrollable, as was most of the audi­ence, many of whom were wildly shouting, while others were rolling on the ground in an ecstacy of enjoyment. The small boys on the bank danced and yelled like Commanche Indians and even threw stones at the two struggling in the water. Others leaned against the snake-fence, helpless with laughter. The blacks all this time had tried to sing their songs, but the .uproar was so ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 5 ---------- THE MESSENGER b great that the hymn ended with cne long, quavering note. The old man was trying to bring his fractious charge out of the stream; but his already feeble strength was rapidly failing. It was soon seen that both would drown unless help came, so one colored beau braved the water in his finery, bringing both to shore. The woman was laid under a tree, where she remained for an hour in a semi-cataleptic state, while the exhausted minis­ter, after a short rest, dripping, wended his weary way home to his mountain cabin, leaving a trail of water behind him to mark his path. A more disgusted lot of negroes would have been hard to find. One outraged brother said: " I jes' knowed old Suse 'd brake up de meetin'. Dat's wy we lef huh tel' de las'. I don' cyah how many time she gits 'ligion hyaftah, she shaint neber be baptized no mo'." R. A. G. • • • "Twenty Years in Hull House," by Jane Adams, was an in­spiration because it tells of accomplishment without the thought of self gain. So few of us achieve but bread, butter and a piece of headwear that it is interesting to learn how Jane Adams has be­come economist, writer, city scavenger, "the foremost citizen," arbitrator in Peace Congresses and alley fights, philosopher and philanthropist, in less than a quarter of a century. Many who have given this time to writing alone do not occupy the place in literature that is held by the author of "Newer Ideals of Peace," "The Spirit of Youth in the City Streets," and "Dem­ocracy and Social Ethics." No professor of economy has ad­vanced better or saner ideas for the betterment of social condi­tions. On missions of peace Jane Adams has been a fitting rep­resentative. The Hull House has been the forerunner of nearly three hundred similar extension movements and the interest iu the history of the work is shown by the sale of the book which is now one of the best sellers among non-fiction literature. After leaving college she says, " I t took eight years to formu­late my convictions, much less to reduce them to a plan for ac­tion." During this time Miss Adams sought life as human beings do, but she was able to look for it in the capitals of the world, in universities, galleries, on mountain tops and valleys, only to re­turn to Chicago to take up residence in the center of a densely congested district, midway between the shopyards and the pack­ing establishments. Here, surrounded by poverty and filth, among foreigners of the lowest European nations, whose American standards have been set by ward bosses, she chose her work,—doing for the poor. What could a group of men and women do in such an environ.- ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 6 ---------- 6 THE MESSENGER ment? This number of The Messenger could not contain a cata­logue of the work now carried on, but at first the most pressing needs of the neighborhood were attended to. Babies were cared for while the mothers were employed in factories, kinder-gardens were opened, sub-postoffices and postals were established, the young people were encouraged to form social groups, profit­able amusements were furnished, debating clubs were formed, employment offices were opened, different nationalities were en­couraged to preserve their customs, and music, university exten­sion work was organized, the sick cared for, the dead buried. She did whatever her hand found to do. Despairing of se­curing the collection of the garbage in the nineteenth ward she was appointed garbage inspector. The loss of this "plum" made a great stir among the politicians. But faithfully "she arose at six in the morning and followed the wagons as they unceasingly dropped their contents in the incinerator;" but success came in the form of a reduced death rate in the ward; though the neigh­bors continued to say, " I t is no job for a lady." Since her location in the nineteenth ward has her influence been felt in local and State legislation. When the bill restricting child labor was agitated, her neighbors bitterly opposed it, for children of three were often wage earners, and the mothers of these small earners deluged her with cards accusing her of wrong and injustice. Her loyal neighbors now became her bitter ene­mies. She patiently began a course of education which bore and will still bear fruit. Success came; but not without the cost. Mistakes were made, traps were laid for her into which she walked as innocently as a child. She has been accused of being an anarchist and belonging to the "moneyed interests," of being too orthodox and unortho­dox; has been accused of living with the poor and "lunching" with the rich; of cleaning streets when a woman's work should be limited to cleaning houses; the press have used her to make copy putting their own motives to her actions. Probably no woman and few men have had more varied lines of work than this frail woman, who has been called "the fore­most citizen of America.'' Her beautiful face is that of a modern Fate which seems to say: Serene I fold my hands and wait Nor care for wind, nor tide, nor sea, I rave no more 'gainst time or fate For, lo! my own shall come to me. What matter if I stand alone? I wait with joy the coming years; My heart shall reap where it has sown— And gather up its fruit of tears." C. M, ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 7 ---------- THE MESSENGER 7 WITH THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. It was June, the noonday sun shone down upon the Wyoming sand hills. No cloud appeared upon the pale blue of the sky; but only the sun shone down, turning to gold the white sand of the hills and the muddy waters of the Head Platte. This was befor-.; the babel of civilization had desecrated the silent prairies and frightened the antelope and bison from their haunts among the hills. But plans were being made for that great mass of civiliza­tion, which was soon to surge westward. Preparations were go­ing on to receive the first great steam monster, which was t; gt; cleave the silent plains with its shrill whistle, frightening the coy­ote from its den and causing much indignation in the prairie-dog towns. This first great steam monster was to join the hands of the Atlantic and Pacific, for here was being made the grade, and here laid the ties of the Union Pacific Railway. At this time there were some two hundred or more in the Un­ion Pacific camp, but even this number of white men might not be able to withstand the frequent attacks of the treacherous Sioux. Horses, food and ammunition were none too plentiful and it was a long drive of twelve hundred miles across country to get supplies from Omaha, with no railways, few stopping places, and always Indians, or a worse and more dangerous trail of five hundred miles westward to Salt Lake City. But on this June day when the call sounded for dinner, the danger of the Indians and all their privations were forgotten iu the merry raillery that went forth as the men laid aside their picks and shovels, turned their horses into the unstable rope cor­ral, and stalked in to partake of bacon, beans, salt-rising bread with dried apple sauce and black coffee. For the day was one of those June days of the Middle West, which makes one glad to live,—glad to listen to the-call of the meadowlark, the chirp of the blackbird, and the mournful coo of the turtle-dove. As the men strolled towards camp a coyote appeared on a little knoll not far distant and eyed the laughing crowd with an air of nonchalance. When one big fellow shook his fist at it and quickened his pace to get his gun, the offending animal coolly turned, as if disgusted, and trotted into the sage-brush; while closer at hand a prairie-dog sat upon its haunches and looked the crowd over inquisitively, then with a "Yip! Yip" fairly upset himself into his burrow. "Say, Shorty; what did you do with that coyote you ran down last night?" said one man, jestingly, to a tall, good-look­ing chap, beside him. , ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 8 ---------- 8 THE MESSENGER "Dumped him into the quicksand and that's where you'll sink some of these days if you don't move," was Shorty's drawled reply. "Ugh!" said another of the crowd, noticeable for his brown, curly hair, "The quicksands of the Platte tell no tales and they never give up their dead," he remarked, more to himself than to the others. Dipping water from the muddy Platte in tin basins, the men washed and wiped on the grain sack towels, and then seated themselves at the tables improvised from wagon side boards and cracker-boxes, and now spread with tin plates and the digestible bill-of-fare. "Hey, Curly," shouted the lengthy lad known as "Shorty," "get a move on and come to grub. Quit dressing those silken locks. Some red will wear that shock away on his belt some of these fine days, and you'll have to do without it." ''Yes,'' said one man called ''Little Joe," "anyone 'ud think 'twas