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100 years of challenge and change : Whatcom women and the Bellingham YWCA

1 0 0 y e a r s o f c h a l l e n g e a n d c h a n g e ANd THE Lynne M asland WHATCOM BELLINGHAM YWCA Lynne Masland
bellingham ywca and the whatcom Lynne Masland In Honor of the Bellingham YWCA’s Centennial Anniversary 1907-2007
4 ISBN-10: 0-615-22573-X ISBN-13: 978-0-615-22573-9 Published by the Bellingham YWCA 1026 North Forest Bellingham 98225,…
5 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e 5 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L…
6 Kathryn Anderson, a professor of history and women’s studies at Western Washington University’s Fairhaven College, tells of…
7 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e Written to celebrate the YWCA of Bellingham…
8 Highlights of YWCA History 1855 - Young Women’s Christian Association founded in London 1858 - YWCA movement arrives in…
9 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e 1998 - dorothy Place, transitional housing and…
1010 A well-dressed woman with her shopping bundle stops on the wood planked sidewalk along unpaved Holly Street, circa 1900…
11 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The scattered settlements around Bellingham Bay…
12 “singularly featured as it was with depression and disaster, fortitude and resourcefulness, and internal strife that…
13 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The Civil War had released many women from their…
14 Jane Addams Indeed, women in several western states had been able to vote in state elections since the 1890s: Wyoming…
15 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The Long road to Women’s Voting rights “Women’s…
16 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e 16 The Donovan House at 1201 Garden Street, owned by J. J. and…
17 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e Whatcom County Clubwomen “The club spirit is…
18 The New Whatcom Ladies Cooperative Society was formed in october 1895, when the state was still under “the most severe…
19 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e It is interesting to note the interlocking…
2020 Members of the Aftermath Club dressed in period costume for the club’s 54th anniversary in 1950. Alwina McCush is…
21 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e A Legacy of Leadership Sisters of St. Joseph of…
22 ella rhodes Higginson 1861-1940 “Her life bears witness to the changes and concerns affecting this community during the…
23 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e Helen Loggie 1895-1976 “Her art expresses the…
24 Women of the Aftermath Club 1895-2003 “They were a major influence on community life for 107 years,” Legacy Award…
25 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e YWCA: From Britain to Bellingham In 1855, the…
2626 New Whatcom Normal School’s Main building with Kibbe Pond, 1909. J. W. Sandison. Whatcom Museum of History and Art.
27 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e New Whatcom Normal School Leads the Way The…
28 New Whatcom Normal School YWCA members, 1911. Galen Biery Collection, Whatcom Museum of History and Art. Club members…
29 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e Bellingham YWCA Is Founded in 1907 The November…
30 In January 1907, the organizing leaders wrote to the state Association president, Mrs. Allen, asking Miss gage return to…
31 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The final organizing meeting took place on…
32 The Carnegie Library, near the intersection of Commercial and Magnolia, was the first temporary home of the YWCA. J.…
33 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The Carnegie Library and Tresize House on…
Typists Laura Eklund (left) and her sister Ella (right) at work in the Comptroller’s Office in Bellingham City Hall, now the…
35 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e employment Bureau Among one of the most…
36 Travelers Aid The crowds coming to Bellingham during the “great White Fleet” visit of May 1908 pointed to an unmet need.…
37 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e 37 BeLLinghAM YWCA The steamship Kulshan at…
38 reports tell of children traveling alone without supervision or money, of sick or foreign women who were particularly…
39 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The Larrabees Build the YWCA a Home on July 21,…
40 Women’s Christian Association feel now that they hold a high place in the real active life of the community. encouraged…
41 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The new YWCA home at Forest and Maple Streets,…
42 Frances Payne Larrabee Frances Payne Larrabee arrived in Fairhaven in August 1892 as the bride of Charles X. Larrabee,…
43 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The ‘Teens and Twenties With a stable home, the…
4444 Red Cross life-saving classes were a mainstay in the YWCA’s swimming pool by the 1920s. The high-flying diver is Miss…
45 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e When the swimming pool opened for use in April…
46 As a Girl Reserve I will try to be Gracious in manner Impartial in judgment Ready for service Loyal to friends…
47 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e Throughout the 1920s, the city of Bellingham held…
4848 In this photo, taken October 29, 1931 in the YWCA ballroom, domestic aide students learn how to properly set a table and…
49 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The great depression The great depression period…
50 operating with curtailed resources, YWCA staff and volunteers concentrated on helping needy women find what few jobs there…
51 BeLLinghAM YWCA 1 0 0 Y e A r S o F C H A L L e N g e A N d C H A N g e The Kumtux Business Girls Club held a banquet in…