him had a gal in camp stead of you! You better leave my gal alone, hadn't he, Katie?" As the laugh went up the girl standing close beside her father turned away, while a red spot burned in either cheek. "Shorty," said Curly, slapping his companions good-humor-edly on the back, as he seated himself. "If one of them reds gits this top-knot of mine, you dump him into the quicksands, like you did that coyote." "Aw! Don't give the coyote bad company!" yelped out an­other, also noted for his height, and whom some one had dubbed "Long John from Puddin' River," for wherever you find the frontiersman you find his suggestive nicknames and these hardy men were no exception to the rule. The meal was progressing in the usual jovial manner. Much merriment at one table in particular centered around Curly and Shorty. "Say, Curly!" said Long John, "Tho't you and Shorty were goin' to be old maids and live in single blessedness together. "For they all knew the friendship which existed between Shorty and Curly and liked to tease them both about the feeling, which every one guessed that Katie and Shorty had for each other. But be­fore Curly could make a reply to Long John's sally, a shout arose from one of the farther tables, and the electrified cry was "In­dians! Indians!" There was a mad rush from the table and a, scramble for firearms, which had been laid aside. But the ropes of the corral had been cut and the crowd 01 Indians, their lithe bodies swaying forward over the heads of their mottled ponies, sent forth their war-whoop, not to frighten the ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 9 ---------- THE MESSENGER 9 men but the horses; for it is the horses they are bent upon having. The two hundred head of corraled horses raised their heads and broke away, with frightened snorts. One big handsome black, standing tied to a wagon wheel, raised his head and, seeing the other horses stampeding, jerked at his halter rope, succeeding in breaking away, following the herd at a gallop. This big black was the pride and favorite of Curly, and when he saw him being driven off he bounded forward, shouting: "There goes Prince! I won't let those reds have him!" "Curly! Come back!" shouted Shorty, in warning. "Come back! They '11 shoot you!" "Come back, Jimmy!" called Katie. "Come back!" echoed from over a score of voice; and, as "Long John" mounted a stray pony to go with him, another call went after the men, now mounted and riding after the Indians: '' Come back! both of you!'' But hardly had this last call of warning gone forth from the frightened onlookers when two of the painted savages swung their bridleless, saddleless ponies about and their rifles spoke. The ponies mounted by "Long John" and "Curly" rushed away riderless, and two silent forms lay in the sand. An angry cry rose from the men in camp and, as pandemo­nium reigned there, the two Indians coolly rode back to the men they had slain, and dismounted. The sure and wicked scalping-knife, in the practiced hands of the Sioux, quickly did its work, and the shock of red hair from "Long John's" head hung at the belt of one, and the brown, curly locks of "Curly" at the other's. "Black Snake!" hissed "Little Joe," in agonized grief. Black Snake it was, the terror of the plains, and on whose belt hung the scalps of many an unfortunate white man. "Brother! Oh, Brother!" called Katie, as she saw the last two Indians gallop away. But "Shorty" simply stood and stared; grief, disbelief and consternation at the death of his friend mingled with hatred for his slayers written on his face. They laid "Long John" and "Curly" side by side on the free and open plains. Few words were spoken, but that night no songs nor jokes went forth. Their grief was dumb and inexpres­sible. Only once was "Little Joe" heard to murmur, "My son! my son!" As the sun sank below the horizon, flooding the land for miles around with scarlet splendor and then faded into the gray of night, the long, wailing howl of a coyote ascended heavenward, answered only by the mournful coo of the turtle dove. # # # # # # ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 10 ---------- 10 TBE MESSENGER Three months passed. A few horses had been secured and camp was being moved from the muddy waters of the Platte. Word had gone forth that Black Snake and his followers were again in the country and Union Pacific employe's guarded their horses and supplies nervously, and on this bright September morning they were to move forward. "Shorty," on hearing of Black Snake, had ridden off two days before, and the men in camp forebodingly waited his return; while Katie, every hour, strained her eyes along the horizon, fear oftentimes riding down her hope for the man who was to be more than brother to her. But this morning, when the gang was most ready for the drive across country, "Shorty" rode into camp, tired and muddy, with a look of triumphant grief upon his good-natured face; but he brought with him three horses instead of one. One was big Black Prince, which Black Snake had taken possession of, the other was the curiously mottled pony ridden by the red who had carried away the shock of red hair on his belt. No questions were asked, but a look of understanding flashed from eye to eye. A little later on, as the long line of wagons wended their way across the sandy plain, "Shorty" and Katie stood hand in hand beside the graves in the open. "Curly," said "Shorty," and his voice was husky. "I did what you told me to. The quick sands of the Platte tell no tales and they never give up their dead. Yes, 'Long John,' " and his voice broke in a sob, " I gave that coyote some bad company." Then turning away they followed the slowly moving wagons; looking back only once for a last farewell upon the lonely mounds under the open sky. VIOLET E. PAYNE. • • • JUDGE BEN LINDSAY. Without question, the most unique figure in American politi­cal life of the present day is Judge Ben Lindsay, reformer, writer and philanthropist. Through his efforts in behalf of the bad boy and his sympathetic understanding of child nature, he has earned for himself the unstinted praise and appreciation of the thinking world of men and women. Judge Lindsay was born in Jackson, Tennessee, November 25, 1869. His early life was spent on the farm. At the age of eleven, with his family, he moved to Denver, Colo., returning for a year or two to his grandfather's farm, only to be recalled to Denver by the failing health and illness of his father. His educa­tion was received principally at Notre Dame, supplemented by a few years at a Baptist school. At the age of 18 the death of ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 11 ---------- THE MESSENGER 11 Lindsay's father occurred, leaving him the support of his mother and three other children. Securing work, first as an errand boy, later as an office boy and, meanwhile, studying law at every op­portunity, he gradually worked himself up, was admitted to the bar, formed a partnership with a loyal and trusted friend and be­gan active practice of law. It was while he was engaged in the practice of his profession that Lindsay first came in actual eon-tact with the appalling conditions surrounding the handling ot youthful criminals, and his broad sympathies sought to solve, in some manner, the difficult problem of the '' bad boy.'' The result of his activities was the Juvenile Court at Denver. His work in the Juvenile Court brought him in direct touch with the political machinery of the State. He found that crimi­nals were the product of conditions rather than intentions, and that reform must come through the reform of existing political machinery; through the recovering of the franchise from the hands of corporations directly controlling political life of the people. The results of his investigations and attacks upon the dragon-like beast pervading and permeating every phase of American life—social, economic and political,—he has written in a simple but graphic series of articles combined as a whole un­der the title, '' The Beast and the Jungle.'' Judge Lindsay is the product of modern social conditions de­manding men of broad sympathy, comprehensive views, incorrupt­ible integrity, and fearless adherence to ideals. He is the living proof that in the midst of social conditions almost approaching stagnation, there are still men who, having the courage of their convictions, are able to stand single-hand, if necessary, in their allegiance to right until the world, as it inevitably must, arises to their support and recognizes their true worth. EVA JURGENSOHN. • • • March 2.—Mrs. Thatcher talks on Music. Incidentally gives a dialogue with Miss Gray—Yes, the young men's voices do "carry" well. March 3.—Miss Montgomery talks on Scotland, with songs by Mrs. Thatcher. We are all deeply affected by the latest hit from Broadway. March 4.—First Kline Cup game—Juniors vs. Seniors. Boys' game follows, in which Mr. Hanks is a shining light. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 12 ---------- 12 THE MESSENGER March 5.—The young men depart from Assembly for a special session. March 9.—Alkasiah program and chafing dish spread. March 10.—We are entertained in Assembly by Recital given by Mrs. Whipple, soprano, and Mr. Williams, violinist. The repeated applause showed our appreciation.—The Senior Girls at Edens Hall entertain the Senior Class.—A duet by Mr. Deerwester and Miss Gray is a feature of the eve­ning. March 11.—Second Kline Cup game, Juniors vs. Second Years.— In mighty procession they march through the gym. The Orange and Black—Hip, Hooray! For the Juniors, poor "La La's," is certainly is An extremely fatal cold day. March 13.—Senior Class meeting—The Pageant wins!—Mr. Sher­wood suggests that the Senior Class "fold their tents, like the Arab, and as quietly steal away." March 14.—Twentieth Century Club banquet at Edens Hall.— The "unusual lot of waitresses" distinguished them­selves.— Oh, you cheese balls! March 15.—The Art Exhibit is on! Art talks at Assembly.—Tea served in afternoon by P. L. F. Club ladies.—Program in evening by Monday Music Club. March 16.—More Art!—The Aftermath Ladies serve afternooa tea.—Students' Recital in evening.—Young Men's De­bating Club holds protracted meeting.—Pipes win!—The Choral Club groups itself artistically on the front steps and is "shot" for a picture.—Y. W. C. A. holds annual election of officers. March 17.—Green everywhere in evidence.—Juniors look per­fectly natural, and are in keeping with the prevailing color scheme.—Some hear Henry George, Jr., lecture; Others stay home and make fudge. March 18.—Still more Art!—Students' program in the evening.— Faculty Meeting, Legislature, Readings and Songs ap­propriate to the occasion prove entertaining.—Is it true that same misguided young gentleman so far forgot his dignity as to jump through a window, at Dinner? He has our envy as to his courage and our sympathy as to fu­ture punishment. March 19.—Peace reigns.—Don't you dare open your Phil, of Ed. —It's Sunday.—The mound on our campus becomes an up-to-date photo gallery. March 20.—Seniors rise early and cram.—I'll pass that Phil, of Ed. test or know the reason why!—At Assembly, the boys ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 13 ---------- THE MESSENGER 13 upon special request, "Rock In the Cradle of the Deep," etc. ...... ...» ,: March 23.—Hail! Hail! falls at Assembly.—Young Men's De­bating Club holds open session.—Yes, we know Mr. Becker sometimes rides on the street cars. I wonder why and where? March 24.—Choral Club is heard in Recital. March 25.—'Twas quite a joke on Table 4, at the Hall, when the guest of honor failed to appear at the birthday spread.— Third Kline Cup game.—The Seniors say farewell to the cup.— 'Twas a fine game just the same. March 27.—The Alaksiahs banquet in style, from soup to toasts. March 28.—Serious illness of Mr. Epley's cow. March 30.—Home and mother for mine! *•* *•* *•• THE ART EXHIBIT. The Art Exhibit was the center of social interest during the week beginning March 13. From the cultural standpoint, this Exhibit has had no equal. The pictures were masterpieces which aroused genuine appreciation. The School children visited the Exhibit in large numbers and their preparation for it was mani­fest by their interest, attendance and intelligent questions. The pictures were carbon photos, furnished by a Boston company, and suitable for school-room use. Over $200.00 was realized. A part of this was given to public schools who will place pictures in each school. The Normal expects to buy $150.00 worth of pictures. The City Clubs helped to make the Art Exhibit a success by act­ing as hostesses and entertaining the spectators with programs, assisting to a more thorough knowledge of the pictures. The Twentieth Century Club acted as hosts the evening of March 14. Miss Norton talked on Italian Painting; Miss Sperry on Raphael. Mrs. Deerwester discussed the Mona Lisa, The Winged Victory and the Coliseum. Mrs. Pless spoke on Potter's Young Bull. Dr. Kirkpatrick discussed the Madrid Gallery, and Mr. Macartney the Dresden Gallery. • Virginia Mathes played a violin solo. On "Wednesday afternoon the P. L. F. Club ladies served tea and gave a program. General talks on Art were given by Mesdames Roray, Ballaine and Roeder, Misses Chappell and Montgomery and Mr. Deerwester. Wednesday evening the Monday Evening Music Club enter-tained. Musical numbers by Normal Orchestra, Mrs. Thatcher, Mrs. Deerwester, Miss Slater, Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Burlinganie and Mr. Harter were rendered. The Aftermath Club ladies-were iii charge Thursday afternoon. About twenty-fjye ladies talked. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 14 ---------- 14 THE MESSENGER on Art, among whom w^re Mesdames Hadley, Goodheart, Ireland. Gates, Hughes, Kirkpatrick, Cade and Mathes. The Normal stu­dents had Saturday evening's program in charge, which consisted of Class "stunts." BASKET BALL The last four weeks have been busy ones for the Basket Ball Girls. All their spare time has been spent in the gymnasium, making the last effort for perfection. The preliminary games have been played. The first of the series was played on March 4th between the Seniors and Juniors. The game was fast and well-played. The fouls were few. The Juniors carried off the laurels by winning with a score of 25 to 10. A great deal of rivalry was worked up between the two Classes and the gym. was filled with rooters. The line-up: Seniors—G. Johnson, L. Carlton, forwards; A. Abercrombie, center; F. Kemley, A. Nord, guards. Juniors—E. Franklin, L. Nichols, forwards; A. Hadeen, cen­ter; R. Colton, M. Crossman, guards. • On Saturday, March 11, the Juniors and Second Years lined up for the second game. The game was interesting, with the ex­ception of the many fouls made by the Juniors. Grace O'Keefe did some excellent work from the foul line. Nine points were made from the foul line for the Second Year team. The game ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 15 ---------- THE MESSENGER 15 was played before a large and enthusiastic crowd. The Second Years were victorious, winning by a score of 16 to 12. The line-up: The Juniors—E. Franklin, L. Nichols, forwards; A. Hadeen, center; R. Colton, M. Crossman, guards. Second Years—L. Arnold, G. 0 'Keefe, forwards; B. Phillips, center; J. Riley, J. Nichols, guards. • On Saturday, March 25, the last of the preliminary gamea-was played. The game was between the Seniors and Second Years. The Senior guards, Miss Carlton and Miss Busby, did some excellent playing in keeping down the score. The first half the score stood 4 to 0 in favor of the Second Years, only one field basket having been made. In the second half the Second Years made three field baskets and two points from the foul line. Strong work was done by the Second Year guards, for the Seniors only made one point during the game. The Second Years have won over both teams that they have played. The line-up: Seniors—G. Johnson, E. Buchanan, forwards; A. Abercroni-bie, center; C. Busby, L. Carlton, guards. Second Years—L. Arnold, G. 0 'Keefe, forwards; B. Phillips, center; J. Riley, J. Nichols, guards • The basket ball team of the Training School (Frank Herr­mann, George Morgan, Montague Baltuff, John Clouston, "William Arnett) have won the pennant in a series of games with the teams from the public schools at the Y. M. C. A. • • • Boy and girl out driving. Period of silence prevails. Boy—'' What's the matter ?" Girl—"Nobody loves me and my hands are cold." Boy—"Never mind; God loves you and you can sit on your hands." • Mr. Deerwester—"If you want the child to know beans you will have to teach him beans." • The Normal Schools of Washington In number, there are three; But the Normal School in Bellingham Is the only one for me. • Miss Sperry (in Eng. VII.)—"How did these miracle plays compare with our Sunday Schools of to-day?" Miss Spinning—"They were lots more interesting." ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 16 ---------- THE MESSENGER ASSEMBLY HASH. ("There is beauty in the forest—") There is beauty in the Seniors, Junior girls are green and slow; There is beauty in the Second Years, That's the Class that will make them go. ("Onward, Ever Onward.") Onward, ever onward; Senior Class are we! We will never pass the hat Wise though Sherwood be; We'll do all we attempt you see, Senior play or pageantry, We're the Class of Loyalty, Seniors of today. Aimer hold the water While the Juniors play, Lucile's overheated, Warmed up bunch are they. Cunningham's a la-la! Cunningham's,a la-la! Second Years will show you Juniors How the game is played. ("The Violet's Fate.") On Tuesday night ,:,. Dorm girls in sad plight, Never go to the diningroom To sneak a bite. ("Rocked in the Cradie of the Deep.") Class after Class by twos and twos, ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 17 ---------- THE MESSENGER 17 From studies now we take a snooze. There far, ah far, too deep for me But Hanks can answer, smart chap is he; He's President of the Debating Club, Of Normal life he is the hub. ("Out on the Deep.") Out on the street when the lights are low On Friday nights you see them go; There's Eva and Cade put them all in the shade While Dottie and Lord aren't slow, Then Bill and Flossie bring up the rear From afar you all can hear, Their voices are loud, they're a noisy crowd, Conversation is public here, Never mind, keep cool! There's a ten o'clock rule, So have your fun but do not go too far. ("Save the Holy Sepulchre.") On the campus not far off she stands, She holds the laws of the School in her hands. ("My Country, 'Tis of Thee.") Our Normal 'tis in thee, She rules in majesty, Miss Gray, our Dean Ne'er go too far, I say. Her frown will give dismay, No girls can hear, they say, The Debating Team! ("Auld Lang Syne.") Now give, my dears, respect to years And for the Seniors cheer, For we are worthy of your praise, We'll soon be leaving here. We've loved your squabbles and your noise, We've loved you all in turn, And soon with sad regret you'll say— Seniors, Seniors, hats off to thee, To our colors true we will ever be . Firm and strong united are we, Skookum-tum-tum; kush-wah-wah! Normal Seniors, rah! rah! rah! Eah! for the Senior Class! • Miss Margaret Stark was selected by the Class to represent the Seniors in the Commencement program. Miss Maud McElroy, a former student, has been the guest of Margaret Stark for a few days. Miss McElroy has been teach­ing the past year in Katalla, Alaska, and will return in April. Miss Edna Lawrence, '10, who is now teaching in the Belling-ham Schools, spent the first day of her Spring vacation, visiting her friends of the ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 18 ---------- 18 THE MESSENGER Miss Winnifred Davis, of Enumelaw, spent her vacation with her sisters, the Misses Genevieve and Ethelyn Davis, of Edens Hall. A number of the girls spent their vacation with their School friends. Jessie Jeans was the guest of Mable French, at her home on Everett; Lucinda Bailey visited Mollie Harrison, at East Sound; Misses Florence Remley, Charlotte Busby and Bessie Bowersock was royally entertained by Miss Hattie Nelson, at her home in Clipper. Miss Adelaide Abercrombie was confined to her room for two weeks by a severe attack of la grippe. Several Seniors have been substituting in the Lynden Schools this year. Miss Margaret Stark was there for two weeks. Miss Esther Nyland substituted in the second grade for two weeks and on her return to School Miss Hedrig Utsinger took her place and will remain three weeks. It is hoped that the regular teacher, who is suffering from a nervous breakdown, will then be able to return. The Misses Christine Johnson and Fern Pratt, of Blaine, were guests of Donna Pratt for several days. Marie Kelly was called home on account of the serious illness of her father. We hope to have Miss Kelly with us again next year. The basket ball game between the Seniors and Juniors was one grand victory, the score being 27 to 10 in our favor. F. O. to B. Boyd—"Do you know any Junior jokes?" Billie—"Just one joke,—the 'La-La.' " ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 19 ---------- TEE MESSENGER W The Juniors met in the Music Room, Their voiees all in tune, They took their seats as usual,— This forenoon of forenoons. The song they sang were in unison, The "School Cadet" came first, Of all the sounds one ever heard These were by far the worst. The solos were the next in line, They seemed to be the fad— Tho' "scared" to death some braved it out, It didn't sound so bad. Those awful notes they would not come, No matter how they tried; They sounded hollow, cracked and bent, The instructor nearly died. To her it sounded like an engine, Puffing up a grade; To the Juniors it was serious, For from this their marks are made. • • • HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The High School baseball team was organized recently. Tom Buhner was elected captain and L. M. Swartz manager. The boys have been practicing steadily and are ready for challenges. Out of three games played thus far, we have won two, which record is at least as good as the Normal team can boast. It has been arranged that the High School have a little pri­vate chorus practice of its own in the Study Hall, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We object most strenuously, however, and our objections and entreaties may have some effect on our hard-heart­ed Fazer. We shall hope for the best, at least. The Tenth Grade Class celebrated last Saturday evening in Society Hall. The party was a live one, without a dull moment, which is more than can be said of some in the past. The Normal boys made a raid on the precious refreshments, but without suc­cess. • • • Miss Gottlieb—"Should you always eat till you are sat­isfied?" Mr. Olson—"I dunno; I always do." ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 20 ---------- 20 THE MESSENGER THE MRS. ENGBERG CONCERT. Under the auspices of the Lecture Course, Mrs. Davenport- Engberg, assisted by Franz Boyd Wells, pianist, and Edna Bay­lor, accompanist, gave a violin recital in the Normal Auditorium, March 3rd. The following beautiful program was presented. 1 Violin Solo—. Concerto (E minor) Mendelssohn Allegro Andante Allegro molto vivace 2 Piano Solo— (a) Baracarolle LiadoAV (b) Fantasie Impromptu . Chopin 3 Violin Solo— (a) Serenade Drigo (b) Im Rosendaft (Roses Fair) Prince Gustav, of Sweden (c) Cradle Song (violin alone) M. D. Engberg 4. Piano Solo— Rhapsodie VIII Liszt 5 Violin Solo— Theme and Variations (on G string) Paganini Dance of the Goblins Bazzini • • • GIRLS' CHORAL CLUB CONCERT. On the night of March 24 occurred the Girls' Choral Club Concert, which was an unusual treat. The chorus and solo work was especially good. Under the direction of Mrs. Thatcher, the girls have made rapid advancement. We hope to hear from them many times more during the year. (a) Overture Laurendeau (b) Reverie Atherton Normal Orchestra "Who Shall Be Fleetest?" (from Rebekah) Barnby ' Choral Club—Solo, Charlotte McKay Gondellied Hoffman Anna ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 21 ---------- TEE MESSENGER fcl (a) '' Welcome, Pretty Primrose'' Pinsut i (b) " O, Heart of Mine'' Clough-Leighter Charlotte McKay, Emma Montgomery, Marion Bascom, Genevieve Davis "The Garden of Flowers" Denza Chorus—'' The Morn'' "The Lark and the Nightingale" '' White Butterfly'' Alto Solo—Lovely Rosebud'' _ Florence Charroin Chorus—'' Summer Breezes'' '' The Bees'' Soprano Solo—"0, Happy Streamlet" Anna Hadeen Chorus—'' Good Night'' "Garden of Flowers, So Fair" • • • B. S.N.S.,35;Y. M. C. A., 37. On March 7th our boys went against the local Y. M. C. A. team for the last big game of the season. Both teams were con­fident of victory. The crowd was large and hilarious. Things be­gan to happen at the blowing of the whistle. Our fellows went into the game with a rush that carried the down-town men off their feet. They soon got started, however, and seemed able to shoot baskets from any part of the floor. Grue, the Y. M. guard, had the hardihood to incur White's animosity in the early part of the game. They insisted on puffing off a Jeffries-Johnson stunt over in one corner, but the referee couldn't see it that way, and they: were both put out of t i e game. The Normal rooters almost lost^nbpe wfien they saw White disappear into the dressing-room. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 22 ---------- 22 THE MESSENGER Frank Krause was put in his place and, incidentally, that boy pro­ceeded to play the game of his life. It is very doubtful if even "White could have done better. With only two minutes more to play the Normal was six points in the lead, and victory seemed certain. Then, by a phe­nomenal streak of luck, or skill, the Y. M. C. A. players shot three baskets in quick succession, and tied the score as the whistle blew. The ball was tossed up for another basket, and the Y. M. C. A. shot the basket. This is an excellent example of winning a game and then losing it. Carver played a star game for the Normal all through, and made eleven points. Lord followed with eight points. Macbeth, the peerless Y. M. C. A. forward, made twenty-one points for the visitors. The teams lined up as follows: Normal—Carver, Lord, forwards; White, center; Tucker. Fritz, guards. Y. M. C. A.—Macbeth, Edwards, forwards; J. Harris, center; Grue, E. Harris, guards. • • • BASEBALL. The boys are losing their interest in basket ball, and are tak­ing to baseball. At an Athletic meeting held some time ago, Mosie Odle was elected temporary captain of the team. The fellows are seriously handicapped, because they have no place to practice, but they are trying to make the best of what they have, and ave turning out in the mud on the Training School grounds. The High School boys have organized a team, which has had better success so far than the Normal. • NORMAL HIGH SCHOOL, 2; B. H. S. FRESHMEN, 1. The High School boys played the first game of the season, and came out with colors flying. The game was purely a pitcher's battle, the hits being so few that there was little chance for field­ing. The Freshmen made their run in the early part of the game, while ours were run in later. NORMAL, 12; B. H. S. FRESHMEN, 7. Encouraged by the success of the High School boys, our reg­ular Normal team tried conclusions with the Bellingham Freshies. Although our fellows won easily over the smaller team, the game ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 23 ---------- THE MESSENGER 23 showed their need of organization and practice. Fullman pitched for the Freshmen, and the Normal tried in succession Jess White, Odle and "Shorty" Copenhaver. • NORMAL, 9; B. H. S., 31. The Normal next tried to drag the colors of its hereditary enemy, Bellingham High School, in the dust; but alas! the result was one to bring tears to the eyes of any faithful Normalite. The boys tried their very best, and Messrs. "Red" East, Marshal and Ed Hawkins, in turn, nearly threw their arms out of place, but without avail. Our fielding and batting Avere poor, and the play­ing in general showed the need of organized practice. Get to­gether, boys! • NORMAL, 2; SOUTH SIDE HIGH, 9. The luck of the Normal failed to change, and the South Side boys administered the next whipping. This was the game that made Gubbins famous, for Willie came through with a pretty homer. Marshal and Hawkins did the pitching stunt for our boys. *•* *•* *•* ADVICE TO THE LOVE-LORN. (By Monsieur le Conte Bunko.) To Our Readers:—The distinguished Count Bunko, who will conduct this new and useful department of our paper, has had a career well-suited to enable him to take up this great work of ad­vising the young people of this section in their "affaires du coeur,'' as the Count beautifully expresses it. He is a true cosmo­politan, having lived all his life in the beautiful city of Paris. He was married when very young to a rich and beautiful heiress, of our own country. On her death, however, her father, a hard­hearted capitalist, refused to supply his noble son-in-law with any more funds. So, reluctantly bowing to the hard-hearted demands of his creditors, this scion of the noble house of Bunko his been obliged to seek some remunerative occupation. At a great cost the management of this paper has secured him to take charge of this great new department. All our patrons are invited to consult Count Bunko for advice whenever they wish. Below we print the Count's acceptance of his position: "Mademoiselle, the Editor of The Messenger: You know not with what joy I haste to take up my work in your beautiful department. 'Advice to the Love-Lorn.' To think ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 24 ---------- U THE MESSENGER that I, Alphonse Pierre Chow-Chow, should have so beautiful, so poetic a task. Yet, who better fitted than I, a child of la belle France, the land of romance. Messieurs, I long to take up my task. I yearn to help these young souls in their trials. Yours very sincerely, " ALPHONSE PIERRE CHOW-CHOW." P. S.—"Will you please to forward at once my first month's salary, as I have a temporary need of funds ? " "My Dear Count Bunko, " I am a young man of very prepossessing appearance, and a great deal of fascination. I am in love with ten different girls. They are all very fond of me. Which one shall I choose ? "Perplexedly, "LA-LA " " I should think from your disposition, you would be able to divide your time up among the ten girls. This would be much more exciting than choosing one." "Dear Count: What is your opinion of the propriety of the following: The young man I go with always insists on turning out the lights so we can sit on the stairs in the dark. Should I allow him to do this ?'' "ANXIOUS." "Of course, you can show him off better with the lights on, but try to see the young man's point of view. He probably wishes greater privacy." "My Dear Count: I cannot get my beloved to stay later than one o'clock of an evening. I think this shows a lack of very deep affection for me. What can I do to make his love for me stronger?" "HEART-BROKEN." Could you not get some exciting little game, like cards, fox* instance, to entertain him with ? I think you could help him from noticing the flight of time in this way. "My Dear Count: I am very much in love with a young man, and he returns my affection; but of late another young lady has been doing everything in her power to get him away from me. How can I stop this? '' YOURS IN SUSPENSE.'' You might show your deep contempt for the young lady's be­havior on every occasion. This will probably cause her to realize the error of her ways. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 25 ---------- THE MESSENGER 25 Y. W. C. A. The annual election of officers was held Thursday afternoon, March 16th, at which time the following were elected: Carol Johnson •••• President. Era Franklin Vice President Nellie Gibson Secretary Minnie Burroughs •••• Treasurer Miss Lucy J. Hopkins, Student Secretary of the Northwest Territory, met with the cabinet girls of the Y. W. C. A., Mon­day and Tuesday. In honor of Miss Hopkins, Miss Gray entertained the mem­bers of the Y. W. C. A. Advisory Board at dinner, Monday eve­ning, March 27th. The invited guests were Miss Hopkins, Miss Sperry, Mrs. Deerwester, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Powell and Miss Hillis. One of the happy customs of the Association is the sunrise Easter meeting at six o 'clock, on the top of Sehome Hill. The bud­ding of Spring-time, the peace of the city below, the beauty of. the bay beyond, the glory of the sunrise, together with the Easter joy, make it a never-to-be-forgotten service. The weather permitting, we will have another such service this Easter, April 16th. • • • gt; ALKASIAH. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 26 ---------- 26 TEE MESSENGER MENU. Cream Tomato Soup, a' la Reardon Mutton Broth a' la Hemmingson Olives, Dubuque Crackers Fish Bruckhart Roast and Gravy, Margaret Stark Irish Potatoes, Watson Indian Corn, Egtvet Rolls, Plumb Combination Salad, Thebert Dessert, Jurgensohn-Bailej- Coffee, Busby Toasts—Grace Allen Walborg Olson All parts of the dinner were a decided success, from the soup, for which we were all glad to receive the recipe, to the dessert, which consisted of real chocolate cookies. Some parts of the dinner, which were particularly enjoyed were the "Roast and Gravy," and "The Combination Salad." They were so good in fact that we are going to be unselfish and pass them along: • ROAST AND GRAVY. 'Twas just at dusk on Sehome As I sat on a bowlder to gaze At the glorious scene in the distance My sight seemed veiled with haze— Nature's humps and bald spots seemed to raise. Instead of Life's beauties and pleasures, There are times when one feels blue; When only mistakes and blunders Present themselves to view— Alas, how very often this is true. How cruel these mornings early When one must crawl from bed, That fog must all envelopes one And chill from toes to head— (Tis true the sun its rays does later shed.) These days 'tis ever study, There's little time for play— Dig and dig and cram— What is the use, I say! (Of course next year that c'tif'cate brings its pay.) When things are going smoothly, Why must exams, come fast, Our peace of mind to shatter, Our lives in gloom to cast, (But, Oh! that yellow slip which says "you've passed!") How said it is that maidens, Both beautiful and bright, Must go to School where boys are few, ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 27 ---------- THE MESSENGER 27 You might say—out of sight? (I must admit in quality they're allright.) When we have vacation, We ought to have a week, It's hardly worth the money For five days your home to seek. (Of course I'd rather five than have to sneak.) How very pessimistic This long discourse has been— A roast not any too well done, With gravy, weak, thrown in.— ('Tmight well be called a stew, it is so thin.) • Then last, but not by any means least, came the toasts which were so good that you may also have the benefit of them. Days will come and days will go, And we may part forever; But we'll never forget the times we have met And the frolics we have had together. Here's to you at work or play, May onward be our rule. None will pass us by, we're Alkasiahs, • THE OLDEST CLUB IN SCHOOL. Here's a toast to all who are here, No matter where you are from. May the best day ever seen or grade received, Be worse than your worst to come. Here's good luck to our Club, May it live long and prosper. • • • H. L. S. CLUB. The H. L. S. Club has been holding interesting meetings. The members are enthusiastic and giving good programs. A Dunbar program will be rendered April 7, at 3:15, in Society Hall, to which all are invited by the members of the Club. The following program was given, March 23: Vocal Solo - .Linnie Nelson Reading -Eteie Nelson Mona's Waters ~ Ingeborg Johnson Recitation Jessie Bennett Humorous Reading Cecelia Cosgrove Lydia's Sacrifice Alma Neilson Jokes Glennys Allen ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 28 ---------- 25 THE MESSENGER 0 The Philomatheans held their regular meeting Thursday evening, March 2nd, and listened to the reading of a very inter­esting publication of the ''Philomathean Chronicle." The edito­rial by Miss Ruby Flowers, the editor, was very good. Locals, calendar, Philos not in school, jokes, advertisements, original poem, original story, were all very cleverly written. The original poem by Mr. Hanks was especially interesting. It brought in most of our Philos, and told something interesting of each. Fol­lowing are some selections from the poem: "D is for Davis, the girl of our choice, Who was elected Secretary without a dissenting voice." "M is for Meeks, our artist you know, "When posters are wanted to her we all go.'' "G is for Gibson, an attorney you know, Who makes his decisions as if he had visions; And always does right in spite of a fight; To fuddle and fizzle, delay, dallally, diddle, in these sort of things he takes no delight." On Thursday evening, March 16th, the following program was given: PROGRAM Parliamentary Drill Mr. Liddell Character of the Short Way Mr. Gibson Short Story Writers Miss Omeg The Lady and the Lion Mr. Sidney Johnson The Necklace Miss Spinning Just-So Stories Miss Headrick Music Mr. Sherwood Critic's Report Miss Courney The Philo meeting March 29th consisted of a debate and a short play. The Philomatheans wish to thank the Boys' Debating Club for the evening's entertainment given March 23. • • • BOYS' DEBATING CLUB ENTERTAINS OTHER CLUBS. The Boys' Debating Club entertained the other organizations of the School Thursday night, March 23. The boys gave a pro­gram representative of their work. The first debate was: "Re- ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 29 ---------- THE MESSENGER 29 solved, That the conservation of our natural resources should be a function of the State rather than the National Government." On the affirmative, were R. H. Knack and F. Cunningham; on the negative stood H. E. Rogers and S. G-. De Gross. The nega­tive won. The second debate, "Resolved, That women are more inconsiderate than men," was very amusing. The affirmative was represented by S. E. Johnson and Philip Hogan. The nega­tive debaters were V. Tidball and C. E. Becker. It was decided that women are more inconsiderate than men. C. Cade told us some highly interesting stories. The Club Quartette sang two se­lections. At the close of the program, Mr. North, one of the city lawyers gave a talk, consisting of suggestions to the boys and funny stories. The presidents of the various Clubs and the Editor of The Messenger were called upon for speeches. Each touched upon the organization she was representing. Each Club wishes to thank the Boys' Debating Club for the suggestions concerning Club work and the good time that was given them. A PHILOMATHEAN. • gt; • • PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OP CONTROL. Meeting March 1st—A partial report from the Constitutional Committee was received. It was decided to move an amendment made giving the High School Students the privilege of becoming members of the Association. Mr. De Gross's report for February read and approved. The games for the Kline cup had been arranged and were reported. Also reported that Miss Stark and Miss Deichman had been placed on Song Committee. Meeting March 8th— The arrangements with the Seniors for the Senior issue of The Messenger were discussed; a committee consisting of Misses French, Utzinger and Charroin were present, representing the Senior Class. Mr. Deerwester was appointed to meet with the Senior Com­mittee to formulate the conditions regarding this issue. Discussion of Tennis Court followed. Bills allowed, $13.30. Meeting March 15th— The proposed amendments to the Constitution were read and accepted, to be referred to the Association. Bills allowed, $11.43. Meeting March 22nd— Mr. Johnson's report read and accepted. Annual School picnic discussed and a committee appointed. Pills allowed, $258.61. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 30 ---------- 30 THE MESSENGER Miss Myrtle Brown, '09, is teaching at Lynden. John Richardson is studying law in Seattle, with his brother. Miss Grace Sellix, '10, is teaching in the ward schools at Ta-coma. Miss Ethel Lawrence is attending Business College in the city. Miss Maude Stookey is attending the Cheney Normal. She says she prefers Bellingham, but is attending Cheney in order to be near home. Jesse Trimble is principal of the school at Redmond. Miss Edith Kemple is teaching at Concrete, and Miss Ida Quito has a position in her home town, Eagleton. Miss Edna "Waples, '06, is attending the Pratt Institute at Brooklyn. Miss Vera Owen is teaching at Rice and Miss Addie Thomas at Kalama. Elmer Beel, who has recently joined the ranks of the bene­dicts, is teaching at Maple Falls. Miss Ina Landen, '10, who has charge of the Art "Work in the Blaine schools, spoke on "What Manual Training Has Done for Blaine Boys'.' at a recent meeting of the Whatcom County Indus­trial Training Association, which was held in the County Super­intendent's office. She also visited the Art Exhibit. Miss Abbie Johnson, '10, who is teaching in Everett, spent a recent week-end with her sisters, the Misses Carol and Geneva, at 1212Y2 Indian Street. Miss Agnes Caldwell, '10%, who is teaching at Wenatchee, writes that she has a good school, a good boarding place, and is enjoying her work very much. Miss Florence McKean, '10, who has a position in the Avon school, renewed acquaintances at the Normal some time ago. She likes her work very much, and says it is easier than teaching in the Training School. Miss Ada Campbell, '10, who was editor-in-chief of The Mes­senger last year, is located at Seward, Alaska. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 31 ---------- THE MESSENGER 31 Miss Vincent Gorman is teaching at Kelso. Mr. "William Bowman and Miss Pearl Barnett were married in Bellingham last summer. Mr. Bowman is Superintendent of the Touchet Schools. Miss George visited the school at Quincy, Wash., whose prin­cipal is Mr. A. D. Foster, a graduate of 1909. He has worked up a four year High School course, with three teachers in that de­partment. All doing fine work. He has also started a Manual Training and hopes to add Domestic Science next year, if possible. He is a progressive young man in a progressive community. High School boy, (rushing through the hall)—"Has the bell blowed?" • Little Amzi (who has an inquiring mind)—"Uncle Tim, I saw the word in The Messenger—what is the 'curriculum' of a Normal?" • Uncle Timrod (promptly)—"Curriculum, eh? "Why, that's what theme 'ere mop-headed Normal students comb their hair with." " I'd rather have fingers than toes, I'd rather have eyes than a nose. But as for my hair, I'm glad that it's there, And I'll be awfully sorry when it goes. • Miss Baxter (in R. S. Methods)—"Mr. Bryant, have you ever-seen the man in the moon?" Mr. B.—"No; the first object I could distinguish was a wom­an's face, and since then I haven't had time to look for the man." • Mr. Philippi (to Miss "W.)—"Why does moisture collect on the inside of a window in cold weather?" Miss W.—"Because the window takes cold." ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 32 ---------- 32 THE MESSENGER Miss G — ''Who belongs to your Club now, Mr. ?" Miss C.—"0, no boys, except Mr. Bever." • Miss G.—"Where is Chehalis?" Miss A.—"Chehalis? Why, Chehalis is the capital of Lewis County." • Mr. Epley—"If you take some cold fruit juice; put it in a bottle and cork it up, what will happen?" Bright Student—"Cork will fly out!" Mr. Epley—'' Well, if you take hot fruit juice; put it in a hot bottle, and put a hot cork in it, what will be the result?" Bright Student—"You will have a hot tamale." • Mr. Bever (confidentially)—"Do you know, I am coming to believe in the old age pension." • IN THE VARIOUS CLASSES. Miss Baxter (in R. S. Methods)—"If a seat in the school­room is uncomfortable and is not adjustable, what provision would you make ?" Miss Uddenburg (very seriously)—"I would provide a pil­low." • BROWNING. Miss L.—"Miss Miller, you may tell me about "Another Way of Love.' " Terese—"I only know 'One Way of Love.' " • WANTED. Wanted—A bolt of blue baby-ribbon so I can tie up my flow­ing locks on Easter Sunday.—C. Hawkins. Notice—For a suitable compensation from the right parties I will promise to chew over lumps of second-hand gum, not ex­ceeding two inches in diameter.—Marie Ryan. Wanted—To have Prof. Deerwester give me the psychology of how Mrs. Thatcher made me set down in chorus practice one day.—Monty East. Wanted—A good recipe for making corn starch pudding.— Rose Redda. Wanted—A new line of the latest catalogues from firms pub­lishing etiquette books.—"N. A. G." ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 33 ---------- THE MESSENGER 33 For Sale Cheap—Reliable information concerning quick and sure methods for chopping off front hair. Will warrant the "bang" to stand up stiff and straight.—Esther Fransen. Wanted.—To extend my period in agriculture so I can talk more about my '' ke-ow.'' At present it is hard to cover my course —and the "ke-ow."—Prof. Epley. Wanted—Instruction in the latest Sherlock Holmes' methods so I can trace my keys when lost, as my nerves are giving way under the strain of remembering where I last had them.—Tevce Dreamer. Notice—Any person or persons in doubt about any questions, political, social, moral, intellectual and otherwise, will do well to consult me as I am final authority.—Cholly Becker. Wanted—Committee appointed to consist of the six prettiest girls in the School to help me select my Easter tie, as I propose to eclipse all previous records.—Billy Moody. Wanted—Prescription on how to limber up in Gym. work, as Miss Sheafer has tabooed '' statuary.''—Veda Clifton. Wanted—A new cook book if I am to settle all disputes on cooking questions in the Physiology Class.—Mabel McFadden. Wanted—To have people stop "picking" on me as most of my friends consider me "spare" enough.—Sidney Johnson. Wanted—A law passed to abolish alarm clocks, so I can enjoy my moonlight siestas better when "Heinie's" there.—Alta R—t. "Maroon and White," Warden, Idaho.—Your cuts are in­teresting. You commit an unpardonable error in running your ads. and magazine material on the same page. The most conspicu­ous thing about your front cover is the big clothing house ad. The foregoing remarks are offered gratis, but trust they will prove of service. "Crescent," Newberg, Ore.—The article, "A Dramatist That Rivals Shakespeare," is deserving of much praise. A joke de­partment would be an interesting and appreciative addition to your paper. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 34 ---------- 34 THE MESSENGER "The Northern Illinois," DeKalk, 111.—A good sheet. We don't see how you afford it with so small a number of ads. "Beview," McMinnville, Ore.—An excellent paper, well written, with material well arranged. "Plunged" is a good story. '' Lewistonian,'' Lewiston, Idaho.—You seem especially strong in Debate and Athletics. The Literary department should receive more attention. "Kodak," Everett H. S.—Other School papers may receive some valuable suggestions from the '' Kodak.'' "We have nothing but praise to offer to its efficient staff. "College Breezes," St. Peter, Minn.—A trifle dry. Good ma­terial but lacking School spirit. • • • Miss C— (in Training School)—"What is a pedagogue?" Bright Boy—"A pedagogue is a big church." Second Bright Boy—"It isn't either; it is a part of a steam engine.'' • Miss B—s (in Physics Class, on Mr. B—s occupying a seat beside her)—"I don't like boys." Mr. B. took the most remote seat in the room. Miss B.—"I mean just the opposite of what I say." Mr. B. resumed the seat beside her. Smart Freshie—"Do you know why the name 'Woman,' was given to the feminine sex?" Senior—"No." Smart Freshie—"Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden and God sent him a companion. Adam wooed her. Hence she was first called 'wooman.' After this she ate of the forbidden fruit and brought woe on Adam, and after that she was called 'woeman.' In modern times she has become so filled with whims that we call them 'whimmen.' " • Weep and you're called a baby, Laugh and you're called a fool, Yield and you're called a coward, Stand, and you're called a mule. Smile, and they'll call you silly, Frown, and they'll call you gruff, Put on a front like a millionaire, And some guy calls your bluff. —Ex. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 35 ---------- THE MESSENGER 35 At the Long Assembly on March 15, Dr. Kirkpatrick read an interesting paper on "The Madrid Gallery," which he visited while in Spain. Miss Norton talked on "Italian Art," and Miss Sperry read from Browning's Art Poems, discussing also some of the "Madonnas" of the famous artists. Miss Montgomery, the primary critic, gave an instructive talk on Scotland and its music, which was beautifully illustrated by Mrs. Thatcher in Scottish Songs. Mr. Clark Hetherington, the representative of the National Play-ground Association movement, spoke to the School on March 27th, on the subject, "Deeper Significance of the Play-ground Movement and its Relation to the Normal School." The movement is heartily endorsed by all enterprising teachers. • RIP VAN WINKLE. A dramatization written by the Eighth Grade under the di­rection of Miss Helen Finch and Miss Lulu Brown. The company presenting the play is composed of the twenty-five boys and girls from the A-8 grade. Scene I—In which the hero displays his fitness for family life. Scene II—In which Dame interrupts a meeting of the village philosophers. Scene III—In which the hero has a strange adventure. Scene IV.—In which he awakes from his twenty-years' sleep. Scene V.—In which he returns to the village. Mrs. Frank Whipple, soprano, and Mr. John Williams, vio­linist, assisted by Miss Campbell, gave a much appreciated Re­cital in Friday morning's Assembly. The following program was beautifully rendered: 1 Gavotte .,. •• Gossec 2 Guetscher Tanz Ditterdorf 3 Swing Song Ethel Barnes Mr. Williams An April Heart Song Cycle by Clough-Leighter 1 When Spring Awakes 2 A Little Maiden Loves a Boy — ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 36 ---------- 36 TEE MESSENGER 3 The World Is Full of April 4 The Voice of Spring 5 The Magic of the Spring 6 You and I and April Mrs. Whipple Twelfth Aire Mr. Williams 1 Rose in the Bud 2 When I'm Big 111 Be a Soldier 3 Phyllis Has Such Charming Graces 4 Slave Song 5 The Lovely Month of May Mrs. Whipple "You're beaten to earth? Well, what of that? Come up with a smiling face. It's nothing against you to fall down flat But to lie there; that's disgrace." "The harder you're thrown, why, the higher you bounce, Be proud of your blackened eye. It isn't the fact that you're licked that counts, It's how did you fight, and why." • • • FRAPPED—A BIT OF REPARTEE. As a rule there is only about one thing to mar the joys of college days and nights and early mornings. That is, the Faculty. Honestly, I used to sit up until long after bed time every little while trying to figure out some real reason for a college Faculty. They interfere so. They are so inappropriate. Moreover, they are so confoundedly ignorant of college life. How a professor can go through an assorted collection of brain stufferies, get so many college degrees that his name looks like Halley's Comet with an alphabet tail, and then teach college students for forty years without even taking one apart to find out what he is made of, beats my time! That's a college professor for you, right through. He thinks of a college student only as some­thing to teach,—whereas, of all the nineteen hundred and eighty-seven things a college student is, that is about the least important ... De Beriot Forester Molloy .Old English Del Riego .... Hammond ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page 37 ---------- THE MESSENGER •61 to his notion. A boy might be a cipher message on an early Assy­rian brick and stand a far better chance of being understood by his professor. A college Faculty is a collection of brains tied together by a firm resolve—said resolve being to find out what miscreant put plaster of paris in the keyhole of the president's door. It is a wet blanket on a joyous life; it is a sort of penance provided by Providence to make a college boy forget that he's glad he's alive. It's a hypodermic syringe through which a student is supposed to get wisdom. It takes the place of conscience after you've been destroying college property. "When I sum it all up it seems to me that a college Faculty is a dark, rainy cloud in the middle of a beautiful May morning—at least that's the way the Faculty looked to me when I was a huble seeker after the truth in Siwash College.—Saturday Evening Post. ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ABSOLUTE SAFETY We will be pleased to have you visit our safe deposit vaults. An attendant will operate the MASSIVE CHROME STEEL DOOR and the ELECTRICAL BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM and to explain the different SAFE GUARDS which we have thrown around the boxes contained therein. Your deeds, mortgages, valuable papers, etc., will be securely guarded in one of our boxes, which we will rent for SIX MONTHS for TWO DOLLARS. Northwestern National Bank Railroad Avenue and Holly Street Mason Building - - Bellingham, Wash • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * * .•*••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••. • •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• ••••••• gt; •••••••• •••••••« •••"••• B O T H F » M O N C S •••'•••'•• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• ••••••• •••••••• •••• •••• Buy Your Meats at The Empire Market I •••••••• •••••••• •••• Where you always get the best jjij •••• J. H. HERMSEN, Prop •••• . • • • •- • " • - ^ - • • - " ' - - - • • • - 1 ' . - . . . . . . . •••• •••••••• •••• •••••••• ••••••• gt; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS The Surprise Store L. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor Deales in Shoes, Clothing, Spectacles, Jewelry and all kinds of Gent's Famishing Goods TWO STORES: 611 W. Holly Dock and Holly Sts Phone Main 143 1234 Elk Street Whatcom Dye Works J. J. VAUGHAN, Prop. Does the Best Work Bellingham, : : Washington RIP SAW ! RIP SAW ! RIP SAW ! BANG ! ! We belong to the Auto Gang. Are we in it ? Well I should smile. We've been in it all the while. How did you get in it ? By patronizing the UNION AUTO CO. Phone M 145 1105-1107 Elk St The ANNUAL NUMBER of Your School Magazine will contain ILLUSTRATIONS seethe... North Coast Engraving Co. for the Engravings (Cuts) Prices Reasonable—Quality Guaranteed. Bellingham ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xvi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Buy the best Oranges from your grocer, the Famous Gold Buckle Sunkist Oranges Premiums given for the Wrappers BELLINGHAM FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO. Inc. Successors to BELLINGHAM COMMISSION CO. 1221, 1223 Railroad Avenue - - Bellingham, Washington If you picnic, motor, sail, fish or hunt, let us put up your lunch Wilson - Nobles - Barr Company Fancy Groceries : Delicatessen O J H Y EMB A Y O E M B N ? Brotherhood of American Yoemen DES,0 VWA,BS THE YOUNG FRATERNAL GIANT Issues Certificates Paying I,ess Expectancy Deduction Cash at Death $1,000 $2,000 ^3,000 Cash for Loss of Hand 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Foot 250 500 750 Cash for Loss of Eye 250 500 750 Cash for Broken Arm 100 200 300 Cash for Broken Leg 100 200 300 Cash for Total Disability 500 1,000 I1500 Old Age Disability Yearly after 70, for 10 years 100 200 300 You dont' have to die to secure benefits. Insures men and women from 18 to 50 years old. The Yoemen Reserve guarantees permanency and future low cost. Have it explained now. Mrs. O l l a W i l l i a m s , M 2313. 23i-2ist St. F. Stanley Piper Thos. H. Carder PIPER St CARDER ARCHITECTS Phones A 435—M 429 .. 451-2 First National Bank Bldg., Bellingham Get Your Easter Flowers of BARKER—R LOR I ST 131 West Holly Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xvii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS 1 HURRAH FOR SUMMER!! NOW is the time, GET IN THE SWIM and fix up your old camera or get a new one and learn to use it before that camping trip or mountain climb. W E Sell Cameras : : : : : : : : I ^ Teach You How : : : : : : : J. Develop Your Films Free : : : : : | Take Pride in Good Finishing. T R Y U S O P E N A T N I G HT B B L L I N G H A M P H A R M A CY Main 167 122 E. Holly : : A 167 See us for I^GCJs, L a e e GQrtairjs, P o r l i e rs or anything in r^A]VQe3 or? Fur?]HiTUi?e We buy, sell or exchange new or second-hand Th)e Jer)l5ir)s-|3oys ©o. Elk and Chestnut .' .' 10th and Harris Main 758 Home B 158 Buy your Meats from the P. P. MEAT CO. Successors to the Palace Meat Market This is the place you get what you want, when you want it 1310 Commercial Street O. C. ARMSTRONG CO. The Robber Stamp Factory •• NIFTY PRINTING •• Programs Invitations Visiting Cards Phones B 391 M 973 - . . . 1122 Elk Street ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xviii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Registered Agents for the Sealshipt Oysters IRELAND lt; PANGOAST 1321 Commercial St. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruit, etc. Ferndell Brand of Goods Our Specialty E. K. Wood Lumber Co. SOUTH BELLI NGH AM Complete house bills furnished. Special rates on short Drop Siding and Ceiling — lengths 4 ft. to 9 ft. : : : : FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT OFFICE VICTOR A. ROEDER, Prest. F. F. HANDSCHY, Cashier WH. G. BROWN, Vice-Prest. H. P. JUKES, Asst. Ca»hier The Bellingham National Bank B E L L I N O H A M . DQASHINOTOK CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS 4260,000.00 This Bank is pleased to accommodate with its excellent service the students of the Normal School UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY "Everytnina In Printing that is Good" S. B. IRISH a. CO. Priiptiipg :: Erpgraviipg Liegal Blanks We make a specialty of Engraved Cards and Wedding Stationery 1311 Railroad Avenue - - - Phone Main 282 ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xix] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS ntffHiffhifcc— piain'practjca| T r a i n i n g in the essentials of business success, the Bel-lingham Business College has no peer either east or west. I 3 U ^ I N K i C I O J ^ E L C iF There's a reason—sound courses, thorough methods, success­ful graduates. An Aggressive School for Progressive People 1318)^ BayStreet Telephone M 1564 Opposite the Fair A 465 SALT MEATS GAME IN SEASON J. B. FRANK CENTRAL MARKET Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton and Lamb. Shipping Supplied Phones M 858—A 373 1017 Elk Street, Near Morse Hardware Co. Bellingham Washington Lecture Course °f 19l° and 19n JUDGE BEN LINDSEY, APEIL 15 CHAMP CLAKK, May 3 SEASON TICKET $1.75 - SINGLE TICKET 75© ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xx] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS Special Inducements t0 se t acquainted. : : In FURNITURE, RUGS, STRAW MATTING and everything in the H0USEFURN1SHING line . . Give us a call "We sell for less" Knaack Bros. 1320 Commercial Street Successors to F . A. Alexander .. KNAACKS have a KNACK of pleasing you .. FARM FOR SALE This farm is even better than it listens and it listens more like a snap than any you have read for some time. $6,400—120 Acres; nearly all fenced with woven wire; on county road; % mile from school; about 50 acres clear without a stump, in pasture and winter wheat; balance all slashed, burned and in pasture; 2 fine, never failing wells; excellent orchard; new plastered house; large barn; one good team; 4 cows; 2 hogs; lots of chickens; 70 head of fine sheep, besides lambs; 2 wagons; 1 buggy; 3 sets of harness; all kinds of farm implements. Price only $6,400, one-half cash. This place will make good when you see it. B A N N E R R E A L T Y C O . Bellingham, Wash SWEET GROCERY CO. Reliable Dealers in Groceries, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables "Sealshipt" Oysters Fresh Every Day 1021 Elk Street .' .' .' Both Phones 217 It matters not particularly what other eats you have at your "feed," if you have the Royal Dairy Ice Cream. We have all Creamery Suppiles : : • • • ROYAL DAIRY CO. M 46 A 746 ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxi] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS NORTHWEST HARDWARE Co. Wholesale and Retail SHElip R^D HEAVY Hfl^DWflf?E 213-215 West Holly Street - - - Bellingham, Washington YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED MAGAZINES AND STATIONERY Elk Street Pharmacy Postoffice Station No. 5 Phones Main 884—B 234 - - Cor. Elk and Maple S T U D E N T S T A K E N O T I CE MONTGOMERY'S I s t b e p l a c e to bGy yodr FGel or get yoCir Trdrjkjs baCiled . . PHONES 125 - - 1417 R. R. Ave ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS WO L L, F I T S G L A S S E S A C C U R A T E LY 209 West Holly Street Glasses Repaired : : Factory on Immediately : : Premises Columbia Bakery TRY OUR PIES AND CAKES The Best Pastry in Town Cream Puffs a specialty on Saturday 25c. per doz. "Cleanliness and Quality," Our Motto 1309 Elk St. Phone Main 984 O. W. RIDDER While attending --—«v gt;, C "\ We teach Pitman, the Normal ar- f ' —• gt; gt;/'^ ] fl » /V**~~~~~-S\^~~im gt;*. Graham and Gregg range with us to f 7^ J r**-—A^ \ "' \ Shorthand, Office take a course in ^ s ^ ( ^ /^As^f ^^ S ^~, sisn) f/ I Practice, Book- Shorthand, Type- ( ^jyvxfi/*^J/r/^Jrfl/2 I keeping and Fine writing, Bookkeep- V —^^^ySjps Z~JC1^C/ S V4LS / Penmanship ing or Penmanship \ —-" gt;' S Send for Catalogue \^^^^ S Phone M 786 A 684 The Leading Business School of the Northwest Jack Martin's Waffle House 1221^ Dock St. Opposite Byron Hotel E. H. Stokes Lady Assistant Telephones Main 254 . ' A 254 A G Wickman STOKES WICKMAN UNDERTAKERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS 1146 Elk Street Office Open Day and Night Bellingham, Wash Mt. Baker Grocery C. GRUE, Proprietor 429 West Holly Street - Phones: Main 423—A 612 Sehome Hand Laundry A. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor 930 Elk Street - - Phones: Main 2532—A 646 ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxiii] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS =% Larson's Livery and Transfer ESTABLISHED IN 1 8 05 lt;? = ^ * WOOD and COAL HACKS AT ALL HOURS HEAVY TRUCKING FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A SPECIALTY gt; gt;=H( EXPRESS and PRAYING » BRICK STORAGE ROOMS FIRE PROOF BUILDING AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AMBULANCE. BAGGAGE HAULED DAY OR NIGHT AT DAY PRICES. ^ W. B. LARSON, Manager 1328.30 ELK STREET Phones: flain 70; Home, A 670 4 ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxiv] ---------- ADVERTISEMENTS R. S. SIMPSON JOHN L. THOMAS Bellingham THOMAS SIMPSON Loans Real Estate Insurance Mortgages for Sale Washington H. I,. MUNRO E. N. HASKBtl. MUNRO HASKELL Hardware, Tinning, Plumbing, Heating 1163 ELK ST. Telephone Main 12 A 312 - BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON S R E C I A L_ Tfpe Little Stadent Photos 50c. F gt;EZR Just the thing for exchanging with your Normal friends PORTRAITS OUR SPECIALTY SANDISON STUDIO 128^2 W. Holly St. . . . Phones: A 071—M 989 Try 01st way of examinig the eyes You'll find it different than that of the ordinary opticians—it is decidedly more thorough and scientific. We guess at nothing, but test each eye by every method known to science before deciding upon the lenses needed. Try our way of examining the eyes. T T " D T I M 3 T S M \ I Q OPTOMETRIST X*tm l^fm XDJZ gt;JrvJZ gt;JLN.C2 O P T I C I AN SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxv] ---------- 1 9 11 SUMMER SESSION STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Bellingham, Washington Jtme J2—Six Weeks—July 2\ S Work will be offered in (a) Reviews in Common Branches (b) Advanced Academic Subjects (c) Professional Subjects (d) Practice Teaching (e) Industrial Lines, such as Drawing, Manual Training, Cooking, Sewing, etc. EXPENSES Library Fee for Summer Session $6, (one-half refunded). Board and Room in Edens Hall $4 per week. Meals alone, $2.75 per week. Rooms furnished for light house­keeping may be rented near the school for $1.25 to $1.50 per week OPPORTUNITIES (1) To Review for Examination (2) To Renew Second Grade Cer­tificates (3) To Work for Credits toward Graduation (4) To take Special work in Elect­ive Subjects Literature Free s* I E. T. MATHES, g Principal ---------- Messenger - 1911 April - Page [xxvi] ---------- Please ]Mote Jast Tl^ree Tfyngs This store—the most complete clothing and haberdashery store for men, young men and boys in town — is rapidly building a large business on these three principles: 1—Prices lower than else­where. 2—Quality always the best. 3 — Money back if anything goes wrong. Don't you want to trade in such a store ? We Sell ADLER—ROCHESTER EDERHEIMER-STEIN SOPHOMORE and GRIFFIN CLOTHES FOR MEN S U I T S $ 1 2 . S O UP XTRA GOOD BOY'S CLOTHES GORDON $3.00 HATS FROLICH=CAMPBELL CO. Elk and Holly Sts., Sunset Block. Two EntrancesPPPPP